The Uses of Fear Timestamp: 6th Day of Summer, 514 AV Location: The White Orchid "I probably should have done this sooner." Ianthe rubbed the bridge of her nose and stared down at the blank sheet of parchment, half hoping and half praying that the words would magically write themselves for her. She had been at it for the last two bells (the hoping and praying part - not the actual writing), and Syna was no doubt beginning to fade on the hidden horizon. Goddess. What made her decide to host a workshop on her opening week? Or, more like, what made her wait until the day before to actually plan out said workshop? To be fair, she hadn't expected to have so much trouble with the planning part. She knew meditation - or, rather, she felt she at least had a decent understanding of its foundation. The practice had played such a large part in her life over the years; one might even say she lived and breathed it. Aha! A joke. Write that down. "Live... and breathe... meditation..." she muttered, inking the words across the top of her page in tiny black lettering. One joke down, an entire lesson plan to go. In theory, this workshop should have been easy enough: 1. Publicize workshop on deep breathing. 2. Plan workshop on deep breathing. 3. Teach workshop on deep breathing. It wasn't as though she'd never taught someone the basics of meditation. Never a group this large, true, but it was the first week that her business had been open - was she really going to pack the place? Besides, this was something she had always wanted to do - teach konti, particularly younger konti who had been gifted with Sight, how to calm their thoughts and focus their minds. The irony did not escape her. Instead of crafting the beautiful lesson plan she had imagined when she'd dreamed up this venture, Ianthe's mind went mysteriously blank every time she looked down at the parchment. Absolutely and completely blank. Wiped. Not a single thought did her brain make. There had to be a word for this affliction, Ianthe decided. Perhaps it was called getting a wall, or blanking. Something to do with an obstruction, maybe? Writer's congestion. That sounded questionable - like a nasal sickness. What would the Opal Order healers have to say about that? "You've come down with a bad case of writer's congestion, otherwise known as 'congestion of the brain'." ... Gross. "I'm doomed." |