Inquisitive by nature, Sianya would rather investigate a threat than eliminate it. She shares the Iyvess views of land dwellers to an extent-though she isn't openly hostile towards those who live above the water, she has no love for them. Sianya is fairly mellow most of the time and angers slowly. It takes a great deal to truly piss her off. Should someone ever drive her to that level, the Dhani woman would do everything in her power to exact revenge on them.
She can be sweet, but she can also be very blunt. It's rare for her to conceal or obscure the truth, for she believes everyone has a right to honest knowledge. This doesn't mean that Sianya doesn't know when to hold her tongue-believe it or not, she can, and she does a fairly good job of it unless her patience is wearing thin.
With a healthy curiosity about the world, Sianya seeks to learn everything she can before eventually finding and settling into her place. She is a dreamer, always preferring to think big, and possesses a very healthy imagination. This often leads to her zoning out of conversations, even while interested in the exchange.
She is deeply faithful to Laviku, and possesses respect for Eyris, Dira, Siku, Makutsi, Rak'keli, and Nysel. Sianya is also grudgingly respectful of Vayt, though she's wary of him and treads carefully when practicing poison crafting.
Sianya was born in Charbosi to Chieftess Tasessurislakos, leader of a small and nomadic den that spent most of their time traveling between the territories of the peaceful Charodae and the pirating Svefra. Like most Iyvess, she was raised by her mother, though she had the opportunity to meet her father on several occasions and respected him deeply. She has a half-brother,
Sarshassilivoss, who shares her father.
Sianya differed from her sisters, something obviously apparent early on in her life that continues to remain obvious today. Where her sisters yearned to hunt and fight, Sianya preferred to explore and learn. Naturally, the Dhani developed a fondness for the den's frequent trips from the Suvan to Charbosi.
It was on one of these trips that Sianya regretted for the first time in her hundred years of life her curious nature.
Two dens joined up, eager to prove their worthiness to Laviku, for the sea god instructed them on their next target. Little did Islakos or any of the den she controlled know that this target would prove fatal, for it had a taste for Iyvess.
Sianya along with her surviving den mates know nothing about the monster itself. They have hope that one day, their kin will be recovered. Until that day comes, her den is happy to build their numbers and train.
The violent end bothered the Iyvess, even though the creature was most likely responsible for the death of her mother and sisters. Sianya felt there had to be a better way to end the thing's life without leading her den into a massacre. So she did the best thing she knew to do.
Sianya studied.
Her pursuit of the knowledge their den needs to take down her mother's killer aligned perfectly with the greater call of the Iyvess to return to land. One can only read Charbosi's books so many times before there truly is nothing else to take from them.