5 Summer 514 Clyde let out a sigh as he gazed upon the harsh environs before him. Cha rested in his grip, her skin touching the sand he stood on. Focusing for a moment upon her, he willed his djed downward, and sent out a low level usage of Auristics, opening up the staffs senses. However only just, not delving in deeply or expanding the sense. As he did he could feel the rough, loose, grittiness of the sand, could feel the occasional bit of plant matter as it was crushed, could even feel the occasional hard mass as it brushed up against her. A hard mass of bone, marking the remnants of some long dead being. But then, the prairie was used by many as little less than a dumping ground, a place to do whatever. Which made it a somewhat good place for himself. Continuing to feed the light trickle of djed into Cha, opening her up, he felt about, keeping on walking until he found a nice open space devoid of masses or rocks. He checked this by poking about in a small space with Cha, checking for anything she might touch. It was much safer than using his own flesh. That might result in some creature nipping off a finger or two. Cha however was strong and reinforced magically, so likely had little to fear. Finally having picked out a spot, he began a small bit of working, drawing in the loose sand with the bottom end of Cha. It was simple enough, sketching out some basic symbols used in summoning. Circles and lines. He didn't need a big one, since he only planned to summon a memosite. He drew a small circle, large enough for him to fit one fit in, but the edges of his toes and the back of his foot would likely be grazing its edges if he did. Just outside of that circle he drew a second slightly wider one, not touching the first. This was to be the edge of the portal. Next he drew a cross across it, an X crossing over from one side of the inner circle to the other, the pair of lines forming said X. That was the basic layout. Next was the smaller circles, inside of which he would draw out the numbers in a moment. For now he focused on spacing out the circles well, drawing four, one at each of the points were the X touched the edge of the inner circle. Then he drew four more, equally spaced between each of the first four. Then finally another 8 tiny circles, each equally spaced between the other 8 circles. He ended up with sixteen circles, exactly the number needed, each more or less spaced equally. “Now... Just need to add the numbers, and a drop of blood and... Summoned... Now what were those numbers.” Clyde spent a moment pondering, wondering also if he would need to drag the book held within the pack on his back, the book on summoning where he had learned the basics. It held the various commonly known coordinates. But first he tried to recall it without looking, testing his memory. |