by Seisyll on September 15th, 2014, 9:42 pm

Snake Form
As a snake, Seisyll appears at approximately 18.5 feet long, which makes her a relatively large serpent, even if she is small for her particular kind. A distinctive feature of all Ivyess is the flat, paddle-like tail, which helps her to move swiftly in the water. Out of the water, her small scales appear to be slightly off grey, almost dusty and dirty quality, with minimal patternings to distinguish her. When in the water, she appears far more polished and appealing, with almost ebony scales. Only when wet can an observer see the faint paler stripes that supposedly act as the snake's poor camouflage.
Snake Based Upon:
Snake: Lake Erie Water Snake (nerodia sipedon insularum)
Description: A common non-venous water snake most commonly found in central and eastern North America.
Length: Up to 4.4 feet
Weight: Between 4-7 pounds
Coloring: A variety of colours but relevant to Seisyll - grey with dark crossbands on their necks and dark stripes and blotches on the rest of their bodies.
Fangs: Two sets of fangs both in the front and the rear in order to puncture better and dispense more of their anticoagulant for greater damage.
Disposition: Active during the day and night but have a rather placid nature. They are quick to run but when they are cornered they are aggressive fighters.
Diet: Frogs, minnows, salamanders, small birds and mammals. At night they will hunt in deeper waters than they will during daylight.
Defenses: Will strike repeatedly if threatened by any of the many predators they have.
Venom: They've got an anticoagulant in their saliva which can cause a bite to bleed more, yet it is not deadly.
Dhani Form
Because being discovered would be an instant death penalty for Seisyll, it is incredibly rare for her to be seen in this form. As yet, not a single soul from the city of Taloba has seen such a form. When she does morph into that form, however, she is approximately 17 feet in length, from the end of her serpentine tail to the top of her human head. The black and grey scales cascade up her body and merge with her dark shades of skin around her stomach and torso.
Human Form
When in human form, this Dhani appears no different to any other human, standing at roughly five foot three or four. Having lived in Falyndar and Taloba for a number of seasons now, Seisyll's skin has started to darken to mimic that of Myrian skin. Though she will never be considered as anything other than an outsider to the Myrians, this at least is one aspect with which she might attempt to blend in. She is, however, markedly more pasty than the average native to the region. Her black hair mirrors the ebony and grey of her serpentine scales. Because of her active nature when in snake or Dhani form, Seisyll has a toned, athletic human body which reflects this.
Her human form does not feel natural, when compared to her snake (or, better yet, Dhani) forms, yet she endeavours to stay in such a form for as long as reasonably possible.
No different to any other aquatic Dhani, Seisyll prefers to spend ample time in the depths of available waters. However, unlike her salt water kin, she is not limited to the amount of time that she might stay on land. Though not naturally flighty or shy, her current situation leaves her to o her best to stand to the side and avoid drawing attention - unwanted or otherwise) to herself. There are not many in Taloba that she is comfortable around, nor does she particularly feel like she can associate with the Myrian culture.
Living in the warrior city, she cannot call the jungle fortress her home, and she knows that the only way she can truly be accepted is to avoid revealing her true self to those around her. For this reason, part of her identity has been lost, or so she feels. Serious to a fault... Well spoken, she takes extra pains to avoid using sibilance in her speech, though she will, of course, slip up upon occasion.
As a Freshwater Ivyess Dhani, Seisyll has been favoured by Makutsi, daughter of Laviku. She is a devout follower of the goddess of rain and waters, since learning about her from her mother decades ago. She has been marked once with the Raindancing Gnosis. At this level, she can bring forward a very light shower of rain that will take anywhere from a single bell to an entire day to finally fall. When the rain does fall, it will cover approximately one square mile and will last for roughly ten minutes.
The mark itself manifests on the side of her neck, just where the jaw ends as a series of colourless rain droplets, which travel down her shoulder and over her right breast. When she activates the gnosis - which she can only do when in human form - the droplets shift and shimmer, giving the illusion of rain cascading down her body..
Last edited by
Seisyll on September 18th, 2014, 9:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.