[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

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Taloba, home to the Myrians, is the thriving core of Falyndar. Inhabited by a fierce and savage tribe where blood sacrifices are normal and a way of life, they are untamed and proud of it. Warlike, and with their numbers growing, the Myrians are set on reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. [Lore]

[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Rage on February 22nd, 2011, 6:27 am

"Rest as you will," Asheera bade him as she unsteadily rose to her feet. "There is a small red jar in one of the shelves. It is an unguent for your wounds. It will stop the bleeding and keep it clean. Take as much of it as you need - take the whole jar.

"For now I need to... need to rest as well. Mind you pull the platform up when you make your way down later. "

The woman turned her back to him and headed to her private chambers, the spear with the severed head now back in her hands. She continued speaking, even when she's entered her room and had shut the door behind her.

"The book should be enough to teach you how to create Res. Return when you desire lessons for transmuting it to your desired elem..."

No more sound emerged from the closed door once Asheera's voice had faded. Clearly dismissed, Seyp was free to rest within the main room of the treehouse and explore his surroundings. He may also return home if he so chose.

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[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Seyp on February 24th, 2011, 8:33 am

Seyp remained motionless for what seemed like close to at least a bell before he even felt like twitching his fingers. He took it slow for a long moment before he finally began pushing himself off the ground. It still seemed every part of him ached. At the same time, he felt as if his body was a little different, almost infused. It almost made it difficult to move at first, as his feet dragged along the floor making his way across the room. His arms felt heavy as he reached up, pulling the jar of unguent down from the shelf. With soft grunts he dragged his way back to the floor, sitting himself down along the pillow again.

Popping the top off the jar, Seyp dipped his fingers in, slowly covering the tips with the unguent. He let out a slow exhale as the substance was gently applied to each wound he hand made over himself. He started with the hands first, slowly traveling over the wound along his chest before finally applying some of the concoction to his brow. He waited for another long moment, letting the red unguent do its work as the bleeding eventually stopped and the sting subsided a little more. A slow exhale was then released as Seyp soon looked down into the book, reading over the text more thoroughly. He eyes shifted over the text, taking in each word as if it were almost as important as gospel speech from Myri.

Slowly, the secrets revealing methods for creating Res from his Djed unfolded with each page turned. It wasn’t much longer after before Seyp was holding his hand out in front of him. He soon began to concentrate, moving the energies within his own body. It wasn’t entirely dissimilar to how he shifted his Djed into his eyes to use the sight of Auristics. In this aspect, it was matter of shifting the Djed towards his hands. The difficult part, was transforming it into the substance of Res. It was something Seyp found took up most of his concentration, and on several occasions found himself failing at it. It was only after a bell of trying over and again, that Seyp finally had the smallest of success as a small drop of translucent like fluid, about the size of a small pearl rose from the pores of his skin.

He soon attempted to form more, to make the small sphere of Res larger. It wasn’t long, however, before he began feeling more fatigued and slight twinges of pain raised within him. The Res also quickly dispersed when Seyp suddenly heard what he could only describe as hums of sorts in his head. He dropped his hand to the floor, lowering the book as well. In that moment, he decided to stop. He didn’t know whether what he heard was something that combined all that he had gone through today so far, or if what he truly suspected it to be. Hints of the Sweet Whispers. His suspicions were more cemented when, after a chime of stopping, he soon felt the urge to start again. At that moment, he decided to refocus his mind, to distract it with what he had been after since meeting Asheera. Knowledge.

His gaze fell down to the book as he began to read over the text once again, his eyes shifting back and forth as he read over each page he came across twice this time, taking all of the content in thoroughly. Finally, however, something made his stop, and read over a page more than twice. It was a passage on Glyphing, and the benefits using such in conjunction with other magic. Seyp’s brow knotted slightly in contemplation as he soon moved sat up, staring aimlessly towards the wall. It wasn’t long before he stood from his place, moving back towards the Asheera’s shelves again. He looked over each of the books he found there, reading passages on various forms of magic, some of which he found intriguing, especially the one referencing a discipline called Projection. In the end, however, he saved such studies for later, replacing such books along the shelf until he finally came across a book of Glyphing.

Taking the book with him, he retook his seat along the pillow and began reading that book. The first ten pages showed him the benefits that Glyphing would hold for him when it came to using Reimancy. With it, he could focus the Res more efficiently. He could store it for later use. With Glyphing, Reimancy spells could be collected as ammunition in a way, like arrows in a quiver. His intrigue for Glyphing now matched his intrigue for Reimancy, and soon the action of just reading and learning it all caused his mind to slowly fade the Sweet Whispers he had been hearing to the back of his mind entirely. It was still there, but now it was more like a simple feeling of Goosebumps along his skin that would disappear. He would continue to read up on Glyphing, even going so far as to search for a inkwell and small paint brush. After thoroughly reading over the book on Glyphing, he would attempt to apply Glyphs along the palms of his hands. Unless Asheera rose from her slumber and resumed her lesson before he had opportunity.
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[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Rage on February 26th, 2011, 10:39 am

It was late afternoon when Asheera emerged from her room a couple of bells later, this time wearing nothing but strips of cloth covering her feminine parts. She also sported a different headgear, a skullcap fashioned from the top part of a crocodile's head. Seyp would only barely discerned her reptilian eyes in the shadow beneath the long snout. She carried two well worn but dangerous-looking spears, as if about to go out to hunt. She squawked liked a crow as she caught sight of the boy still sitting on the pillow where she had left him earlier.

"What are you still doing here, boy? Night will be upon you in a few hours! Dangerous creatures prowl the jungle during that time and not all of them are stupid beasts!"

She moved towards Seyp and peered at him curiously. And then without warning, her hand shot out, grabbing him by the jaw. Seyp would feel immense strength beneath her fingers, much greater than he was used too, perhaps even surpassing that of his own mother. The eccentric Myrian turned the boy's head left and right as she inspected his face.

"You tried it, didn't you?! Calling forth Res?" Asheera accused him. Her eyes narrowed as she moved near him, the nose of her headgear butting Seyp on the forehead. "Yes...yes, you did." She smacked him on the side of the head, not a powerful blow but still enough to scramble Seyp's thoughts. "Stupid boy! I didn't initiate you just so can kill yourself with the magic! You need to rest before you try it, and by that I mean sleep! Do you not find your control over it difficult? Of course you do! I -"

The woman paused, suddenly catching sight of the book that Seyp had been perusing. A twisted smile creased her face.

"A curious one, aren't you? Very well! Take the book and return here tomorrow. Do not use magic again today or you will die a horrible death, do you understand me, boy?" Seyp would recognize Asheera's tone to be similar to what elders used to scare off little children into obedience. Still, whether he obeyed her or not, what she said was still something to consider. She was the one with more experience in the arcane arts after all.

"Go on, get going!" Asheera took the jar of healing unguent and the book she had paid for him in the marketplace and placed both items on top of the book Seyp had been reading and began to shoo him outside of her hut. "Come back when you've rested, you stubborn little git. And don't bring anyone with you or he will die and you will never be able to find this place!"

If Seyp chose to reply at this point, he would find himself talking to a door.

Secret :
Seyp may find Asheera's Treehouse now without the necessary levels in Tracking and Wilderness Survival. This only applies when he is alone, however.

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[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Seyp on March 6th, 2011, 4:56 am

It was a barrage of movements and lectures. Ones that Seyp had encountered several times over during his short years thus far, growing up as a male within Taloba. It was these instances that he knew it was one of those times he didn’t say anything. The questions were rhetorical, the statements and tone were what mattered, that as well as the firm grabs and stinging strikes of discipline.

Seyp soon stood up, gripping the book in his hand for a moment. “I will see you tomorrow then.” Seyp said as he slowly slipped the books into a pouch at his waist. “Will I have to climb up again tomorrow, or will visiting you be less of a physical challenge?”

After she answered, whether it was a quipped response to his quipped question, or a simple stern slap again for the question in the first place, Seyp soon made his way to the door. It wasn’t a difficult process for him to begin making his way home. His first movement would be leaping from the ledge of Asheera’s tree house, landing along the larger branch a few feet below. He quickly kept with the motion, jumping down to the next branch before a backwards leap was given, gripping a final branch, swinging his body around before falling the final ten feet to the ground.

A slow exhale was given as he took a moment there along the ground to catch his breath. The day had been a little more exhausting than he had cared to emit. Using Auristics would make it worse, but it would also keep him aware of the predators. In the end, Seyp likely had less fear than he should have of traveling the jungles, but he had been doing such with his parents since he was five years of age. He was, by no real means, a sturdy Myrian warrior, but his own experience so far coupled with Auristics to sense dangers allowed Seyp to often avoid it.

It would take less time for him to get home than it did for him to reach Asheera’s tree house. And when he stepped inside his home, Syna just dipping below the horizon, both of his parents had questioned where he had been, and the wounds he had acquired. Neither one technically supported his decision to delve into reimancy, but considering the fact that he was still level headed, and had a book involving glyphing showed them that they had raised him with better intelligence, and was something he could handle. His mother had been more resistant in the matter, but in the end, she to chose not to force him to reveal who had been teaching him, rather trust her son’s own judgment, and trust he would come out stronger for it.

Seyp had simply spent the next bell eating a rather large dinner, before finally heading to his bed and slipping into with his book on Glyphing. He had spent maybe fifteen chimes before fatigue had finally overtaken him, and forced him to close his eyes and fall into a deep sleep. His dreams had been a mix of the days events with one exception, his rez had been a dark color, almost appearing like a gem of sorts. The dream alone, when waking, was almost enough to cause him to begin forming Rez again. Rather than try, however, he took a moment to breath in deeply, clear his mind by thinking of simply expanding his knowledge, of learning. It always eased his nerves to contemplate how he would learn more.

When he had finished, his nerves settled and mind focused, he once again began reading over the book on glyphing. He read over the simple aspects and benefits, reviewing what he had read the day before so he was sure he wouldn’t miss anything. He began reading more thoroughly on Focus, and soon lead on to the Barrier, Trigger, Path and Switch. In the end, he had decided to start off small, much to the book’s suggestion, and took out a vial of paint and paint brush. He had used them a couple of years earlier to practice drawing Malediction circles when his father had begun teaching him such. Dipping the brush into the paint, Seyp opened his left hand, facing his palm upward. Slowly, using the same care he would drawing a Malediction circle, Seyp began painting along his hand, working curves and strait lines, moving slowly and meticulously. It took him close to a half of a bell to finished, continuously wiping away blotches of paint that he felt unsatisfactory, painting over it again when he felt necessary.

The next bell and a half would be spent moving over Taloba, finishing off his daily errands and training. When it was finished, Seyp immediately began to make his way back to Asheera’s home. It took him the same time making his way to Asheera’s home as it had to get home from there. He had managed to make this journey without the use of Auristics this time around, as he opted to save his djed for his training this time around. When he had arrived, he once again made his journey up the tree, his feet moving slowly over the surface of the deck outside. It was a forgone conclusion in Seyp’s mind that she already knew he was there, even to the point that he almost felt as though she had been watching him throughout his morning in Taloba as well, ensuring that he did not practice further. All the same, he called out her name, announcing his arrival before he stepped inside.
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[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Rage on March 20th, 2011, 9:01 am

"Ah, the eager little beaver arrives," Seyp heard Asheera mutter from within the treehouse. Upon entering, he caught sight of her sitting on her pillow chair, clothed as she had been the previous day when they first met, absent the feathered headdress. The dessicated head of the horned creature was back in her hands however, holding the short spear it was impaled to like some sort of macabre staff of station.

"Have you been using your magic again, then?" she asked, peering at him with her slitted pupils. "Have a look here..." Her eyes continued to roam over his body, noting the painted glyphs on his hands before cocking an eyebrow.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Stop dawdling like an idiot and sit down, I haven't all day!"

Asheera waited until he did so, before she reached over to grab both is hands, inspecting his handiwork.

"And what are these supposed to be, hmm? Trying out new tattoo patterns, are we?" Like a stern parent or teacher, she stared at him as if he had been caught doing something mischievous. "Glyphs are not simple lines of gibberish you put your own meaning to - it is a language, one lost to most people, the ignorant and the stupid. Don't number yourself among them."

Releasing his hands, the gray-skinned woman grabbed a piece of parchment from a nearby shelf and thrust it to Seyp, not removing her hand on it until the boy took it from her. As Seyp would note, a small brush and a jar of black paint sat on the same shelf.

"Glyphing is something you can practice on your own time. It is harmless on its own; sigils only function when you pour your magic into them. Otherwise they are as useless as the script you are taught to write.

"At the back of the book I gave you are the alphabet of the dead language, Nader-canoch, as penned by this fool."
Asheera gestured at the severed head, the one she called Cheros. "Learn it, remember it, and make sure you know it more than our own alphabet. But do it on your own time; for now, copy the sigils on the parchment onto your own hands."

As Seyp moved to comply, the woman suddenly grabbed at one of his wrists. "Do not make a mistake!" Asheera snapped, eyes wide in a warning stare. As quickly as it happened, she released him, becoming docile once more.

"When you are done, we can try manifesting djed. Though from the looks of it, you've already tried." She sniffed derisively at him.

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[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Seyp on May 15th, 2011, 4:51 am

Seyp soon sat down after Asheera had barked her orders to do such, settling his body over the pillows along the floor. Each of her words, stern and harsh had sunk into Seyp, but they did not bite into his psyche as venomous. In the end, Asheera had something she could teach to Seyp, something Seyp wanted to learn. Her style of teaching, in the end, was no different than that of his mothers or any of the others in Taloba, especially when it came to the females of the Myrian race. Why she had chosen to teach Seyp was beyond him, and it didn’t matter. Not to Seyp. He wanted to learn, and she was willing to teach him.

ImageSeyp took a quick scan over the words in the back of the book for a moment before closing it once again at Asheera’s order to learn it on his own time. Finally, as she spoke a little further about glyphing, before telling him to copy the glyph onto his hand, Seyp finally felt that twinge of excitement course through his veins. Picking up the brush, he slowly dipped the strands, of what he only imagined to be human hairs, into a well of dye before slowly holding his palm opened in front of him. Smoothly, the tip of the brush glided over the surface of his skin, tickling the nerves slightly as Seyp concentrated on making sure his hand didn’t twitch in reaction, messing up the glyph. The entire process took close to a half bell, with Seyp occasionally wiping away some of the dye when he had noticed one curve of the glyph was off, or seemed disproportionate. Finally, after the glyph on his left hand had been finishes, Seyp held it there for a few chimes longer, waiting for the dye to fully dry. “Done.” Syep finally whispered, then moving on to the next part of Asheera’s instructions, which was to summon Res.

Seyp’s eyes then focused, first on the glyph, before shifting for a moment and summoning that feeling of the flow of energy inside of him, the same as when he slowly changed that energy within him the day before. Shifting its composition, changing it entirely before letting it flow from the center of his body through his left arm, his eyes once again focusing on the glyph, using the patterns so painstakingly drawn to allow easier summoning of res itself. Finally, after a chime or two, a small vapor began to flow out of the center of the glyph and Seyp’s head. A tiny drop at first, soon increasing in volume to a pebble in size next until it finally grew to be the size of an apple or orange before Seyp found the twinges of strain beginning to rise within him. It was there he paused, waiting of Asheera’s next instruction.
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[Flashback/Training] Lessons Learned (Seyp)

Postby Rage on June 24th, 2011, 12:41 pm

Asheera's slitted eyes never left the boy as he went about the little exercise, hardly showing any emotion at all as she did so. Still as cobra preparing to strike, her porcelain-like facade only shifted when one of her eyebrows rose the same time Seyp's djed manifested itself. Inwardly, she was surprised at how naturally it all came to the boy. It appeared she had chosen well.

"How does it feel,"
she asked, her voice a mere hiss, "to take a part of yourself to produce that thing in your hand?

"Maintain it!"

Slowly, she stood and circled the boy even as he maintain the ball of Djed-vapor in his palm. A test of his will and concentration was her aim, as well as to emphasize once again the consequences of overgiving. But Seyp did not know that. Asheera was determined to let him learn it in the harshest way possible. It was the only way for him not to forget the lesson.

"How does it feel to feed your lifeforce on that purposeless lump of nothing?"

Asheera knelt, lowering herself so that her gray-tinged face was level with the boy's. She drew nearer him until their faces were mere inches away from each other. Her eyes never wavered from his, willing him to look at her and break his control over the flow of his Djed. It was but one of the subtle distractions she leveled his way.

"Does it hurt? Or do you...like it?"
she whispered to him, her breathe coming out forcefully, tickling Seyp's eyelashes. "Do you enjoy the feel of feeding more and more of yourself just to cast magic?"

Her voice was almost hypnotic, seemingly lulling Seyp into a sense of comfort, like the sound of a mother's voice as she would sing to a child the ballads of warriors from long past. And then suddenly, Asheera jarred him from his growing complacency.

"Answer me!"
she screamed. Right in front of him, her voice was unbearably loud.

Whether Seyp replied or not, whether his concentration broke or not and he lost control of the flow of his Djed out of his hand, it did not matter for Asheera stood abruptly, turning her back towards him. A flick of the wrist, a small gesture of her hand, and just like that, the firewood set on the small sandpit in front Seyp burst into flames.

"Choose your element, boy,"
Asheera instructed, her voice now cold. "All four are around you... Pick your poison. Cherish your choice and hold it close to your chest like a hidden dagger.

"Someday, you may just stab your own heart with it."

Asheera laughed. Seyp would be hard-pressed to find what exactly it was that was funny.

I leave you to gauge whether Seyp overgives at this points or not. Keep in mind his age and his relative control over his fledgling powers. If he does overgive, the woulds he suffered from the initiation rites will open once more. If he does not and he's able to convert his djed into one of the elements, one of the following will occur depending on the element he chose:
Fire - The djed ball will burst into flames and he will suffer second degree burns on the focal point of where he channeled Djed and first degree burns on the rest of his hand where he painted the glyph on.

Wind - The air around him hand will suck the flames of the small bonfire an singe his hand, suffering first degree burns on his whole hand.
Earth - The bones of his hand will stiffen and he will not be able to close his fingers into a fist for the rest of the thread. This condition will cause extreme pain, like needles shooting out of his bones and piercing his skin outwards.
Water - His hand will dry up as if it was exposed to sun for a whole day as the djed-ball pulls moisture from it. The sensation will be similar to sticking your hand in a microwave, albeit it will only last for two seconds. The pain will last for the rest of the thread however.

Whatever he chooses, the glyph will vanish. RP out the consequences depending on your choice.

Notice: I will not be available for modding in the foreseeable future until I've cleared up my backlog of Miz stuff (PC and ST-wise). Hopefully, it's a temporary thing, but we'll see. I will still grade your threads, however.
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