IC Info Calendar Events for Kenash


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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

Moderator: Gossamer

Calendar Events for Kenash

Postby Vice on September 1st, 2014, 4:20 am

As the Summer's blaze fades in favour of Autumn's glow, Kenashians find that the city proper itself is shifting and changing before their very eyes.

✥ A General Overview ✥

The Calendar of Events is a wonderful resource for PCs who are either looking to add a dash of local color to their posts or dive right on in and be a part of the action in a major way!

Obviously, not every day is fleshed out because of the fact that life in Mizahar, while dangerous and exciting, is not necessarily so every day for an entire city. Ordinary lives fall to the general population, though for PC's, this may not be the case. Feel free to use the events in this calendar, but also blaze your own trail and meet new PC's and associate! Alliances form and dissolve, political entanglements become more complicated, and pleasures or misery are there to be found for whomever wishes it to be so, and some that don't!

Use the Calendar of Events as you see fit, but be sure to review it often, as things will indeed change every season. Also, be sure to take a gander at the Seasonal Almanac, which presents the weather for every single day of the current season. It's just another way to add even more dimension to your already exciting posts.

Long live Kenash!

✥ Events for Autumn of 514 AV ✥

The turn of Autumn brings with it a new wave of change to Kenash, the mantle of Magistrate passing from Sitai to Lorak, and with it, the dawn of a new regime. Summer's chaos and ushers in a plethora of industrious possibility. Conflict arises not from the Dynasties in the plantations, but within the city proper itself and beyond as Kenash finds itself experiencing new elements of elegance and wealth. Political entanglements rise and continue, festering frustrations forming on all sides, but most watch, astonished as Kenash shifts before their eyes. Rising spires interrupt the Kenashian sky, each one filled with wonders for all to behold, but with the spires comes an element of fear that external threats have been as of yet unable to instill...

  • 1st- The ushering in of the Autumn season is wrought with a special sort of party. The Draer design a specific type of boat and invite all to attend their festivities. But even an open party can have unwelcome guests...
  • 10th- The construction of the Pavilléon is complete, though it does not yet open its gate.
  • 18th- A raffle is held in the city proper that will allow seven lucky people to enter the Pavilléon without the need to pay the tariff for its opening day.
  • 21st- The Pavilléon opens.
  • 32nd - A chain of murders is brought to light, three bodies are those of Dynasty members.
  • 45th- Lorana Lorak hosts a festival to show off the work of Kenash's prominent artisans.
  • 46th- A group of four thieves attempt to break into the Pavilléon.
  • 50th- Controversy breaks out as rumours scatter across the city of Kenash as the Kenash Gazette increases in activity.
  • 61st - Three women die in the Pavilléon. All evidence leads to drug overdose, but none can be certain. Rumours begin to stir in the Bijou Pavilléon, but nothing can be proven or investigated.
  • 67th -The Midnight Market expands throughout the city as organized crime attempts to seize control of the city proper. Mercenaries are called upon to strike down the uprising before it evolves into a true threat. The Rujaro begin to act more aggressively, and three slaves are stolen from within the city proper.
  • 74th - The Askara emerge from their self-exile. Their first action as a family is to host a party, to which both Dervain Sitai and Micah Radacke are invited. Negotiations ensue.
  • 78th- The Morealis host a rum festival in the city proper.
  • 78th- The Draer, Rajor, and Ackina begin to seek out specific Freeborn to extend their influence to.
  • 82nd- A riot breaks out within Sitai plantation.
  • 85th- The Lorak Dynasty learns that one of their own has been engaging in an affair with a slave. The member is disgraced and the slave executed.
  • 90th - The Caged Sun opens its doors to the public gratuitously for a single day.
  • 91st- With Autumn's close imminent, the Dynasties call for a festival to welcome the Winter season.

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