[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Quzon on September 28th, 2014, 8:42 pm

PC Name: Quzon

Age & Sex: 26, Male.

Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident

Likes To Thread About: At the moment I am up for anything, although training and things with plots are loved.

Dislikes To Thread About: Anything without a progressive story?

Character Goals This Season: Work on magical and combative skills.

Needs Training/Moderator Assistance:Nothing at the moment.

Willing to Guest Moderate?: Maybe.

Additional Comments: Pm me if you want to thread.
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Zemeia on September 29th, 2014, 3:46 am


Character Registry
PC Name: Zemeia of the Red Orchid
Age & Sex: 27; Female
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: Really, anything that furthers the current story arch.
Dislikes To Thread About: Pointless social threads, and threads that don't lend anything to the plot.
Character Goals This Season: Raise Medicine skill, participate in seasonal goals / challenges / events
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: nope.
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Sure, with some pointers.
Additional Comments: There will be blood.

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[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Akua on October 12th, 2014, 4:41 pm

PC Name: Akua of the Tempered Steel
Age & Sex: 18, Male
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: Anything, Im pretty open and willing to explore different situations for Akua to grow.
Dislikes To Thread About: Nothing.
Character Goals This Season: Raise my weapon skill, Learn to fire dance, gain more tattoos and work. That's pretty much it.
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance: Um not that I can think off. But if I do I'll let you know.
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Id be down to give it a shot.
Additional Comments: Have fun. :D
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Fari on October 23rd, 2014, 1:11 am

PC Name: Fari of the Dancing Dead
Age & Sex: 20, Female
Purpose of Being In Taloba: Resident
Likes To Thread About: generally warrior things, spiritism, want to learn herbilism.
Dislikes To Thread About: Not really, I try to make even the most mundane situations interesting.
Character Goals This Season: My job threads >_>
Needs Training/Moderator Assistance:Not that I know of just yet!
Willing to Guest Moderate?: Yes if wanted.
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Pisces on October 25th, 2014, 11:14 pm

Last edited by Pisces on November 29th, 2014, 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Dire on November 3rd, 2014, 7:56 am

PC Name: Dire
PC Clan Name: Blackened Claws
PC Race: Myrian
PC Age: 28
PC Gender: Female
Purpose: Myrian Resident
Likes to Thread About: Anything as long as it's fun to read & write in one way or another ^^
Dislikes to Thread About: Usually I put here 'bar meet & greets' .... but in Taloba I doubt there'll be too many of those hah, so nothing I dislike threading about really. Except maybe threads that are about training, for the sole sake of leveling skill points/training. I needs thze plot/story! Heh
Goals of the season: Create a bit more backbone to Dire by use of flashbacks, setting up relationships (friendly/unfriendly/love/hate/etc. etc) between her & other PCs / NPCs. Overall I just want to come up with fun stories for her, at this point in time,in any which way ^^ (She does have greater goals, but those mid/long term and not for this specific season at all.
Moderator Assistance: Only when/if necessary.
Willing to Guest Mod: Yes, when the topic piques my interest and it's requested.

Comments: Let's sate our appetites, shall we?! ;)
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[Taloba] Character Registry - Fall 514

Postby Zukwa on November 13th, 2014, 3:58 am

PC Name: Zukwa of the Poisoned Arrow
Age & Sex: 18 (On the 17th)
Purpose for Being In Taloba: Resident, Rekrut in the Taloban Army
Likes to Thread About: Jungle shenanigans, Dhani slayage, pose an idea!
Dislikes to Thread About: Tavern Socialization
Character Goals: Tokoh, Mengintai
Mod. Assistance: Still need a 'blooding ritual' flashback :P
Guest Mod: If it is required!
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