solis while patroling the south eastern outskirts of the sitai plantation runs into some trouble
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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.
Moderator: Gossamer
by Solis on July 28th, 2014, 1:13 am
Summer 43 514
On the early morning of the fourty third of summer Solis was asleep in his bed the morning was quiet for kenash even if it was early there were always sounds to wake him up but he was awoken to a soft vibration to the right of his legs. Solis reached up touching his head as he sat up looking around his home then back down to the right of his legs seeing a small light brown cat with dull orange feathers around the kittens neck Solis remembered that he had gotten the little thing yesterday from a traveler he had helped on his way back from work. Solis gently touched the fur of the kitten smiling to himself "I think I'll name you...quill"Solis spoke softly as he lighty touched her feathers before Solis slid and stood up walking to his leather armor which he put on before grabbing his scabbard and bastard sword then toward his back pack which he emptied out most of the clothesand other items inside Solis put it on then pausing for a moment to remember everything he had to do that morning Solis grabbed his new light crossbow which was leaned against the wall then all the arrows on the table which was about ten and put the arrows in his backpack Solis put his crossbow I to its holster on his back. Solis then sat at his bed side he had cut open a fish and laid it out for the kitten Solis spent the rest of his morning deboning it and leaving all the meat for the quill who was awake stretching and walking around the house. Solis smiled "I gotta leave you here but I'll be back in a few hours "Solis said before he stood and left his home and headed toward the blood flower plantation.
On arrival to the plantation Solis was greeted by the view of the sunrise and the working slaves and the over seeing slavers and a few mercenarys here and there but Solis was quickly beginning to get use to the life as a mercenary even though this was only his second day he was starting to enjoy it. But he hadn't done anything besides patrol the area and that's what he assumed he would do today, Solis walked down to the blood flower mansion where the women who he took orders from Varya was looking out over the fields of slaves she looked at Solis " well I see you got a new toy you better make use for it you fool now for your work today you will go patrol the southeastern area of the plantation we've seen signs of rujaro in that area so please don't get killed"Varya said as she went back to overseeing the mercenarys. Solis was glad he didn't have to speak as he walked down the path walking past slaves and slavers trying not to draw attention to himself as he entered the south eastern area of the plantation he noticed most of it was not cultivated no crops or anything here it appeared to be all thick swamp but what could you expect from around kenash. |
Last edited by
Solis on August 14th, 2014, 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Solis - Player
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by Solis on July 28th, 2014, 10:55 pm
Summer 43 514
Hours after Solis was told to patrol the south eastern side of the blood flower plantation Solis was walking in the brush he hadn't seen any wild life besides a few birds so Solis paid no mind to a few noises in the trees nearby, Solis was standing just under a tree to get out of the sun it was the hottest part of the day the sun directly above, Solis needed to cool off from the heat he just wasn't use too the humidity and the heat of kenashian summers. Solis walked away from the tree he was under toward the soft sounds of the running river that ran through the blood flower plantation. Solis walked through the brush not running into much resistance just a few bushes and some slick terrain soon enough the river came into view and Solis looked up and down the river bank for any sign of the infamous granidiles he didn't see any but he did see faint signs of large marks on the river bank meaning one of those monstrosity's have been around the area so Solis would have to be quick as he walked down to the river bank crouching down sticking his hands into the water and splashing his face with the cold liquid before wiping his face with his forearm Solis stood up and started walking back to the tree he was under.
Once Solis arrived at the tree he had been at Solis saw something strange, several of the bushes in the area appeared to have a path leading somewhere and Solis had never went in that direction and Solis remembered the words he was told about how rujaro have been spotted in the area. Solis glanced down at his sword hilt but Solis dismissed the thought to draw his sword, Solis grabbed the crossbow which was in a holster on his back pulling it out and then digging in his backpack grabbing a crossbow bolt he wanted to have the crossbow loaded if he ran into anything even if it was just some sort of animal. |

Solis - Player
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by Solis on July 28th, 2014, 11:45 pm
Summer 43 514
Solis walked to moved to the brush as he held the crossbow bolt he hoped he would load it properly he had seen it done but he never did it himself and the person he bought it from instructed him on how to load it, Solis pulled the crossbow string back putting it into position before he slid the bolt into place taking almost a minute to double check if it was in a correct position before Solis felt the broken brush then moved time leaves aside revealing clear depressions of foot prints in the dirt. Solis knew by the prints that it could have only been a rujaro since no other mercenaries were stationed in the area and slaves weren't allowed this far away and they couldn't escape during the day not without slavers and mercenaries everywhere. Solis remembered going hunting with his father he had only went a few times but he remembered enough to hopefully track down the person who made these marks.
Solis followed the path for several minutes taking time to be extra quiet as he made soft steps and soon he came upon a small open area where two rujaro were standing talking in hushed tones about which direction to go. Solis aimed from within the green brush thanking his father quietly about being form the coglias clan with his brown hair and leather armor and light green arm he didn't stand out to badly in the brush as he aimed his crossbow at the smaller male rujaro he took almost thirty seconds to line up his shot before he shot the crossbow but his aim was off and the bolt landed into the back of the smaller rujaro's knee and in that moment several thoughts went through Solis's head he remembered being told from a early age that he may have to kill one day since he was brought up to be in the isurian military Solis always thought this is what was expected of him. Solis watched for what seemed like minutes as the arrow shot out of the crossbow and into the back of the smaller rujaro's knee he saw it slide through and stop one fourth of the way through Solis could tell it must have been poking through the other side he saw blood suddenly run down the back of the rujaros leg as the smaller man made a loud cry as his legs buckled as he fell to the side looking back toward the brush Solis then saw the larger rujaro watch his friend fall to the ground and he saw the bolt in his knee the rujaro turned in anger drawing his kopis and slashing at the brush in a blind anger. Solis saw the larger rujaro draw some type of blade Solis lightly tossed his crossbow to the ground nearby as Solis drew his bastard sword he saw the swinging blade it cut across his right arm leaving a cut between his elbow and shoulder Solis's eyes widened as he saw the slashing blade Solis grabbed the blade with his left arm as he held it walking out of the brush as the rujaro backed up not understanding the situation as Solis held his bastard sword in his right hand and the blade of the kopis in the other Solis suddenly pushed the bastard sword forward into the abdomen of the rujaro. Blood ran down from the wound as the rujaro looked at Solis then down at the blade as the rujaro fell back the blade coming out of him as he did so. Solis looked down at the rujaro he acted without thinking when he grabbed the blade and stabbed the rujaro almost on instinct Solis looked down at his red blade examining the bastard sword and the blood on it. |

Solis - Player
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by Solis on July 29th, 2014, 2:05 am
Summer 43 514
Solis held his bastard sword lifting it up into the light so he could see the dark red of the blood dripping from the blade he was mesmerized by the blood on his sword that he didn't notice the wounded rujaro pulling out a hand Axe getting ready to defend himself as he felt the ground trying in vain to get away as Solis looked at the wounded rujaro then at the dead one laying on the ground in front of him. Solis looked at the wound in the dead rujaro's stomach Solis pointed his blade at the dead rujaro stocking his blade back in the wound like a curious child he moved the skin aside as he looked in the wound it went all the way through the rujaro. Solis then looked at the smaller wounded rujaro as Solis walked towards him the rujaro slashed at the air "get away!!"the rujaro screamed as Solis got close he suddenly kicked the rujaro's hand Axe from his hand it going a few feet away Solis looked at the crossbow bolt in his knee "I'm sorry... But your gonna die.. My apologies please take a quick moment to ask for forgiveness from your gods"solis said as the rujaro gave up hope and shakily put his hands together and started praying Solis stared at the rujaro he wasn't thinking and he didn't care what happened he was still thinking about the blood on his sword.
Once the rujaro finished praying he closed his eyes and waited knowing it was hopeless he wouldn't be able to make it far with his wounded knee, Solis suddenly brought his sword up to his side ready to swing Solis suddenly swung his bastard sword cutting his legs with deep cuts as blood gushed from the wounds Solis acted quickly as adrenaline pumped through his veins Solis slid his bastard sword in his scabbard as he knelt down looking at the runaro Solis then looked down at his bleeding legs Solis slowly touched his wound as Solis looked at the rujaro Solis started smiling like a child who received a new toy, solis grabed both of the rujaros hands which were still together from praying Solis squeezed them hard the rujaro's bones shattering as Solis got down holding him down with his left hand as Solis started beating him, Solis broke every single rib of the rujaro as Solis looked at the crying begging rujaro "please.." The rujaro pleaded as Solis acted without thinking, without any emotion, solis grabbed the flesh of the rujaro's stomach pulling it hard as the flesh gave away and blood pouring out of the wound, solis then looked at the wounds he inflected at his legs as he stuck his hand in the wound wrapping his hand around the bone the rujaro screaming "PLEASE STOP!!" he screamed as solis broke both of his legs starting with the left before breaking both " it hurts it hurts!" He cried tears running down the young man's face "kill me!!"he screamed as Solis grabbed the skin of the mans chest digging his nails into the rujaros skin when Solis slowly pulled ripping parts of the mans skin away and soon enough Solis looked at the man he would give him mercy as Solis touched his head and suddenly started slamming it into the ground with his left arm and soon the rujaro was dead blood leaking from his skull. Solis sat there looking at the corpse his arm covered in blood Solis just keeped looking at the corpse for almost a hour before Solis stood up and looked through the body's to see if he could find any valuables which he found nothing. Solis grabbed both of the corpses by their arms and dragged them through the brush leaving them by the water knowing something would eat them eventually but Solis did retrieve his crossbow bolt from the smaller rujaro. Solis felt nothing after killing the rujaro but all he could think about was the look on the smaller rujaro'snface as he hurt him. Solis soon cleaned up washing the blood away as he went back to the spot where he killed both of the rujaro he grabbed his crossbow putting it in its holster and the crossbow bolt in his backpack. Solis grabbed both of the weapons the rujaro had he examined them finally being able to think "I'll leave them here these are worthless"Solis spoke as he swung and planted both the hand Axe and the kopis in the tree and then Solis looked at the blood left by the smaller rujaro solis then made his way quickly back to the blood flower plantation. |
Last edited by
Solis on July 30th, 2014, 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Solis - Player
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by Solis on July 29th, 2014, 2:40 am
Summer 43 514
Solis arrived at the plantation the day had ended and he went to report his activities to Varya she was inside the mansion looking over some papers when Solis came inside the mansion he stank of blood and a bit of red still remained on his armor. Varya looked at Solis "what happened I want a full report this instant!"Varya growled as Solis went over how he ran into two rujaro and what happened, Varya listened on how he killed the two rujaro and she was especially intrested in listening how he prolonged the death of the smaller rujaro" good job teaching those scum a lesson!"Varya laughed as she dismissed Solis And his day was over and Solis made his way home stopping by a small store to buy a few bowls cups and plates before going back to his home where quill was awake walking around the home she ate all of the fish that was left for her. Solis smiled as he got home and changed into his other set of clothes he sat down and stroked quills fur " hey... Quill how was your day"he said as quill purred laying in Solis's lap Soon enough Solis went to bed for the night. |

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by Timothy Mered on December 18th, 2014, 10:13 pm
Your Righteous Reward!
Unfortunately you're not eligible to receive your grades as you need to update your ledger to include your seasonal expenses. Once you've done that, PM me and I will put up your grades. Good luck!
Note: the password is cheese. Same thing as with the other thread. There really is no issue with your choice of words, but the posts become hard to read as your sentences keep dragging on and on like this one which makes it more like a stream of consciousness which is another art-form in of itself and the problem with that is that you get lost in the sentence.
Now that you've read that ^, do you still know what the password was I gave at the beginning?
If not, that's why you might want to try and avoid long sentences. The reader will forgot what you said just a minute ago because they are lost in the current sentence. If you need any help with this, feel free to contact me, I'd be happy to help.
If you have any questions, concerns, remarks, or comments regarding the grade, please send me a PM and we can work something out.

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