Saraphina Skyglow
Knowledge :
Micellaneous :
Knowledge :
Micellaneous :
Lavine, if you come back, please message me in order to receive your grade.
➢ Saraphina - When a kelvic shifts, you do not hear a cracking of bones, nor do you witness the actual shift in itself. When a kelvic shifts, a lights shrouds the form from view and the kelvic borrows the other form, so like animal-human or human-animal. The whole process is also rather quick.
➢ Enthere - The kelp bar does not serve anything any other beverages, it only serves kelp beer. Please keep this in mind for next time.
➢ Saraphina - Kelvics do not have a point in time where they suddenly feel the need to bond. They always feel the need to bond, to connect with another.
➢ Make sure that you both deduct the beer expenses in your ledger.
➢ Over-all, not a bad thread, I look forward to seeing these two interact more.
➢ Enthere - The kelp bar does not serve anything any other beverages, it only serves kelp beer. Please keep this in mind for next time.
➢ Saraphina - Kelvics do not have a point in time where they suddenly feel the need to bond. They always feel the need to bond, to connect with another.
➢ Make sure that you both deduct the beer expenses in your ledger.
➢ Over-all, not a bad thread, I look forward to seeing these two interact more.
If you feel that I have left out something or made an error of some kind, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any questions or comments, again feel free to contact me. I don't bite, I swear. Also, remember to either delete your grade request or edit it as 'graded'.