[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on October 30th, 2010, 6:40 pm

Youchi nodded and laughed, "Yes, now would be good, you do want your home now right?" She winked then dug through her back pocket, taking out a rather odd, rounded key, she handed it to Tao and took the 100 mizas, "Apartment A15 is officially leased to you, sir, I hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to change currencies any time. There will a man that comes down each row to collect rent for the apartment at the end of each month, being your first time here, your first month is free, but following you will have to make sure you have the rent! Got it?"

Youchi turned and waved at Tao, "Good night, and enjoy your stay in Lhavit! Come back if you have any questions or require a job." With that she departed.

oocCongratulations on your new home! You can imply changing currencies and don't have to actually RP it out, just change it in your starting package. Remember to deduct from your ledger 7 kina every month you RP out in the season, and as a reminder there are three months to a season around 30 days each. Have fun, and enjoy! :)
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Tao on October 31st, 2010, 11:37 pm

oocThanks very much! Oh, and if I can ask - what furniture and the like comes with the apartment? I'm presuming it's just got the basics, similar to the starting pack?

"Th-thank you very much." He replied as she was leaving, clutching the small key tightly in one hand. He turned and tested the door, pleased to see it unlocked and the light above flicker on. Without another word, he dragged his bag inside and shut the door behind him.

Once safely inside his apartment (his apartment, that had all happened so quickly), he became overwhelmed with exhaustion. Leaving his bag by the door, he quickly located the bed and flopped down on it. He had a lot of things to do; start learning the language, find a job, change his currency over... but for now, he would sleep.

I made it this far. He thought sleepily. The rest can't be that difficult...
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Vendaril on November 2nd, 2010, 8:46 am

63rd Fall, 510
Tired from a long day spent labouring up the mountain, Vendaril was relieved to finally have the Cosmos Center within sight. As all of Lhavit, the building's beauty struck him, but at this time all he could think of was finding a place to sleep. A young boy pottering around the garden cought sight of him, and called out something in Lhavitian - Vendaril's limited understanding of the language failed to aid him, so he merely lifted a weary hand to the child.

Once inside, the clean interior seemed alien to him, after growing accustomed to the muck and roughness of the wilderness behind him. Only the slightly worn floor betrayed that he was not the first wanderer to enter this place. The white desk before him was vacant, other than a clear bell and some paperwork covered in illegible scrawlings. Not wasting any time, Vendaril brusquely struck the bell and glanced about, wishing there were a chair he could collapse into.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 2nd, 2010, 7:48 pm

Indeed, Oushi had darted into the establishment and gone to one of the curtained rooms in the back, but not before giving a very cheerful grin to Vendaril in the meantime. The second he had rung the bell, however, the small form of Youchi emerged, just in the process of pinning up her hair in a tight bun. She raised a hand in greeting and smiled.

"Hello, there, sir." She blinked for a moment, noticing his rather unique appearance, but of course, Youchi has seen her fair share of Symenestra before, but never a male. "What brings you to the Cosmos Center on this fine day," She continued, "Looking for a job or a home? Changing currencies? Pretty much everything you need we can do here."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Vendaril on November 3rd, 2010, 1:25 am

Vendaril gave a tired smile to the woman, taking a moment to register what she had said in his sleepy mind.

"Ah, yes. i'm looking for a little work - nothing too permanent, I travel alot. I'll also need a place to board during my stay in the city." He stifled a yawn, eyelids drooping.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 3rd, 2010, 7:12 am

Youchi nodded at the Symenestra, grabbing a spare piece of parchment and a quill from the nearby desk, "And your name is? What type of work are you exactly looking for? We have a variety of work that can be done, farming, shopkeeping, customer service, food service, animal caretaker, the list goes on. You're going to have to help me out here." She smiled, "As for a place to stay, that would be the Solar Wind Apartments, right across from here. By the looks of your tired face, I'm sure you want to set up a home right away. We can do that first if you'd like?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Vendaril on November 3rd, 2010, 8:15 am

Vendaril was so tired he almost accepted the woman's offer, but then he shook himself.
"No, no, let's get the job sorted first. I want to to get started -" a shudder ran through his lanky body, " -straight away..."

The plan was to get on the new job and start bringing in the mizas as soon as possible to get enough supplies for the next stage in his arduous journey. As to which line of preparation though - that had him truely stumped. Over the course of his travels he had mainly worked as manual labour, but he had grown weary of the gruelling work and hoped to find a slightly easier job in this luxurious new city.

"Did you say animals? Animals sounds good..." Vendaril's eyes were glazing over. Where he had gotten animals from, Viratas knew. Oh well, it didn't sound too bad, and who knew? Maybe if he was sly enough he could take a few snacks home with him.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 4th, 2010, 7:55 pm

Youchi nodded, "There are a few places that house animals here. Piramba's Pet Shop, Chanti Farm, and the Okomo Villa. The Okomo Villa requires extensive training, as that is where we take care of our sacred mounts. Piramba's Pet Shop is right here on Zintia Peak, specifically around Surya Plaza, and the Chanti Farm is on the Sharai peak to the right of us. If you'd like a job from either, you go to them and ask the proprietor that you would like a job, and they get you all settled in."

Youchi righted some skewed parchment using her desk, then settled it back down. "My son can show you where your preferred location is, if you'd like." She smiled.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Vendaril on November 4th, 2010, 9:12 pm

Vendaril let out a soft groan when he heard he would need to travel even further to find work. “Alright,’ he murmured, “I guess I’ll go apply tomorrow. Now is hardly a convenient time and, I must say I have looked better.” He let out a large yawn, no longer bothering to hide his exhaustion. He would visit the pet shop in the morning, he had plenty of time. All he wanted now was a bed to sleep on, or at least a soft rug…

“I think it would probably be best if I found a room for the night” he stated, straightening up. He could tell the woman behind the desk was losing patience with him. “You mentioned an apartment? That sounds like a good idea. How much would it cost me?”
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on November 4th, 2010, 9:28 pm

Youchi gave a soft laugh, "Don't worry, we usually get very tired and exhausted people in here. It's no surprise." She nodded then at Vendaril's question, "Yes the Solar Wind Apartments. For a simple room it's five kina a month, or I suppose, seven gold mizas a month, twenty one gold mizas a season, should you not have our currency. That's for a simple room. For anything better, it goes up in price. Ten kina for a more elegant room, seven kina for a simple two-bedroom, etc. Normally there would be a security deposit of 100 kina, but in the event one doesn't have that much we lease it for 30 kina, then add on to the rent during the course of a person's stay. We return the money should the traveler in question wish to leave permanently. So what do you say?"
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