Name-Rhujen Arthis
Born- 24th summer 496 av
Physical aspect- the young akalak is 6ft 5 and very fine built compared to even a normal akalak, this is due to his fathers rigid training and supposed mother, a myrian. All over his arms and legs he possess scars and has one in his lip, taking away some of the beauty of his rich midnight skin. Even with such scars he has a handsome face, with a chisled chin, soft lips, well fitting eye brows and his black coal eyes makes darkness seem beautifull
Character concept.
Vengeance seems such a small word in rhujens vocabulary. Its much more, a deep loathing awaiting to be satisfied from its hunger. This drives him. To learn more; become greater. You see, this young man has felt some hardships, and this simple desire fuels him. He at times is such a docile and funny fellow, yet due to his hardships his darkness overcomes him, snaps due inbalanced ligh and dark, making him a sociopath, a paranoid creature, blaming a whole society for what he has become; this personality comes quite often in fact, and the light is banished into the depths of the young mans heart. Deep down he looks to find companionism, a perpose. To be just a normal akalak even, yet life isnt fair. He is a survivor, yet this anguishes him, illudes him to the toughts that he isnt worthy of breathing and that is such a stronger reason for him to countinue on and on. Restless. The intellectual young man hates injustice, even with such discipline he hates those who abuse their power, corruption, since he himself suffered injustice in his life, and all scars prove this and each scar tells a significant story of each battle won. No not won, each battle in which he survived because myria has not given him any victories and the father has not guided him. Him alone sufficed. Alone he strifes.
Likes- magic, eager to learn due to his mothers influence.
Fighting- so that he learns more.
Dislikes- lies and lying. Injustice.
Character history.
He was a child. Everyday his father taugh him, and so did his mother. You see this alaka traveled with his mother and father, like nomads. Mother was a myrian, it seems impossible yet it was what it was told. Mother of rhujen was simply docile and sweet not usual for a myrian.His father a accomplished fighter was a very emotionless man and demanded such discipline.
At the age of 9 Rhujens two souls manifested. At the age of 10 he already possessed his fathers lanka which was given but it was a strange circumstance. The father and mother became very paranoid, and always were scrambling from place to place. His father had a hate for others of his race and his mother never discussed why they always travaled.... so strange but yet his training continued. Learning from both the young boy learn a lot.
Yet came a faithfull night. Darkness settled and the young boy felt a feeling of tension slowly boiling in the air. Dread filled the young men as his father gave him the lanka and said "it is yours dear son. Know that i love you, so does your mother. This is your protection and will be until you possess your own. Now go to the woods and stay there..... and dont come out"
The young boy, frightened did so.... and it happened.
Noises. Steel against steel. And finally two knowned screams.... whispers of death and sorrow filled the young boys head has he approached and so his mother and father slayed in cold blood. That day he did not cry. But he became a vengefull creature and swore to find the killers. Burying the bodys, at the age of 10, he ran with no destination. And what followed as a series of battles, which created this young men.....