AppearanceRace: Human
Gender: Male
Birthday: 15th of Spring, 490 AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva
Appearance: Tiorak looks like he has had a good life. As if it couldn't be seen by his stature alone, his presence is also brimming with energy that seems to run forever. What's normal for those of his blood towers over most individuals at 6'4'', but little in ways of mass keeps it together. His 170 lbs are something a wind could topple, to him anyway. As if knowing that's something that could and would be ridiculed if known, he wears much bigger clothes than what's suited for his build. Most people are deceived by such a simple disguise, and it helps him take care of his only serious complex. Hair is an unruly mess of brown, short and wayward sprouts and bangs, none of them shorter than a man's finger, but none reach past his jaw either. If he bothered with the mirror more, he'd also know that his eyes aren't gray as he claims them to be, but just a really pale shade of blue. There's usually no stubble to his face, but there are the occasional slips where forgetfulness beats habit.
Character ConceptConsidered hyperactive by most standards, he isn't in any way your usual bubble of happiness. The abundant surges of energy can only be contained when he's deeply focused on or entertained by something or someone. Even with this, focusing doesn't come too hard for him. The thing is, there is no slow with the man. Set at his own pace that beats most people by a mile, he'll do even the most sensitive of things with the pace and initiative of a professional. To match his speed and eagerness are his many failures born of pure rush, and he's very well aware of that. Even with it recognized, he can't help it. He'd rather do something twice quickly than once slowly. He isn't reckless, mind you, simply lacks breaks once he ventures into something. As if to match his habits, when he talks, he does so with at least twice the normal pace. This causes people to make him repeat his words, but even then he'll never do so in the same pattern. Besides his habit of speed, he's an ordinary person. He keeps to himself and does what must be done.
Character HistoryBorn to two revolutionary merchants of Zeltiva who thought that land transportation was the way of the future, Tiorak wasn't wanting for anything as long as business kept exploding. He grew up cared for and pampered, if a bit neglected in the way of personal attention from his parents. Given that he wasn't the first or the last child in the long line of offspring, in lack of a hands-on approach from his parents, he was offered free reign to roam around and discover many things that would've been otherwise off limits. In one of his many pursuits he discovered a sliver of magic. This reimancy thing was very new to him, and given the lackluster nature of his first element, it didn't take him long to accidentaly start setting stuff on fire. Sometimes it wasn't even an accident, but merely an impulse of pyromania which seemed to irrationally stem from his growing ability.
In this hasty nature, he had a fair share of accidents, but the one that drove him to years of wandering the continent was also caused by glorious fire. As he grew, so did his responsibilities. This was a double edged sword as for every chime it gave him purpose, it also stripped away the chances of playing with his new favorite toy – power. Haste mixed with deprivation spawned a fire once, and it spread wildly between the family's warehouses. He never really got to see the full brunt or its end, but it was bad enough for him to run away in shame while everyone still scurried around to put out the damn thing. Since then he has moved loads of times, each time shamed by an out of control fire accident. It never made him want to stop wielding it though. Ocassionally he'd send letters back home via tradeships and such, but he never stuck around one place long enough to recieve answers. That was all before Lhavit though. His self imposed exile found its end at the place where his magic was viewed as an everyday thing. He's slowly making a life for himself there while waiting for a reply to his last letter.
LanguageFluent Langugage: Common
Basic Language: Isurian
Poor Language: Fratava
Practiced: Common
SkillsSkill | EXP | Total | Proficiency |
Reimancy* | 30 SP | 30 | Competent |
Wilderness Survival (mountains) | 20 SP | 20 | Novice |
Acrobatics | 15 RB | 15 | Novice |
*fire, air
LoresLore of Lhavit Streetplan
Survival: Setting up camp
Possessions-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Skyglass)
-Brush (Skyglass)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Kina
Heirloom: Mother's favorite book - Adventures of Phineas Gelb (written by one of her friends and quite poorly)
HousingLocation: Lhavit
House: Standard Solar Wind Apartment.
LedgerPurchase | Cost | Total |
Starting | +100 Kina | 100 Kina |
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