Hello there! Lovely site, and I'm looking forward to getting to grips with my character, but I have a number of questions before I get cracking.
In brief, my character Mourn (Formerly Jakob Stillwater) is a physician/healer turned would-be warrior due to the rather traumatic event of losing his family in a fire, which was caused by a group of unsavoury types that blamed him for their crony not surviving, despite doing his best to save him. He attempts to pull his family from the flames, but is unsuccessful and suffers fairly severe burns to the face and up to his forearms before his neighbour manages to pull him to safety. Having lost everything he values, he turns to the sword and intends to see if he can't get some good old fashioned revenge. Trite, I know, but it appeals to me. I'll make it interesting in practice, I swear!
Question time. Apologies in advance for the sheer number of them, but I am loathe to dive in unprepared.
1) Due to his career as a physician/healer (Which would be the correct term?), Jakob would naturally possess quite acute knowledge of the human anatomy. Would this be shown as the lore Human Anatomy, or would it be a skill? I've seen it primarily done as the former, but there are some Character Sheets that do the latter.
2a) I'm toying with the idea of Jakob having had, and subsequently lost, a mark of Rak'keli. It fits with his life as a healer, and the poetry of it being taken from him when he turns his back on the oath in order to exact vengeance is too pleasing to pass up. Would this disappear only when he refuses to heal someone when he is able? Or is the intent of injuring someone severely/killing them sufficient for Rak'keli to revoke it?
2b) It mentions that Rak'keli is fairly liberal in granting her Gnosis, and it establishes in the Starting Package that there are a number of Gnosis that you need not provide a story for in order to receive them as a part of the Starting Package. Does hers qualify, or is a story necessary? If it is, what are some common reasons for her to grant it? Is merely dedicating oneself to healing others sufficient?
2c) The mark, I have read, tends to appear on the face. Due to the fact that Jakob/Mourn will have quite a lot of damage to his face from the fire, how will that affect the mark if it is present?
3) What city would it be recommended for Jakob to begin in, given the recent events described above? Somewhere that someone could set fire to a home and get away with it believably. As well, somewhere that he could learn to be a physician to respectable levels. I was considering Syliras, but I'm not sure it would be feasible considering how on top of things the Knights seem to be.
4) Are there any particularly 'bad' groups in Mizahar that would fit the bill of setting a physician's home and family alight merely because he couldn't save one of their ilk? I could just have them be a group of ruffians, but if there are any established factions for him to set himself against in the long term, that would be marvelous.
5) He intends to stay around where he is long enough to train in the various skills he'll need before he departs, and I intend to use an NPC of some sort to provide the instruction. Would it be permissible to create my own, and if so, to what level would they be able to train his skills to? If not, would Jakob have to pay the established NPCs for training? It would be fairly long term, as he isn't going to rush off half-cocked. He'll want to be as good as he can be before he departs.
6) Where would he be able to procure a mask, and for how much? He'll want to cover up the ruin that is his face and I'm not entirely sure how common they would be. The simple black leather mask is listed under larceny, but I'm thinking something more along the lines of the mask in my avatar, possibly metal enameled in white so it is quite sturdy.
7) What skills would you recommend he have, as a career physician? Medicine, Herbalism, Philtering and Poison are a given, but I may be missing others. He'll have a talent for it as well as having been trained from a young age, and practicing for a number of years. I imagine I'll have to do a number of Flashbacks to raise the respective skills to an appropriate level. Would Expert be fitting?
8) I intend to have him commission a sword forged for his use, that has his wedding band forged into it/incorporated into it somehow. First and foremost, are wedding bands a thing in Mizahar? Secondly, does having a weapon/armour forged specifically for you cost the same as on the price list? The only difference would be that he would request it be blackened, which is evidently as result of just applying beeswax to it during the forging process.
9) I've run out of questions, though I'll likely think of others and kick myself for not thinking of them now. So, any comments, suggestions or ideas before I cement the character?
Thank you for your time!