Summer 84th 514 AV, ??th Bell
Location: ???
Sounds... there were sounds as Ricky felt himself slip on down, he had drifted away into an endless deep quite a while ago. Only now... now he hadn't a clue where he was. Soft gurgle noises could be heard all around as though he were underwater, yet even so he was still able to breathe the air as no hint of moisture clung to it. Where had he sunken to? Or fallen to? Did he fall? No... He felt as though he dove within. Deeper and deeper as the plunge took him so far down, until at last he felt his body turn over to where he no longer plummeted head over heals. Now he drifted downward on his back, his limbs stretched out apart as he felt the very fabric of air move all around him. Once opened his eyes all he could see was darkness, a thick rich darkness so heavy that even the blind wouldn't wish to ever see. What exactly was this black depth he'd found himself fallen into? He didn't know. There were no answers nor any need to question it, for he felt something quite odd here that he'd never felt before.
As his sluggish everlasting descent finally slowed to a halt, his feet naturally drifted below him as he landed on something firm.... though he couldn't see what. His landing led him to be on one knee at first, his bearings finally came into a grasp as he looked up all around him. Darkness. Nothing but everlasting darkness within, as he could only rise to stand tall with high curiosity. What was this place? What did he feel underneath his feet? In his body? Something foreign to him coursed through his limbs, it was a feeling he'd never knew existed and yet..... felt so familiar to him at the same time.
Confused the fisherman took a step forward, his gaze fixed on the impenetrable darkness before him, that it until a flash came from underneath his foot to reveal a bright light underneath. Bright and mysterious this light grew and expanded outward from beneath, his sight blinded for a brief moment as he shielded his eyes with his wrists. This light he must've stepped on grew and split outwards, and created a strange and unusual looking glyph that spanned all around Ricky. Yet the glyph and the symbols had the same sense of familiarity as this place, even though it was an area Ricky never believed to have visited before. When he could finally look around once more, he could see that the entirety of the darkness had been lit, the glyph and symbols all around bright as their glimmer gave off smaller light particles that danced about in their own gentle way.
Step forth... closer to the light.... Can you do it?....
The voice he heard seemed so far and so distant, as it were a mere echo on deaf ears. Yet still he heard it as its traces came from all around, yet examination of his surroundings proved that he was the only one here. With a gulp of anxiety Ricky listened to the voice that called to him, and took several steps further into the center of this light.
Summer 84th 514 AV, ??th Bell
Location: ???
As his sluggish everlasting descent finally slowed to a halt, his feet naturally drifted below him as he landed on something firm.... though he couldn't see what. His landing led him to be on one knee at first, his bearings finally came into a grasp as he looked up all around him. Darkness. Nothing but everlasting darkness within, as he could only rise to stand tall with high curiosity. What was this place? What did he feel underneath his feet? In his body? Something foreign to him coursed through his limbs, it was a feeling he'd never knew existed and yet..... felt so familiar to him at the same time.
Confused the fisherman took a step forward, his gaze fixed on the impenetrable darkness before him, that it until a flash came from underneath his foot to reveal a bright light underneath. Bright and mysterious this light grew and expanded outward from beneath, his sight blinded for a brief moment as he shielded his eyes with his wrists. This light he must've stepped on grew and split outwards, and created a strange and unusual looking glyph that spanned all around Ricky. Yet the glyph and the symbols had the same sense of familiarity as this place, even though it was an area Ricky never believed to have visited before. When he could finally look around once more, he could see that the entirety of the darkness had been lit, the glyph and symbols all around bright as their glimmer gave off smaller light particles that danced about in their own gentle way.
Step forth... closer to the light.... Can you do it?....
The voice he heard seemed so far and so distant, as it were a mere echo on deaf ears. Yet still he heard it as its traces came from all around, yet examination of his surroundings proved that he was the only one here. With a gulp of anxiety Ricky listened to the voice that called to him, and took several steps further into the center of this light.