by Loghan Slater on July 31st, 2014, 4:24 pm
Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 38 Birthday: 36th of Autumn, AV 475 Birthplace: Sunberth
Appearance: Loghan stood around five foot eleven, give or take an inch . His build looked hauntingly unpleasant, it was a wiry frame that had been subjected to infrequent feeding, intense labour and more depraved vices. All this meant that most clothes hung loosely off his meagre frame. He was a stern man, something reflected in grim, brooding face that required ale, weed or violence to crack into a smile. Underneath a deep brown brow a pair of dull, cold brown eyes that would often stern unnervingly down at people. His skin was of a fair complexion, and despite his age he appeared like he had witnessed more summers than he had because of deep set wrinkles and small scars around his face.
His hair was thick and dark, it was rarely clean or trimmed so after a long time it would grow thick and straight from his head to form a ruffled nest atop his crown. His strong jaw was adorned with a dark brown goatee, perhaps the only part of his appearance he took pride in as it seemed to always be meticulously cleaned and combed. Rough stubble would often be found covering the rest of jaw though it was often shaved before it developed into anything considered a full beard.
Character Concept
Loghan is a born and bred Sunbethian, which meant he was aggressive, paranoid and hated authority figures unless they were throwing Mizas at him. He was raised with the belief that there is no such thing as a free gift, that strangers weren't to be trusted, and outsiders were nothing but trouble.
He had been a lookout, a mercenary, and a pit fighter. So needless to say he had a love for danger, money and violence. To be fair, few mercenaries didn't do the job for the Mizas and after twenty or so years they couldn't claim they didn't love the danger of the job. And if you don't enjoy violence then you're not gonna last long.
In Sunberth, life is all about seeing the changing of seasons and as such Loghan inhabits a grey moral area. He believes that if the decision he makes increases his chances of making it then it is justified though other people seldom see it that way.
Character History
Pre-Creation History
Loghan Slater was born on the 6th of Autumn, AV 475 in the city called Sunberth. He was a result of the union of Gareth and Meghan Slater, an odd couple mostly because Meghan was a fairly butch looking pit fighter and it was said that any man who fought with her and managed to walk away was no longer a "whole".
His father on the other hand was someone very unwelcome in Sunberth, a mage. Even more unfortunately he was present during the year AV 454 and the fourteen years that followed. During this time a crazed mage known as Obal reigned, oppressing the people of Sunberth until one day he was overthrown by Ordreck and Olsten. When the revolution finally came into effect it was a very dangerous time to involved with magic so while Gareth rarely advertised his specialization one day he was forced to disappear. Still to this day Meghan does not know whether he is alive or not.
His decision may have been changed if he knew that Meghan was in fact with child. The years afterward were difficult, in truth she was not meant to be a mother, she had neither the patience or kindness to raise Loghan in a way most would consider "right" so she raised him her way, amongst the pits.
He spent more time in the pits than a child ever should but he had been dealt his hand so he went all in. In the years to come he would of his terrifying mother to shed blood in the pits until he became an adult.
Throughout his life he had never thought much of his father. The city of Sunberth was bleak and harsh so many families found themselves missing members that had been claimed by the city he had just assumed he was another one. His mother though told him the truth and in fact encouraged him to leave Sunberth in a vague attempt to find both his place in the world and his father.
Loghan didn't, he felt nothing for whoever his father may have been and instead remained in his city, sealing his career as mercenary.
Post-Creation History |
Last edited by
Loghan Slater on August 5th, 2014, 12:44 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Hey, I gave it a shot but I don't think Mizahar is for me. Sorry for everyone I'm leaving hanging but I'm just not enjoying it like I do on other sites. Happy writing all.