Katelyn smiled at the squire and his Tiaden. The two of them were a good match, in her opinion. He seemed to adore the giant mare, and Kat couldn't blame him. She was steady, smart, and gorgeous. She found herself a little jealous to be honest, and thought of how convenient it might be to have a horse that actually fit her stature. She loved her pony more than anything in the world, but he was old and not all that fast. His short legs couldn't carry her across the horizon, and that was exactly where she wanted to go.
A little too late she realized just how unpleasant the idea was. This was her horse, and she loved him. Feeling a little guilty, she stroked his neck and crooned a few quiet words of praise. His ears twitched in recognition, but other than that kept clopping alongside Kiter.
When Kat looked back at Marrick, she was surprised to see him frown and look away. She'd said something wrong. Her stomach twisted with guilt and confusion, and with pursed lips she watched the squire's reaction and listened when he finally spoke again. His explanation went quickly from sad to heart-wrenching, but still her gaze was level, and she jerked his head quickly side to side when he hinted at being a bore. Was she pushing him? Maybe. She didn't want to, but his past was drawing her in like a morbidly curious moth to a flame, and Kat was about to be burned.
The look in her eyes wasn't pity--she wouldn't think to unman him like that--but it was clearly sadness for him. Katelyn had lived a comfortable life, safe behind walls, well-fed, warm in the winter. She really knew nothing of true hardship. Her respect for him in that moment grew, and she found herself glad that she'd met him. His life was a lesson for others to be learned in selflessness and strength. Kat knew she wasn't much of anything in comparison. Just a regular farm girl riding alongside a spectacular human being who'd been dealt a shyke hand when he was born.
The two of them reined up at the crest of a hill that overlooked their route toward the Outpost. She saw the road winding downward into the trees and disappearing in the distance. Katelyn peeked at Marrick mounted above her on his tall mare. He was shielding his eyes, appreciating the view. She looked back out at the rolling land beyond, feeling that familiar, painful swell of longing.
Katelyn was lost in thought again--for how long she didn't know, but Marrick's excited urging pulled her from her daydreaming. It took more than few ticks to realize what he was saying, and then a few more to react in surprise. He left her in the dust, mouth open but unable to say anything. Startled by all of the excitement, Sebastian tossed his head and danced to the side, hopping and stomping and readying to charge after the mare. Some remnants of years of riding instincts kept the slack of her reins tight and her grip firm. She clung to her pony's mane, gripping his sides as he danced in excited.
"Whoa, whoa," she crooned firmly, easing him with her voice and the confidence of her posture.
This she could handle, but how the petch was she supposed to catch a fully tacked Tiaden and its rider, when she was bareback on a pony? Well, she was too proud not to try. When Sebastian's hooves were firmly planted and he was fairly calm once more, Katelyn gave the gelding his head, gripping up high toward the middle of his mane. She hung on for dear life, knowing this was a stupid idea. With her knees and thighs she gripped his shoulders and flanks tightly, and hunched down over his withers, trying to center her gravity low. He could feel the change in her posture, and he pawed the road excited, chomping at his bit and shaking his head.
"Get!" she ordered, and gave him a firm kick with her heels.
Sebastian darted off, almost running in place at first until his shod hooves found traction. Kiter and Marrick were already far ahead, her long legs and fast stride eating the distance to their goal. Her pony's short legs galloped hard to catch up, and Kat bounced erratically despite her clinging desperately to his back. He took every inch of his head that she gave him, lengthening his stride as far as he could, but still the squire and his mount stayed far ahead. She could tell that they were still pulling away. The people that they passed gave them sour looks, but she couldn't see them. She was too focused on staying on, and it was a losing battle.
Katelyn could feel herself slipping to the side. Sebastian wobbled as her weight shifted, throwing off his delicate balance. She tried to scramble back upright, but she was falling sideways, and the world was tilted. All she could do now was try not to break anything. Kat let go of her pony's mane and reins, tried to curl into a ball, and fell to the ground. His hooves thundered past her and away, down the road after Kiter, until he finally realized what had happened and began to slow. Behind them all Katelyn rolled hard across the road, and kept rolling several painful meters until she popped out of her defensive ball and flopped onto her stomach in the middle of the road, streaked with dirt and covered in scrapes.
Her eyes were screwed tightly shut, but when she opened them the world spun out of control. She gasped for breath and floundered, choking on her empty lungs and coughing loudly, rolling back and forth as they painfully filled again. Kat gasped for a few moments, eyes watering, and clumsily got on all fours. Nothing was broken, that much she could tell. She'd been knocked silly and her hip hurt, but other than having the wind knocked out of her she didn't seem too bad off. She wiggled her toes and fingers to start, then slowly worked her larger limbs and joints. Everything moved the way it should, and there were no sharp pains. Katelyn plopped down on her sore butt on the road and sighed with relief. She could see Sebastian trotting back. He'd spotted her and was coming to investigate.
Why are you down there? his big dark eyes seemed to ask. He stopped in front of her, covered in dust but looking a heck of a lot better than she did. Curiously, his soft nose poked her cheek, and his warm breath caressed her face as he sniffed and snorted quietly.