"That is too bad." Rue responded thoughtful, "I was hoping you might bring better news." Her gaze dropped to the hard earth beneath their feet, sending a soft prayer to Makutsi for relief from the drought. Feeling as though she had put forward enough effort on such a matter for the moment, she shifted her eyes upward towards the pavilions around them. Slowly they were coming to the more public areas, leaving private homes for open market pavilions.
Tents with wares displayed on small hastily constructed tables, hanging from lines of rope strung through the support beams.
Taverns opened up around them, more likely to be selling food than drink at such an hour, but surely not opposed to the idea. Without conscious thought, Rue began noting the people around, searching with no real intent for a dark head of hair set atop a familiar set of slouched shoulders.
"All the same," Rue continued speaking as though without pause, "I am sure with the autumn winds beginning to trickle through the grass that rain will soon follow."
Tents with wares displayed on small hastily constructed tables, hanging from lines of rope strung through the support beams.
Taverns opened up around them, more likely to be selling food than drink at such an hour, but surely not opposed to the idea. Without conscious thought, Rue began noting the people around, searching with no real intent for a dark head of hair set atop a familiar set of slouched shoulders.
"All the same," Rue continued speaking as though without pause, "I am sure with the autumn winds beginning to trickle through the grass that rain will soon follow."