Appearance Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birthday: 62nd day of Autumn, 493.
Birthplace: Ravok
Appearance: Luciana is a figure of contrasts. Her dark brown hair seemingly verging on black when paired against her pale skin and light greyish-green eyes. While of average height for a human female at 5'5", the curves she possesses speaks of a healthy upbringing and slight muscle lurks under delicate features proving that there is always that what meets the eye.
Character Concept Born and raised in Ravok, Luciana spent much of her childhood floating between the merchant and wealthy areas and is equally comfortable among both. While she is an artist at heart and at trade, she is fully aware of the activities that keep one from finding themselves at the wrong end of a blade or the slave market. Her art is always dedicated to Rhysol and the city he protects, often mixing seemingly chaotic compositions with beautiful color and elaborate delicate scenes.
Character History Luciana is the daughter of a woman steeped in the city's politics and a merchant father who runs an apothecary. Both gave her many lessons regarding surviving in the city of Ravok, and both fully supported her artistic talents. When she became age appropriate they apprenticed her to a master artist of Ravok, Dumann Pietri, whose work was cherished by the wealthy elite.
As she grew, Luciana slowly began to realize that her father may be dabbling in poisons more than healing remedies as the Galatos family are frequent patrons of his shop. Her mother meanwhile, supposedly a cousin to the family Valdinox, may or may not be an active member within the Black Sun.
Her tutor taught her the value of true art, her parents taught her the value of secrets and the benefit of always keeping others guessing as to your true intentions. These ideals she had taken to heart as she works towards making a name for herself with her artwork among the more wealthy citizens, though she has also begun to learn the intricacies of forging documents as well as learning the value of the information one can obtain while visiting the homes of her patrons.
Language Fluent Language: Common
Poor Language: Pavi
Skills Skill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Painting | 15 RB, 11 SP | 26 | Competent |
Drawing | 21 SP | 21 | Novice |
Writing | 8 SP | 8 | Novice |
Forgery | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Intelligence | 5 SP | 5 | Novice |
Lores Lore of Ravok Layout
Lore of Religion: Rhysol
Starter Package
1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt (black)
-Simple Skirt (black)
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat (black)
-Simple Boots (you guessed it, more black)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
A basic art kit - a gift from Master Pietri upon his declaring her ready to leave his instruction - including the following: 2 tiny/detail brushes
3 small brushes
3 medium brushes
1 large brush
Charcoal (10 sticks)
.5 gal of Paint Binder
Wooden Palette
High quality paint pigment in the following colors (.5 gal of each):
- A red with an orange bias (Cadmium Red)
- A red with a violet bias (Quinacridone Red)
- A yellow with orange bias (Cadmium Yellow)
- A yellow with green bias (Hansa Yellow)
- A blue with green bias (Cerulean Blue)
- A blue with a purple bias (Ultramarine Blue)
- White
- Black
(Total Value: 20gm 5sm 35cm) Housing Location: Ravok
House: Average Small Cubicle
An average sized, single room apartment with a bed, table, a couple chairs, wardrobe, and complimentary chamber pot.
Provided by the
Offices of the NHC.
Ledger Thread List
Summer 514
- 34th of Summer: Debts Unpaid | While working for a dear patron, Luciana has to deal with a rather... Unique distraction. | In Progress
- 65th of Summer: Simple Minds make for Difficult Subjects | A portait for a wealthy young woman tests Luciana's skills as well as her patience | In Progress
- 33rd of Spring, 511 AV: Adult Talk | A tale of Luc and Luci, how they met, and the trouble they caused | In Progress