[Verified by Crosspatch] Tarukko of the Blackened Claws

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Tarukko of the Blackened Claws

Postby Tarukko on September 11th, 2014, 2:39 am

Tarukko (Tare-OO-Ko)

"There is more to fear in the Myrians than steel and arrows, boy."

Race: Myrian
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Birthday: 25th Day of Fall, 478AV
Birthplace: Taloba, Falyndar


To many an outsider, Tarukko looks older than his thirty-five Summers, but that is often par the course for the Blackened Claws. Raised from birth in the wyrd of Morphing, worry lines and wrinkles of age are common on even the young males, either by choice or as a consequence of their practices. His tall, severe topknot only adds to the appearance, but the flowing cords of hair are still jet black, unmarred by gray or white as they fall to the middle of his back.

Tarukko shares the tight, corded physique of all his kind, carved as they are by a forbidding jungle and an ever-exacting race of warriors. But even Tarukko seems sparse to some, the result of long sojourns in the wilderness, surviving only on what his Morphing form can catch and devour, still steaming and twitching. The warm brown eyes that regard his sisters and parents can dance for the animals he tends; see them on the hunt or in battle, however, and they will veer from intense, focused orbs to windows of savage, sadistic exhilaration.

Though not a young male by the standards of his people, Tarukko still has yet to pierce or etch his flesh as most of them do. Bone earrings and hand-crafted pendants occasionally adorn him, but he has yet to find a design he believes worthy of marking his skin with forever (the fact he could hide it with Morphing is, according to him, beside the point). His hair does bear several trophies and trinkets he has woven into them, however, and his left bicep has been burned with the mark of the Taloba Army, which he naturally bears with immense pride.

His right bicep has been emblazoned with Myri's Prowess, granting him enhanced speed and agility. Gained after his Blooding ceremony, it takes the form of a stylized jaguar head, Myri apparently manifesting her gift in perfect accord with her "son's" temperament and clan.

Character Concept

Myrians have little understanding of a "loner" within their culture. For a people so tightly knit, from family to clan to race, the concept of one who would prefer his own company and scorn the throngs of his fellows is puzzling at best, and indicative of an untrustworthy soul at worst. Which probably explains why Tarukko has the attitude he does.

Never is the male more alive and yet at peace than when he embarks on the simple, bloody task of the Long Hunt. He has been known to spend all the daylight hours prowling the Wilds beyond Taloba, shifting from Myrian to jaguar (his favored form), tracking prey across tangled jungle and dense canopy, or just shadowing fangs and travelers, testing his own abilities to remain unnoticed. It is so much more fulfilling to him than the arduous task of being with his clan, where his gender always means his voice is always dulled.

But Tarukko is not stupid; it would be more comforting if he was, mayhap. He knows that his duty to the Goddess-Queen, his clan and his race demands that he... contribute. So he does his best to be the best, holding a hope that he dares not speak: that Tarukko of the Blackened Claws may be recognized as a worthy son of Myri. He behaviour around his own clan is quiet and introspective, but always helpful; around his family he relaxes far more, and he is closer to his younger siblings than even his own parents. Around outsiders, though, he often seems confused, even prickly and rude.

The Green is what he understands; it makes no demands from him but that he survive it, and in surviving, prosper. One day he may realize that the City of Bones and the savages therein are not so different...

Character History

Tamrak and Fendi often teased their eldest son that he should have been born a female: that is the tradition for Myrians, that their oldest child, the first born, is of the gender that so rules them. What they got instead was a quiet and respectful young man who was, by many accounts, rather plain (bordering on boring). From a young age what set him apart was his skill at Morphing: he seems to have a natural ability for it, which found a true form after years of caring for Barbil, a jaguar he helped nurse back to health.

As he grew, so did his confidence and insecurities, both. Understanding that he would never be afforded the respect of his sisters - even though he outstripped them in age and skill (for now) - Tarukko spent longer in the Wilds, much to the concern of his parents. They worried about their antisocial boy, and were relieved when he left for his service with the Taloba Army, concluding it to their pride with his Blooding Ceremony.

That should have been enough... but still doubts ate and festered within Tarukko. When he returned from his three years with the Army, a cheerful veneer masked them, and none outside his blood-kin were fooled. But he was useful and strong and nearly every hunt he embarked on brought back meat for the clan. So it continued... until the Djed Storm of 512AV.

Tarukko was lucky: he lost none of his siblings or parents, though two of his cousins were slaughtered by rampaging predators and another was blinded on the walls of Taloba. But his faith in the ageless protection of the jungle was shaken to its core. How could something turn on those that so loved it?

The male shook of his brooding, and set his mind to the task of them all: rebuilding and reinforcing their fauna-besieged city and the imbalanced jungle. Eventually, some semblance of normality returned. His suspicions relaxed. His brooding lost its bitter edge. There was even talk of females inquiring of him, the taut, stoic Jaguar that was still miraculously unjoined.

So much was possible. There was hope. Then came tragedy, and grief, and the rage that followed turning to blood and shame...


Fluent Language: Myrian
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Dhani


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Morphing 30SP, +3 33 Competent
Tracking 10SP, 10RB, +1 21 Novice
Acrobatics 10SP 10 Novice
Observation +1 3 Novice
Socialization +3 3 Novice
Endurance +1 1 Novice
Hunting +1 1 Novice
Unarmed Combat +1 1 Novice


Helpful Lores: (Pick 2)
History and Lore of the Blackened Claws
Taloba: City of Bones
The Proper Way to Kill a Tortoise
Forming a Tortoise hand club
Vurk: A Humorless, Honest Young Male
A Familiarity in the Wilds not Always Found with One's Clan

First Mark of Myri, granting Tarukko slightly enhanced speed, particularly with weapons and combat.
Takes the form of a stylized jaguar tattoo on his right upper arm that seems to burn when he calls on it.


-Cotton Shirt
-Cotton/Linen Loincloth
-Simple Sandals
1 Waterskin
Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Bone)
-Brush (Bone)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
33 Bikka



A strange and fearsome-looking weapon of definitely alien design, "Metal Claw" was gifted to Tarukko when he was still a child. It formerly belonged to his grandfather, Benro, and the garrulous old storyteller would brag and boast and weave a soaring tale of how he had triumphed against barbarian usurpers when he was not much older than the wide-eyed Tarukko, and taken their leader's "claw of wood and iron, so hard it could not bend nor break, and rip through flesh and sinew like paper and straw". Of course, Benro's wife and every other female would be quick to point out his exaggerations (but never specify exactly how much he was exaggerating).

Despite the Blackened Claw's disdain for "ordinary" weapons, they are still Myrians, and are expected to know how to use them. Tarukko has taken his grandfather's prize as his chosen arm, not merely for it's vicious capability, but also because there is unmistakable trust and understanding present in it. Benro gave his grandson a weapon that perfectly reflected the Jaguar form that Tarukko had such kinship for. The clashing, curved claw fills his right hand, and his own Morphing-aided flesh would be the other.

Tarukko put voice to that odd concept of dual-wielding once. Benro smiled and nodded, eyes shining with a wry cunning that belied his age and (in his culture) his gender.

"Prove worthy of them both, boy. The flesh and the steel. Trust neither with all, but scorn neither also. Find balance in them and you can conquer any odds against ye..."

The boy listened. Tarukko still practices with it every day, so he may emulate his grandfather's legendary (at least in his own mind) victory.


Location: Taloba



Purchase Cost Total
Starting +33 Bikka 33 Bikka

Thread List

Skinwalkers - Summer, 488AV - An adolescent Tarukko is finally introduced to his clan's ancient art of Morphing
Howl (Tinnok) - Spring, 500AV - A mutual hunt between the Tempered Steel and Blackened Claws brings Tarukko into contact with a cursed creature that is scorned by all, including him... initially
An Old Tale - Spring, 501AV - Tarukko and his fang assist in the tracking, ambush and annihilation of yet another band of treasure hunters who think their ego and steel is stronger than several centuries of undisputed Myrian dominance
If You Go Down To The Woods Today... (Vurk) - Summer, 507AV - Tarukko comes across one of his own kin while prowling the Wilds and practicing his djed, and decides to have some fun with the serious young Vurk
Claw and Paw - Summer, 507AV - Still invigorated from his Morphing practice with Vurk, Tarukko ventures back into the jungle to track an elusive predator he found on the way back to the village
Dynamics (Kaliope) - Spring, 513AV - Some painful but required training at the House of Blades leads Taru to meet a curious and cunning young female from the Changing Moons

Everything Burns (Seisyll) - 8th of Fall - Taloba is in flames and Taru works frantically with his new fang to stem the fires, meeting an enigmatic young helper in the process
Control - 18th of Fall - Guilty of a hideous crime in the eyes of his people and the Goddess-Queen, Tarukko awaits judgement in the Military Complex at Taloba, then endures the trial that will decide his future
Last edited by Tarukko on September 12th, 2014, 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Jaguar Hunter
Posts: 30
Words: 42159
Joined roleplay: September 11th, 2014, 2:06 am
Race: Myrian
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