Summer 43, 514
Alex woke to the sound of morning birds. He still didn’t know what kind of birds they were, but the calls were becoming familiar, and comforting. He laid in bed briefly, as the soft calls penetrated the walls to his room. He was in a good mood, he thought to himself, a small smile finding its way onto his face. Alex climbed out of the small bed in his small cottage, and got dressed for breakfast. He only had two sets of clothes, a felt set that he had recently bought. He was told that felt was water resistant, and that was always a nice thing to have in the swamp. Though if you were submerged in water, it really wouldn’t matter how water resistant your clothes were. But, he had been as careful as he could, and his clothes had survived so far. He wanted to look nice for meals, it was one of the few times a day that he came into contact with the people who ran the place. Those brief encounters were more than enough to put any mercenary on edge.
Alex walked up to the large, posh manor that housed the family that owned the land. He didn’t know who many there were, but it seemed an awful lot. There was plenty of room in that house for everyone of them to have their own room. It often hurt Alex’s head to think of that. It was completely opposite of what he had been born into, where the rooms were crammed so tight into the bowels of the castle that you could spend days without fresh air. And the torches could suffocate you if you weren’t careful- at least that was the legend. Alex met with one of the house slaves, who quickly produced a large plate of hot food, laden with myriad food common in Kenash. A thick grain meal, fresh cooked sausage and eggs. It was a meal that only a person in Kenash could enjoy with the abundance of crops, and livestock.
Alex enjoyed every bite of the meal, that the slaves had labored over all morning. Their hard work, and dedication showed, though he suspected if the slaves underperformed, they would not have a good day. He had been informed that Varya had a job for him, and while he found her absolutely terrifying, he was excited to have something to do today. He had been growing listless over the days with nothing to tax him. He finished quickly, within a few chimes and rinsed off his plate before returning it to one of the slaves at the house- who was no doubt excited to be cleaning up after other people.
He found Varya rather quickly. She was the loudest and meanest person that commonly interacted with the hired hands that did various jobs around the plantation. She was giving orders to another mercenary, who looked about ready to shyke his pants as the Myrian insulted his manhood while telling him to not fail his job. He sighed as she turned her attention to Alex. She waved him away, and motioned to Alex.
“How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.” she growled, the words cutting Alex more than he thought was possible.
He just kept quiet as she continued, “I’ve got a simple task for someone with a simple mind, I immediately thought of you.” she said rather unpleasantly. And Alex too was about ready to shyke his pants.
She handed him a sealed metal tube, and an odd instrument that Alex had seen before, but wasn’t intimately familiar with. “You know how to use a map, and compass don’t you?” she asked loudly, daring him to lie.
Alex clicked his tongue then shook his head, “No, I’m afraid not.” he answered quietly.
She stood there, stunned, like he had just struck her with an open hand. “Oh sweet Dira, you’ve got to be petching kidding me.”