[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Kelpie on June 23rd, 2011, 7:09 am


Youchi offered him another of her bright smiles, "I'm so honored that an Ethaefal as divine and radiant as you is willing to offer so much to us. May Lhavit remain your home for many ages to come, and may Zintila grant you blessings. Thank you, good sir, you are officially the owner of your new tavern, please enjoy, and I can't wait to see the end result!"

Youchi rolled up the scroll, "There will be a copy of this kept both at the Cosmos Center and the Circle of Towers, and if you have any more requests for us please contact me at the CC. Here is your key to your new home."

oocCongratulations on your new tavern!
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Rivaal on July 8th, 2011, 3:59 am

Summer 38, 511 AV

Rivaal finally found his way into the Cosmos Center. He took some time to look around, study the simple furnishings. Ornate desks were filled with busy workers, helping tourists and everyone who came in. He took a few moments to practice his Lhavit by trying to read the notices that were in them. There were some tricky words, so he eventually resorted to reading the Common. Nothing was appealing at the moment for him. He had four primary concerns, and so he rang the crystal bell three times for assistance.

As soon as the secretary showed up, he put a hand on the desk and leaned forward. "I need a home, two bedrooms. For myself, and a friend. I need a place where I can train with my spear. I need a teacher for flux magic. And I also need a job. I'm thinking of joining the Shinya, but I need to get paid." As he spoke, Rivaal's eyes slowly turned orange with a fiery determination. When he finished with the word paid, they could actually be on fire if he'd had any control of fire magic.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Tamsin on August 9th, 2011, 2:40 am

3rd of Summer, 511 AV

Tamsin had spent her first day in Lhavit watching and looking at people and those passing in and out of the different places of the city. It was gorgeous, and in so many ways, it called to her. It felt right, this place did, in some way that she could not define. It was comfortable, and it made her think of home. It was an alien sensation, but it was not unwelcome. This was all very, very strange to her. Very strange. Polite inquiries to passersby assured her that that was where newcomers could go for information and assistance.

She took her time approaching the doors, having chosen late afternoon, when there was at last a lull in people. No one seemed to be going in, but it seemed, at least, to still be open to people. She approached a svelte woman with black hair at the desk, her sari wrapped around her, as many arms tucked in as she could get. She had yet to see another Eypharian here, either. “Good afternoon to you,” she bowed slightly at the woman at the desk, since the people here seemed to like bowing. “I arrived in Lhavit a night ago, from the water of the bay. I am wondering if you could point me towards somewhere to stay and perhaps earn my keep there. I have some skill in magic, I believe... Shielding?”
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Gossamer on September 5th, 2011, 6:12 am

Youchi Sakana Dawn smiled slightly and bowed her head. She was a regal woman, soft spoken and polite. It was a perfect greeting for a stranger uncertain of her surroundings. Of course, she didn't think the stranger meant literally from the water. She simply assumed she meant from a ship and proceeded that way. "I am Youchi Sakana Dawn. I definitely can help you. The Dawn tower is seeking teachers... I know that they need a shielder badly. The pay is between 7-10 gold kina a day based on your skill. Instructors are eligible for rooms in the tower, and that cost depends on how elaborate of rooms you want. The head of the tower will question you and give you a test for how well of a shielder you are to give you your pay scale. One of the tower Eths, Etradess would be the best one to talk too.... can get you all sorted out." Youchi said softly, then pulled out a sheet of paper and penned a note on. She carefully folded it, dripped wax on it from the candle burning on her reception desk, and pressed a seal into the glob of wax to seal the message.

"Take this message to the Dawn Tower...." Youchi said softly then gently gave directions to Tamsin on how to find the tower. "Etradess will make the final decision on your hiring and accommodations. If things don't work out there, we have other jobs here and there's housing available in multiple places in Lhavit I can direct you too." The receptionist saidwith a smile and handed Tamisn the note. She'd linger if Tamsin had any questions.

Etradess -

Gleaming Sunshine and Clear Skyglass to you.

I send you this woman who claims to be a shielder of some skill. She might suit for the instructor you seek in the Dawn Tower. I will leave the testing and assignment of a job to you. If she is not suitable for tower work, let me know and I will give her a cleaning job, but I suspect she will work out nicely. She also seeks accommodations. I know you have rooms available. Regardless of her advanced skill if she indeed is trained, please start her out as junior instructor until she's had some experience in the tower. Feel free to call her out of she has no skill. You know the routine.


NoteFeel free to start a self-moderated thread using the head of the Dawn Tower - Etradess the Syna Eth - to do a test and demonstration and get her to assign you a room. Please use the Price list for room prices and sizes. You'll start out at 5gm a day plus 3gm skill bonus as a shielder. I didn't want to just offer you the job because its to nice of an opportunity to take a test and do a thread regarding your magic and get some XP for it.
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[Lhavit Location] Cosmos Center

Postby Tamsin on September 5th, 2011, 6:23 am


Tamsin listened with rapt attention, nodding when the woman finished, clasping two pairs of hands in front of her, a fifth hand reaching out to take the folded piece of sealed paper, practically beaming. She hadn't realized just how many butterflies were in the pit of her stomach until she finally began to breathe again. "I thank you," she told her, bowing slightly once again. "For your assistance and the opportunities."

Tenten Peak, was it? Well, then, she was going to have to find it. She was sure that the instructions would be helpful, mentally repeating them over and over in her head as she straightened, tucking the sealed note away into her backpack, where she was certain that she would not lose it. Some of her excess arms were once again enshrouded in cloth, but Tamsin waved to Youchi before leaving the Cosmos Center in search of Etradess and the Dawn Tower.

Ability is nothing without opportunity.

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