Yuri Lehrer found himself enjoying one of his more recent pastimes... wandering the city of Zeltiva after dark in full combat dress, something which he had found himself doing more often lately as he had a lot of spare time on his hands, normally this was occupied by honing his skills, or by completing any tasks he was hired to perform, but overall it left him with plenty of time to kill. Not really paying attention to his surroundings, Yuri let his feet carry him wherever they may; he momentarily tried to place himself on the mental map he was constructing, pausing while he did so, when he failed, Yuri shrugged and continued to follow his feet.
At one point, finding himself in a mostly unfamiliar area, Yuri looked around wondering what he would find, this turned out to be nothing more than a couple of copper rimmed mizas, which he left where they were in case someone, however unlikely, was looking for them. When he backtracked to the original path he had been taking, Yuri wondered where he might end up when his feet chose to stop their movement which dictated neither rhyme nor reason with the present path they were taking.
It happened to be at that particular moment Yuri’s feet decided to stop, looking up, he found himself outside the World’s End Grotto, a place he had seen and occasionally been inside, pondering the reason his feet had brought him to this place Well, I don’t think that I’m thirsty, but my feet might know better, or they brought me here so I would be able to sleep in a bed which isn’t situated in the wilderness? Shrugging to himself, Yuri opened the door to the inn, and found his senses assaulted by different stimuli, his nose was inhaling the scent of all of the different foods being consumed and prepared, his eyes were treated to a generally jovial scene, and his hearing detected many different conversations at once all die down as he entered.
When he shut the door behind him, some of the conversations had started up again, other people were still looking at him, wondering what he might be doing there, as he made his way over to the bar, they looked away and continued their conversations, seemingly satisfied as to his intentions for the night. When he arrived at the bar, Yuri asked if it would be possible to get himself a drink of plain water, the barkeep replied that it would cost him a couple of copper mizas, which he produced promptly. When Yuri was given his drink, he drank it slowly, enjoying the refreshment that it gave him after his walk, when he was done he gave the barkeep back the glass he had been using, kindly refusing the offer of another drink.
At this point, Yuri felt like exploring the establishment and asked the barkeep if it would have been OK, he was told it would be fine, as long as he didn’t enter any of the patron’s rooms, without permission. Looking for the easiest path through the groups of tables and patrons, Yuri made his way through, interrupting a couple of conversations as he went, he apologised and continued on, before long he found himself at the stairs and proceeded up them.
When he reached the top of the stairs, Yuri turned around and was greeted with a view of the first floor from up high, sighing inwardly he continued with his turn until he was facing the rather plain looking doors to the set of rooms on the second floor. Yuri made his way up the hall until he heard the sounds of sobbing or crying emanating from one of the doors, taking a step towards the door in question, he knocked gently a few times and called out in a soft, friendly tone “Is everything OK in there?” Yuri stood there, wondering if he would get a reply.