“Ah, I see, so YOU’RE, the upstanding citizen then, come to protect this ‘ere lady from the likes of me. Thanks for clearing that up.” Arvo replied as the clown made some big hand gestures and accused him of being a bilker. “But since anyone trying to help another out MUST have other motives, does that not include you?" Seriously, this was ridiculous. From the looks of it, and by what Jessor said next, the two of them barely knew eachother. This was later confirmed when he mentioned catching her drunk. This was already looking to be not worth the effort. Jessor was gorgeous, and he definitely wanted to seduce her, but with this asshole here draping his arm around her shoulders, it was going to be a lot more difficult.
Jessor spoke once they’d finished, finally finding her voice and declaring Arvo was trying to help her. This brought on more laughter from the man standing too close to her, and then he leant down to whisper something into her ear. Arvo didn’t quite catch it, but it was pretty obvious he was talking about him.
Arvo’s patience with the man were wearing thin, but he couldn’t let that show. The Inarten in him probably would have, but that side of him had been severed, and for good reason: The Inartens were some of the most reckless, hotheaded cretins on the planet, and that blunt attitude would not go so well for him here in Sunberth. “Oh right. So you met ‘er drunk at a bar and now you're her sworn protector, yeah?” Arvo chuckled dryly “My name has already been thrown, aint my fault you didn’t catch it. Besides, You aint given me yer own name.”
Arvo shifted his weight from one foot to another, watching the man’s reactions as he continued with his light-hearted tone-of-voice. “To answer your question, we met just now. And yeah, it’s pretty obvious she’s new to the city.” He looked at Jessor “No offence” He added with a shrug. Still looking at Jess he motioned for her to come look at the weapons on sake “Knuckledusters, you said yeah? I need some stuff too, so come, and we’ll ask” He suggested, hoping to provide her an oppitunity to get away from the Vagik’s slimy mitts.