[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kayven Aracev on January 14th, 2011, 11:10 pm

Kayven chuckled softly, a sound like dry leaves rasping over cobblestones. "Yes, I'm sure speed is important in a city as large as this, though there don't seem to be many...foreignors." Kayven chose his words with care. A city with a low transient population was difficult to harvest from, but that was not his primary purpose here, and could thus be dismissed for now and dealt with later. He listened intently as she spoke of the apartments, and mentioned an inn as well. The Widower had the sense that his training here could take some time, and the inn was likely to be more expensive in the long run. "Tell me of the apartments, please."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on January 16th, 2011, 7:14 am

Youchi smiled at the man - a permanent feature on her happy face. "There are indeed foreigners here. They can be found enjoying the nightlife, particularly around the Surya Plaza. Lhavit is a city in which tourism is a primary business. Foreigners are plentiful here, and I am sure you will meet some soon."

As he asked about the apartments, Youchi poised her pen, ready to jot down with the utmost speed anything that this man wished. "Very well. The Solar Wind Apartments are situated on the outskirts of the Surya Plaza, one of the most happening places in Lhavit. The accommodation there ranges from your standard room to luxurious suites. You may choose from a simple room, an elegant room - either of these with one rooms or two, or you may room in a suite. Which would you prefer to stay in for your residence in Lhavit?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kayven Aracev on January 16th, 2011, 7:24 am

Kayven kept his face impassive as the woman told him of the various foreigners who enjoyed Lhavit's nightlife and Surya Plaza, a selling point so blatant it nearly drew a sneer of contempt from the Symenestra. He nodded solemnly as Youchi told him more about the Apartments, taking a quick glance over the prices per month. Not horribly expensive, provided he could find the proper employment. "I am a man of noble birth, such as it goes among my people, and I will have nothing but the best. I will take a suite, if you please. Now then, the matter of my employment? I'd like something akin to an Archivist, if you have anything available. I fancy myself something of a scholar." Kayven put on his best smile, hoping the woman wouldn't be too reluctant to allow a Symenestra his wish.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aselia Timandre on February 21st, 2011, 8:31 pm


Timestamp: 60th of Winter, 510 AV

The climb up the mountain had been time-consuming. Syna was already setting and covering Lhavit in golden light as Aselia turned right from the Amaranthine Gate and found Cosmos Center, the location the guard had described. With the reins of her snow white mare in one hand and the other one caressing the feathers of her falcon, perched at her shoulder, the Konti almost looked like a foreign princess coming from far away to enjoy the beauty of the floating city.

Of course, Aselia was nothing like that, but only a young Konti who liked birds and high places. Before entering the building, she paused for a while to catch her breath. The architecture was breathtaking! It featured a different style than Mura, grander, more luxurious, but on a rational basis, Aselia even liked that better than the subdued colors and soft shapes of her home city. Looking around, she wondered who would take care of Whitewind as long as she was inside. Suddenly she spotted a young boy kneeling in a garden next to the building. “Excuse me?” she called out and waved her pale hand with webbed fingers to attract his attention. “Would you be so kind and take care of my mare while I’m inside? She’s very good-natured, I promise.” Fortunately, the boy came over and nodded.

Aselia entered the building and, since nobody was near, tried the crystal bell attached to the desk. The sweet sound echoed through the house. She tipped it again, again and again ... the sound was pretty! However, when someone walked in, she straightened and gave a smile, a little embarrassed. “Hello, I’m Aselia Timandre. I just arrived and would like to rent an apartment or something like that, and I’d also like to inquire about employment. A guard from the gate referred me to this place.” Taking a step back, she ran a hand through her white her, inspected her opponent with curious, violet eyes and waited.

Although appearing confident at first sight, Aselia had to admit to herself that she was a little nervous. Another new city, foreign culture ... even language ... what would it bring her? What kind of insight would this place give her? There was anticipation, but also anxiety.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on February 23rd, 2011, 10:09 pm

Kayven - sorry about the wait, the issue with your job choice took a while to sort out.

Youchi smiled and wrote down the order for a suite, making no judgements on the man and his attitude. She got all kinds here - Lhavit was a tourist city, after all. "Very well," she said happily, glad to have gotten someone on their way to settling in the city. "A suite at the Solar Winds Apartments costs 15 kina a month. We would prefer it if you paid upfront." She smiled at the man, hoping her attitude did not offend. It was policy, after all.

Her smile dropped away at the man's request. Here was something she could not grant. "I am sorry, sir, particularly if this is to your dissatisfaction, but I cannot give you the role of archivist in our city. To have that role, one must be of Lhavitian descent and be a part of the Seiza. Is there anything else you may be interested in?" She hoped she could accommodate him, for it was what any Lhavitian visitor deserved.


Oishi looked up, surprised by the sudden request from a soft, melodic voice. He sprung up, his hands muddy and sweaty and nodded dumbly at her request. He watched as she turned and strode regally toward the Center. She was pretty. He turned towards the snowy white mare. Hmm. How to handle the pure white horse with mud all over his hands...

Youchi was in the back room, organising the files of previous visitors of Lhavit, when she was called to the front room by someone constantly dinging the bell. She laughed lightly, shaking her head at how some people amused themselves with the smallest thing. Out she walked, into the main room, and was greeted by a Konti who introduced herself quite freely. Youchi nodded and walked over to the counter, bringing out a blank sheet of paper and wring "Aselia Timandre" at the top. "Of course! I'm here to help. We have apartments at the Solar Wind Apartments, here." She paused to take a breath. "We have simple and elegant rooms, each of those available in one or two bedrooms, and suites on offer. Which would you prefer?" Youchi would get to the job once she had gotten the apartment sorted. One step at a time!
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Aselia Timandre on February 26th, 2011, 8:00 pm


Aselia felt welcomed by the woman’s friendly reaction. Of course, she was used to treating customers politely and openly, since all visitors needed to stop by Cosmos Center first. She was quite pretty, Aselia observed, although that exotic quality about her facial features was something to get used to. Although they were just as human, Lhavitians looked different than Sylirans or Zeltivans or even Alvadans. Aselia, the Konti who had come the long way from Mura, felt a little lost. What would she find in their new faces, what would she read in their behavior patterns? Even their customs and ethics seemed to be a bit different.

Nevertheless, Aselia was also excited to get settled in a new place. New opportunities would present themselves; of that she was sure.

She listened to the woman and observed her features while she spoke. Business-like, naturally. Solar Wind Apartments ... Offering apartments to strangers, how thoughtful! Aselia thought about the possibilities. Her purse was full, more than full, thanks to her job in Syliras and the task she had fulfilled in Alvadas. The mizas were there, although the events had seemingly happened ages ago. She had come so far. Now, what would she do with the money, if not spend it? Then she remembered Holuri, her falcon circling over the city, and her horse waiting outside. Her expression was hesitant when she addressed the Lhavitian again. “I’m not sure. To be honest, I’ve come with a horse and a raptor. Is there a place where they can be provided for, public stables or animal facilities maybe?” After giving it some thought, she suggested: “I’d also be satisfied with an apartment featuring a bit of room to turn into a mews. Of course, I will try not to damage anything, since it doesn’t belong to me.”

As she followed her train of thought, a new idea appeared out of thin air. What if ...? Lhavit was magnificent, she had already seen. She’d most likely stay for a while, because while the constant traveling was exciting and fulfilling in its own way, it had still been a bit hard on her. She longed to stay in a single place for a while and practice her profession, form relationships with the neighbors. Dark violet eyes wandered back to Youchi. “I think there is another option. I intend to stay for a while. A long while, probably. Are there any apartments for sale within the city? I’d prefer one with the possibility to add a mews and a stable, if there are no public stables, and I can spend around 1,500 mizas. That’d work, wouldn’t it?” The last sentence was more of a musing to herself.

Aselia was ready to purchase a house in Lhavit. One never knew, right? She had learned to seize a chance when she encountered it, for it often led to new experiences and insight.

"To see a world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower,
hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Malanos on March 1st, 2011, 10:43 pm

10th of Spring 511AV

As Malanos entered into the building that the city guards had directed him towards, he looked around the circular room and was filled with it's simplicity. Where it was certainly not perfect in it's construction there was an air of homeliness in it's build that was attractive to him. He slowly approached the counter, taking in all that surrounded him and studying the subtle lines of it's construction.

When a woman came up to the desk, Malanos started speaking to her in his native tongue hoping that by some chance she would know the language of the Isur. "Greetings human, where may I find a place to rest. I came here with my sister and two cousins. I also will need employment, as I have little money to begin with."
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Ophelia on March 2nd, 2011, 7:24 am


Youchi nodded along with the woman, thinking out the logistics. She saw the direction the woman's thoughts were headed in, and to be frank, the Solar Winds Apartments were probably not the best place to hold a horse and a falcon - permanently, at least. The woman seemed to be staying here for quite a while, and Youchi, though a business woman, was not going to cheat people out of their money by making them pay needlessly.

"Well," Youchi began, slowly, hesitantly - as she was still working it all out in her mind. "The Solar Winds Apartments are indeed the place where permanent housing is given, and there is a set of stables there - though it is cramped and not the best place for a horse." Youchi, the more she mused aloud, agreed with the woman. "But you are right - more permanent lodgings would be better for you. There are a row of unoccupied houses looking out onto the Surya Plaza. One would cost you 1100 kina - the equivalent of golden mizas here in Lhavit, but do not worry. Here at the Cosmos Center I can change it for you." Youchi began to jot down the notes. "And of course, then you could convert them into whatever you want. There is a general stable for the residents of that row at the back alley. You'd have a prime view onto the Surya Plaza, one of the most happening places in the city." Youchi hoped the woman would take it. It was after all a brilliant sell, and indeed a brilliant deal. The houses had been open a long while, after the rich past owner, a distant relative of Weisur Twilight, had died. "Will you be taking it?"


Youchi was standing the corner of the Cosmos Center when a strong man walked in. Isur, by the looks of him. She smiled at the way in which he gawped around the room, taking in absolutely everything he could see, just like a true tourist would do. People like these were the best visitors to Lhavit - aware of the cultural differences, and wanting to see them all. Youchi would know, she saw a lot of tourists.

She stepped up to the desk as the Isur did the same. Whipping out a paper and pen, she got ready to create a file by which any and all records of the Isur's stay in Lhavit would be put. She smiled up at him and waited for him to make the first move. He did indeed make the first move. Except the first move was in Isur.

She was an accomplished linguist, she knew four languages and was well acquainted with all manner of races and societies. Isur, however, with their solitary mountain life, was a language that she had never managed to master. The fact that he was speaking in Isur denoted that he probably wasn't as comfortable with Lhavitian, or Common as he could be. "Hello," she said pleasantly to the man - in Lhavitian. She continued, however, in the universal Common. She spoke slowly, perhaps a little too slowly, though one could never be sure about another's proficiency in the language. "I am Youchi. Welcome to Lhavit. What can I do for you?" She smiled hopefully, waiting with bated breath to determine his understanding.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Navir on March 2nd, 2011, 12:02 pm

10th of spring of 511 AV

Navir walked inside the center, both pleased at being back in a city, one that didn't change its layout every few seconds at that, but still being in a mountanus region, it was almost like a very pathetic knockoff of his home back in sultros, but for humans the city wasn't that bad. He even had to admit that the architecture of most of the city was very pleasing to the eye.

After taking a quick look around the room checking it once again against the description of his cousin, when he was sure he was at the right place he walked up towards the desk,
"Hello," He spoke in common, figuring that humans who spoke the language of hte isur where more a rarity then anything else.
"My cousin directed me to this building to look for a job, I am a rather skilled black, weapon and armorsmith and I know a bit about alchemy, is there any way that I could find employ in any of those skills?"
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Malanos on March 2nd, 2011, 7:01 pm

After he had spoken Malanos waited expectantly for an answer, when it came the words were foreign to his ears. The first statement was a meaningless jumble of words, but the second was at least somewhat decipherable. While the slowness of the woman's words annoyed Malanos, he was thankful for them as well. He could take the time to study the words that were being spoken.

"I... am Malanos. Can have home, job, for small money's? I can work."
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