Name: Anton Marks
Relationship: Father
Title: Rancher
Race: Human
Age: 55 years old
PoB: The Mithryn Outpost
DoB: 10th, Fall, 459 AV
Skills: Animal Husbandry 30, Horsemanship 10, Farming 5, Driving 5
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Pending
Name: Cecily Marks
Relationship: Mother
Title: Seamstress
Race: Human
Age: 50 years old
PoB: Zeltiva
DoB: 78th, Spring, 464 AV
Skills: Sewing 25, Gardening 10, Cooking 10, Food Preservation 5
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Pending
Name: Daniel Marks
Relationship: Brother
Title: Farmer
Race: Human
Age: 30 years old
PoB: The Mithryn Outpost
DoB: 31st, Summer, 484 AV
Skills: Farming 25, Agriculture 15, Botany 10
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Pending
Name: Harris Marks
Relationship: Brother
Title: Hunter
Race: Human
Age: 28 years old
PoB: The Mithryn Outpost
DoB: 19th, Summer, 486 AV
Skills: Hunting 25, Tracking 10, Longbow 10, Butchery 5
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Pending
Name: Garreth Marks
Relationship: Brother
Title: Hunter
Race: Human
Age: Deceased
PoB: The Mithryn Outpost
DoB: 19th, Summer, 486 AV
Skills: Hunting 20, Trapping 15, Crossbow 15
Gnosis: None
Additional Info: Garreth was the youngest of the Marks boys, cheated into forever being his twin's little brother by just a few moments. He therefor took the opportunity to jest about his brother's old age every chance he had. He was always the silliest out of all of his siblings, even more than his trickster of a twin Harris. Garreth seemed to be behind every hair brained and dangerous idea, driving them on to bigger and better stunts.
Ever since they were children he'd been carefree and happy, somehow able to wiggle his way out of the trouble he was often the cause of. With a charming smile and infectious laugh, he had few enemies in the world, but more friends than he could count. It seemed he always had a kind word to say about everyone he met. While his siblings often joked that he'd be the first to get himself killed, they never expected it to be true.
After a dispute with his brother Harris, Garreth took a short retreat into the Bronze Woods to hunt game. When four days had passed and there was no sign of his return, his siblings trekked out in search of him. They found his camp looted by bandits and his body not far from the chaos; battered and torn by his attackers, the elements, and scavengers. His death left a lasting hole in his family's lives and became the catalyst for his sister's decision to become a Squire for the Syliran Order.