GENERAL INFORMATIONWhat is your Name?Zhol. It used to be Zhol Emberwing, but I lost the surname when I
accidentally burned down left my pavilion in Endrykas.
Do you go by a nickname or pet name? noteAww, not "What is your quest?" 
Not by choice, though the Inarta often refer to me as
horse boy (in Nari). They see it as an insult, but
my favourite dearest closest someone I know uses it as a term of endearment, so I don't mind it too much.
How old are you?I turned 19 in the Summer of 514.
noteNot as cool as the Summer of '69
What is your height?I am six feet tall, or there abouts. Way taller than most Inarta, but still not as tall as my dad.
What is your weight?It is the force resultant from the Earth's gravity acting upon my mass. My mass is that of an average, tallish, slimish, muscularish, maleish person.
noteI have no idea, I am terrible at working out people weights.
AESTHETICSDescribe yourself as you see yourself.Utterly, utterly average. I'm tall, I suppose, especially for someone living in Wind Reach (the ceiling of the warrens gets a little too close to my head for comfort in some places), but nothing remarkable.
Describe yourself as others typically see you.Tall, slender, and quite blatantly not Inartan; but I don't look particularly Drykas either (technically I'm neither), which confuses people a lot when they find out I was born in Endrykas. I am relatively lean and fairly toned, but only because of my work (I don't work out, particularly). My hair is short and messy: it used to be longer and braided, but I cut it off myself, so it's not particularly styled.
What is your favorite body feature?I've been told I have nice eyes. If that's true... those, I suppose.
How physically fit are you?I eat a basic, healthy diet provided to me by the cooks at Wind Reach, which I supplement with the occasional treat from the market, but only rarely. Seven days out of every ten I work at the Skyhigh Stables, which involves a lot of lifting, a lot of riding, and a lot of time spent on my feet. I don't have the fitness or endurance of a warrior, but I'm in relatively good shape.
How do you typically dress and what is your style?I absolutely, categorically, do not dress like an Inartan.
noteWell, I might, but only if a particular someone were to ask me. >_>; There is no way I could do my job, or feel comfortable in my off time, walking around in baggy pants and no shirt. I wear simple, practical clothes that keep me covered, and shielded from any snags, scuffs, or dirt I might encounter over the course of the day.
FAMILYWho are your parents and what are they like?My father
is was the Ankal of the Emberwing pavilion. He took being part of the Ruby Clan very seriously, and encouraged all of his children to hone a craft; my ineptitude at that made me something of a disappointment and, after a fashion, is the reason why I am in Wind Reach rather than Endrykas. My mother was his second wife, and was a magical practitioner, who encouraged me and
my Dinah my twin to take up reimancy. She was harsh but kind, and I miss her.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?I have many, though there are only a few that count. Dinah is my twin, and she is the other side of my coin; I'm fire and she's water; I'm the heart and she's the head; leaving her behind was the most devastating part of being forced to leave Endrykas, and I miss her like a hole in my heart. Yahalla is the only sibling younger than me, and while she's the daughter of
Darda's first wife instead of my mother, she and I were always very close. The rest are... very much Drykas, and very much their father's children, so we never really got along.
What is your extended family like?In Endrykas, who was in your pavilion was mostly all that mattered. While I've left that version of my family behind, I have a new one in Wind Reach, of a sort. Drusilla the Symenestra calls me
Varda (brother), and has been looking out for me since the moment we met. She has another
Varda, Turrin the Endal, who I don't know all that well yet; but he's a man I respect and know I can trust. Then there's Khara who is... impossible to define, or describe; she's the closest person I have, though I think perhaps she means more to me than I do to her.
Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?I consider my close friends
as family. Just because we aren't related by blood or law doesn't mean we aren't kin. Family doesn't end with blood.
Do you treat animals like family?In Endrykas, Striders were part of the family; so yes, I can't help it. I don't have a horse of my own, but everyone at the Skyhigh Stables is something of a surrogate, annoying, four-legged cousin. Solo is probably the one I am closest to; sometimes I wonder if he's much smarter than he seems.
LOCATIONWhere were you born?Endrykas.
Where do you live now?Wind Reach.
If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?Wherever
Khara is my friends are.
Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?I have spent a lot of my free time at the Hideaway recently: the Inarta tend to avoid it, but the heat from the lava geyser doesn't trouble me too much; I like the quiet, the peace, and the solitude.
Where do you fear to be?Home.
TRAITSDo you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)Does the hole in my soul where my twin is missing count? No.
Are you right handed or left handed?Left-handed.
What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?I speak Pavi fluently, and am good enough with Common to hold a decent conversation. I struggle so badly with Nari though, and every time an Inarta has to speak to me in Common rather than their own language it fills me with an incredible amount of guilt. Drusilla has also started teaching me Symenos, but it will be a long time before I'm able to say much more than hello, I fear.
Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?I can set fire to things with my hands. Is that odd? I don't know if any of my habits are odd necessarily; though I suppose the Inarta do find it strange that I don't treat the lower castes like dirt. I don't see myself as "better", and even if I did I don't feel that gives me an excuse to treat them as if they are worth less than I am.
Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?I would have liked to have earned my Windmarks, but that is impossible now. I think that were I to get any tattoos, I would feel like a lie: I wouldn't want people to think I had Windmarks that I do not deserve.
OCCUPATIONSWhat is your occupation?I work at the Skyhigh Stables. Mostly I train horses: helping them grow accustomed to wearing a saddle; carrying the weight of a rider, or a pack, or a cart; teaching them how to react to commands; that sort of thing. I sometimes help Kami teach Inarta to ride as well, though usually I can only teach the basics: never having had a Strider of my own, my skills at riding a horse are considerably lesser than my skills at looking after them.
Do you like/dislike your work? Why?I spend all day with horses, who don't look down at me and sneer, and don't treat each other as inferior beings without any real cause. I would rather be at work than away from it, most of the time.
If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?I always wanted to make my father proud and become a crafter. If I was able to find some skill that I wasn't utterly terrible at, I would love to be able to spend my time creating.
What occupation do you admire the most? Why?Hunters and Scouts; especially in Wind Reach. They risk more and do more for the city than any other Inarta, and yet they are not afforded any exceptionally special treatment. Without them risking their lives in the perils of the Unforgiving, we would all starve; they deserve my admiration, and my respect.
What occupation do you least like? Why?Librarians and lore-keepers. It is not that I dislike them specifically; I just feel so naive and inferior by comparison that I avoid them as much as possible, to spare them the inconvenience of my presence.
CHILDHOODWhat sort of child were you?A disappointment, as far as my father is concerned.
What is your favorite memory from childhood?Dinah. It doesn't matter the time, or the place, or what happened; if Dinah was there, it is a good memory.
What is your worst memory from childhood?The day my father gave up hoping that I'd be anything but a failure as a son. Being exiled was a painful experience; but seeing the look in your father's eyes as he realises you won't ever amount to anything hurts far more than anger ever could.
What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?I think my father hated me; he was too disappointed to feel any other way. My mother was always sympathetic, but I think maybe she was disappointed too. Dinah always seemed to be better at everything; I was just the unfortunate side-effect of her birth.
Who was your most influential role-model?The Ankal of the Stormsinger pavilion was always nice to me. He didn't have to be; he barely even knew me; but he was. He was that way with everyone, cared about them as soon as he met them, and if I were to choose to be any particular kind of man, it would be a man like him.
EDUCATIONWhat sort of education do you have?There aren't many books in Endrykas - too much weight to carry - so most of what I learned about history and culture was spoken and memorised. I learned a lot about how important it was to respect and honour the Drykas traditions; but aside from caring for horses, I didn't really learn anything that I've been able to use outside of the city.
Do you like/dislike learning?I love to learn, not just about facts and lore, but about people and their emotions, what drives them and makes them who they are. I also love to teach and explain; I could spend an eternity conversing with another person and learning everything about them, if my body would allow me to do so.
Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?In Endrykas, mostly in the form of stories. My mother did try to teach me glyphing, but I always found it a struggle - another language I suppose. I'm always terrible with those.
How do you learn best?From my mistakes. I make them frequently, but I never make the same one twice. At least, not unless it's a really good mistake.
What are your educational goals for the future?I would like to learn a crafting skill, if I can find one I am not terrible at: mostly to prove my father wrong. I'm also hoping to learn more about magic; I have a rudimentary understanding of glyphing and reimancy, but shielding intrigues me as well. Also, Nari. I absolutely, categorically,
must learn to speak Nari.
RELATIONSHIPS IIDo you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?I do, yes. Why? Because life is loneliness, but having people close by helps you forget that for a while.
Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?Yes, perhaps too easily. I trust everyone, until they give me a reason not to; but if they do, I may never trust them again.
Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?I have never been in I have only ever loved one I'm not sure.
Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.No.
Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.No.
DRUGS AND ALCOHOLHave you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.Once. I drank too much, and vomited across my sister while trying to sneak back to my bedroll without anyone noticing. She was not pleased.
Do you like to drink on a regular basis?No, I don't really like the way it makes me feel disconnected from my surroundings.
What sort of alcohol do you prefer?The sweeter and fruitier the better.
Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?No.
What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.If people choose to use them, that is their prerogative. I generally choose not to, because I don't like feeling as if I don't know what is going on around me. I don't indulge; but I don't judge those who do.
LIKES AND DISLIKESWhat are your hobbies?I don't have any, unless you count practicing my magic, or trying to teach myself archery so I don't feel so out of place in Wind Reach.
Do you like to read?Yes, particularly if it is reading to learn.
What annoys you more than anything else?The way that the Inarta of lower castes treat me. I don't want them to respect me just because I'm an Avora: I would much rather earn their respect through my actions and deeds, and have them treat me like nothing other than a fellow human being.
What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?Braiding the manes of horses.
What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?Using the communal baths in Wind Reach. The Inarta are fairly liberal about seeing each other unclothed, whereas to my mind that is a fairly intimate act. I tend to bathe as late at night or early in the morning as possible, when people are there to bathe quickly and quietly; if I can find the baths completely empty, all the better.
FAVORITESWhat is your favorite color or colors?Khara's eyes Red? Green? I don't really know. In Endrykas I had to wear red because I was part of the Ruby Clan; I've never really chosen to have any possessions of my own, so having a preference for colour has never really seemed necessary.
What is your favorite time of day?Dawn. I always feel there's something hopeful about watching the sun rise.
What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?The way Khara looked at the Wind Tower, when it changed from Summer to Fall.
What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?I eat what I'm given by the kitchens. I don't have a particular preference. I like the squishy dumpling things they sometimes put in stew?
What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?Rain, because
I can't accidentally set fire to anything of how clean and refreshed everything feels afterwards. I love getting trapped in the rain; I love feeling that there's no escape from nature trying to drench me, and just surrendering to it and enjoying the sensation.
OUTLOOKAre you optimistic or pessimistic?An optimist. Or at least, I hope I am.
noteSee what I did there? Eh? Eh?What are your religious views?I don't think the gods and goddesses care about me personally, but I hope that they listen. I pray regularly, asking them to look after the people I care about, and aid them in their struggles.
Would you be able to kill?If they deserved it.
What are your views on sex?I'm waiting for
her the right person.
What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?Living it; reaching the end, and being glad you didn't waste it.
ACTIONSWhat is the worst and best thing you've ever done?I burned down my pavilion, rendered my family homeless, and got myself expelled and ostracised by everyone I ever knew: that was probably the worst. As for the best, I guess... I
met Khara saved someone who deserved it, once.
What is your greatest regret?Leaving Dinah behind.
What is your best/worst memory?Didn't you already ask that?
If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?I would stop myself becoming a reimancer.
What are you the most proud of doing in your life?Making my first friend in Wind Reach, after convincing myself that no one would ever want me as part of their life again.
EMOTIONSHow honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?I hate keeping secrets, but sometimes I have to for the sake of the people they concern.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?I hope not. I try to be as accepting as I can be, and to judge people by what they do, and not who they are.
What makes you happy?The company of the right person. Also, clouds that look like animals.
Who or what, if anything, would you die for?Anyone I care about.
What makes you angry?People being treated unfairly - whether that's cruelty, disrespect, undeserved advantages, or anything else.
RELATIONSHIPSIn general, how do you treat others?Well, I hope. I try to treat everyone as an equal, because I don't feel I have any right to regard myself as "better".
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?Khara. I don't really understand the reason why... I just know it's her.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?The Ankal of the Stormsinger pavilion. He is the kind of man that I try to be.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.Someone I love. I won't know why. I won't be able to explain it. I just will, and I'll know that she's her.
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?Drusilla. Apparently her venom can liquify people. I imagine that would be pretty effective as far as protection goes.
GROUP SITUATIONSDo you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?I only get into arguments on behalf of others. I won't stand up for myself, but I will fight to my last breath to defend someone who needs it.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?It depends on the person. I will take leadership if no one else will, but I am happy to follow the lead of another if there's someone more assertive or better qualified involved.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?I like large groups that I can get lost in; but I don't like having the attention of a lot of people at once. I think it's because the only times I've ever had mass attention have been negative; it makes me deeply uncomfortable.
Do you care what others think of you?Only the people I care about.
What do you think of others, in general?I love people, individually. I hate people as a group. Societies make stupid rules, that only seem to exist for the purpose of benefitting some at the expense of others, and then turn them into laws that you are forbidden to disobey. There are some days, and some behaviours, that make me wish I wasn't even a human being at all.
SELF IMAGEWhat is your greatest strength as a person?Hopefully my compassion. I care, perhaps too much, but I would rather have empathy towards a person than indifference.
What is your greatest weakness?I worry too much. The outcomes of anything I do are seldom as horrifying as my mind has previously imagined them to be.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?I would make it so my twin was here, and I didn't feel like part of me was missing.
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?I am extroverted, but introspective. I am always willing to share anything about myself that people wish to know; but in private I am always looking into myself and dissecting my myriad flaws.
Are you generally organized or messy?Organised. When you grow up in a city that moves once every season, you learn to be organised so you don't lose the precious few things you own.
BELIEFSWhat God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?If you had asked me in Endrykas, I would probably have said Zulrav: there is something awe-inspiring about winds and storms; about the way that they - like the gods - affect the world in ways that are easy to witness, but difficult to conceive and understand. Since moving to Wind Reach however, I have taken an interest in Ivak: while my own experiences can't even begin to compare to his, I feel like he is a god that would understand me, and empathise.
Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?Lhex. The other gods and goddesses seem to have their own rules, patterns, and predictabilities: but I never know what fate has in store for me, and that can be terrifying.
Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?I do not.
What lengths would you go to to please your deity?It would depend why they required me to go to any lengths at all. If it was something the gods asked for in return for saving or aiding a person I care about, I would do so in a heartbeat; but beyond that, it would depend who was asking, and what was being asked.
Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?I would like to think that I would not be willing to kill for a deity - or for any premeditated reason - but I'm not sure I will know where the line is until I have reached it.
LIFE & DEATHWhat do you absolutely live for?My family. Not the family that turned their backs on me in Endrykas; but my new family in Wind Reach, who I chose and who chose me.
What is the best part of life?New experiences, new discoveries, and new friends.
What is the best part of death?The possibility of a new life; a fresh set of challenges; a chance to avoid the same mistakes.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?Doing something that meant something, for someone who means something to me.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?Being someone who cared. I hope that everyone I care for knows that I do, and would remember that about me when I was gone.