20th of Fall, 514 AV Rey didn't usually find himself in the Underground. Unfortunate, really, because he suspected that if he had previously spent more time here, he wouldn't be so petching lost right now. It seemed like every time he wandered around the city Ionu would deposit him somewhere he didn't usually find himself in. Most of those places, like the Sunken Conwhatsit, or the Bizaar Bazaar whatever, were rather interesting. This winding set of dark pathways was... significantly less so. Turning a corner to find yet another set of twisting paths, Rey only just managed to keep from screaming. Quite fortunately too, as it turned out. As he prepared himself to trudge down another stupid gloomy alleyway which would no doubt lead to yet another alley, even stupider and gloomier than the last, a noise caught his attention. He froze midstep, cocking his head to one side. The noise came again, and his eyes narrowed in interest. Loud whispering in a dark, seedy back street. Rey had heard enough stories to know that that was always a sign something interesting was going on. Admittedly, those had been Eypharian stories, and he was unlikely to overhear plans for a political coup or something here, but nevertheless. Something interesting was happening, and that made Rey a curious curious snake. Padding forwards as stealthily as he could, he managed to avoid making an ungodly amount of noise as he approached the sound of whispering. "Horseshyke. It ain't him you saw." A male voice, low and gruff. He sounded angry, at least to Rey's ears. "Of course it isn't. Like that idiot could have gotten a job at some shop." A smoother voice, contempt dripping from every word. "He and Verek together barely had the brains to pull off their little scheme." Rey frowned. Verek.. the name sounded familiar somehow. Something... ugh, he couldn't place it. "You callin me a liar, Vann? Couldn't forget that ugly mug if I tried. He was missin that finger of his and all." A third voice. There was something he was missing here. He had all the pieces of something, but he couldn't quite place what it was. Something familiar, something... The second voice interrupted his thoughts. "Verek's bitch hound had more brains than that brick Kirby. You really trying to tell me he managed to convince someone up top to hire him?" Oh. Well, he had been hoping for something interesting. In hindsight, he really should have realized that a man like Kirby would have friends, or not-friends, judging by the way they were talking about him. On a sudden impulse, Rey quickly stripped and began to shift, while the three were still arguing about whether the man they had seen was really Kirby or not. Rey quickly stowed his clothes in his pack, and stuffed it in a dark corner while he still had arms. It was difficult to focus on what they were saying when his ears were shifting. When he was fully snake, he poked his head into the next alley, only to find the three men walking towards him. "I ain't going up there chasin after nothing." The first voice, an ugly man with a limp. Rey ducked back before they reached him, quickly slithering to the side of the alley. Hopefully the darkness of his scales would help hide him from view. "It ain't gonna be nothing." The third voice said as the three of them rounded the corner. They were coming closer to where he was. Rey focused, sensing each man in turn. They didn't smell alarmed, as far as he could tell. Akajia, hide me from their view he prayed. "It had better not be, or you're paying Kirby's debt yourself." The second voice belonged to the man in the middle, it seemed. He was short and stout, with a scar across his cheek and a wicked looking knife at his hip. He walked half a step in front of the other two, clearly in charge. As they stepped past where Rey was hiding, he held his breath. None of their auras changed. It didn't look like they'd noticed him. Sending up a quick prayer of thanks to Akajia, he slowly slithered around the corner, the way the three had come. Rey shifted there, then peeked around the corner. They were gone, and he let out a sigh of relief. As he dressed himself, he couldn't help but grin widely. It seemed like he'd have to pay Kuvarakh a little visit. Even the odds a little, and maybe see what other tricks Kuvarakh had up his sleeve. Things were happening, and he didn't want whatever came next to end too quickly. He dashed through the twisting alleyways, eager to find his way to Kuvarakh, his bag held tightly at his side until he found a staircase. He bounded up the stairs two at a time, nearly tripping on the last one as he emerged out into the sunlight. Blinking away the shock of sudden brightness, he forced himself to keep to a human pace as he jogged through the streets, looking for the Alchea. This was going to be fun. He wondered if the nuit had what it took to really kill someone, not just send Rey to do it for him. He'd have to see if he could nudge things towards that. Spotting the sloped roofs that marked the magical shop, he made his way to the front door, before pausing to compose himself. Excitement was probably not the right emotion to be displaying, and it was worth pretending, even if Kuvarakh would likely see right through it. He pushed open the door. "Kuvarakh, you might have visitors soon. Or, rather, Kirby might have visitors soon." He paused for a moment. "The stabby, not friendly type of visitors." He clarified. "Very not friendly." |