Winter, 513AV
Garland sat outside the courtyard of the orphanage. The soft powdery white snow fell gently on the ground. The other kids were playing in the snow, making snowmen, throwing snowballs and the like. He was the second oldest orphan in orphanage. The only other kid that was bigger than him would be the bully. The bully was big, buff and angry. He loved picking on the smaller kids. Nobody ever tried to step in between him or his victim. Not even Garland.
Francis was his name. He loved nothing more to than to inflict some form of pain. He kicked over a kid and into another kid's snowman. Francis was feeling extra mean today. He went over to Garland, and knocked him over. Francis pressed his foot down on Garland's chest.
Garland tried to push the foot up but he was just too heavy. "G-Get off!" Garland croacked out as he rolled to the side to trip Francis up.