Completed A night at the inn

After applying at the job center, Saede decides to visit The Herald's Arms

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

A night at the inn

Postby Saede Lare on September 24th, 2014, 2:37 am

"It's all good. I think I'm going to get some rest now, good chattin' with you Maia."

Saede got up, made sure all her things were on her, and made her way up to her room. She turned back once near the steps and said;

"Thanks for the drink, and see you around!" Waving goodbye, she climbed up the stairs into her room.

Saede entered her room, and glanced around. It was a small, tidy room with everything she needed. Not much more though. For Saede, this was more than enough. She placed her things, took off her clothes, and went to sleep.

See sleeping aboveLook up a post or two, I'm sleeping so I can't reply until tomorrow.
"It doesn't matter who you were. I'm sure anyone here could change, if they wanted to."
Secret :
Help with the Fall Harvest OR Winter planting Complete!
Attend the Harvest festival Complete!
Help with repairs around the city
Swim in the suvan

Sass your superiors or play a harmless prank on the knights
Collect mushrooms/herbs in the forest
Help a stranger
Get caught in the rain/snow

Gamble at the Spinning Coin
Sing or play an instrument (Whistling or humming doesn't count)
Visit The Temple of All Gods and learn about a new God or Goddess Complete!
Eat/drink a speciality of a different city/region (i.e. Kelp beer from Zeltiva, Chocolate from Kenash, exotic fruits from Falyndar)

Alternate Characters: Isda Plorall
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Saede Lare
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A night at the inn

Postby Bakar on September 24th, 2014, 2:50 am

He noticed the other young man that had come into the bar. Oh, come now. Are people just looking younger to me? He sighed. Saede had decided to leave for the night. She bid farewell to Maia, and headed to her room. He sighed again. There went his entertainment for tonight. He turned to where she had been seated, and noticed Maia looking at him. He froze for a second, then slowly rose, heading back to his table in the corner, still unoccupied. He sat and stared at the table, hoping he would be ignored again.
As of Summer, 63, 515, Bakar has a different body! If never met you before, then this doesn't really matter to you, but people I've met should take this into account, as you're really unlikely to recognize me. :P
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A night at the inn

Postby Maia Stonesoul on September 24th, 2014, 2:56 am

Maia waved goodbye to Saede and sat back in his chair for a while. But after finding himself getting tired and lonely he decided to pay for a room. He stood up, grabbed his scythe and stood there for a second starring at its blade. But after remembering where he was he quickly scurried up to his room, hoping he didn't raise any suspicions durring the night at the inn. Without even examining the room he threw himself on the bed prepared for another night of the horror that lived in his mind.

/ooc I guess I'll be going to, I'll be back to do this again at around 4ish to 10(it's like 11 here now) see you guys later. I had a lot of fun
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A night at the inn

Postby Garland on September 24th, 2014, 3:10 am

"Oh come on! As soon as I sit down, people start leaving!" A few mugs scattered around the table Garland was sitting at. This always happens when he drinks. One drink leads to another then another then another then finally he either gets kicked out or passed out. "Play me a tune!" He told the people that were making said music."something lively!"

He took another drink and then jumped up on the bar. The band starting playing a loud and lively tune to match Garland's intoxication. "OHHHHHHHH!! People from the briny blue, charoda and the konti, and yes some of you! Cheers to the plenty, the 'Vic's and the Hums! Feel the beat inside your feet and sing for peace of ALLLLLL!" He then fell of the counter and was passed out for the most of the night. Just enough to reach the dorm in the early morning, but right now, he was finding comfortable spot on the floor next to some spilled ale.
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A night at the inn

Postby Bakar on September 24th, 2014, 3:16 am

The young man Bakar had noticed earlier had cried out about the crowd leaving. He raised his head and noticed that he had gotten a few more drinks. Maia was gone. He sighed with relief. The young man jumped up on the bar and started singing. Bakar smiled to himself. "Well, I guess not all of the entertainment is gone."

He stayed for the short duration of the young man's outburst, until he had passed out and fell to the floor. He stood himself and decided to leave the inn. "That could have gone bad if he decided to come over to question him." He said to himself. He exited the door and left for home. He kept his head down and walked quickly. When he arrived he sat himself down and closed his eyes. "That young man.. Maia." He hung his head, closing his eyes, basically shutting down for the night. "I think I'll avoid that inn for a while. Don't want to draw too much attention to myself, should those two be there later.. but that young man.." He wanted to see him again. To understand him. He had seen someone who's past was too close to his own to let go. "Maybe.. I will return tomorrow. If they're there, I'll stay again. Hopefully Maia doesn't notice me again.." His mind returned to thoughts of his lost past, of all the wrongs done to him. The night was long and unpleasant, but eventually gave way to a new day.
As of Summer, 63, 515, Bakar has a different body! If never met you before, then this doesn't really matter to you, but people I've met should take this into account, as you're really unlikely to recognize me. :P
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A night at the inn

Postby Redd on October 27th, 2014, 2:51 am


Saede Lare

Knowledge :


Skill XP
Observation +4XP
Socialization +4XP
Storytelling +1XP

➢ Maia: Carries a Scythe
➢ Socialization: Pay attention to companion
➢ Lore: It’s wrong to put other down
➢ Maia: Had past taken from him
➢ Observation: Someone is watching

Micellaneous :

➢ N/A

➢ N/A


Knowledge :


Skill XP
Observation +4XP
Intelligence +2XP
Rhetoric +1XP

➢ Lore: Loneliness makes one talk to themselves
➢ Maia: Had past taken from him
➢ Saede: From Sunberth
➢ Saede: Partially thinks like me
➢ Saede: Does not like attention
➢ Rhetoric: Not all the entertainment is gone
➢ Observational Insight: It could have gone bad

Micellaneous :

➢ N/A

➢ N/A


Knowledge :


Skill XP
Observation +2XP
Singing +1XP
Acrobatics +1XP

➢ Lore: A new squire with new responsibilities
➢ Lore: One drink is never enough
➢ Maia: Had past taken from him

Micellaneous :

➢ Sever hangover in the morning, including vomiting.
--> Will pass after one day of rest and lots of water

➢ -1 Shield Point for Conduct Unbecoming of a Squire [Disorderly Conduct in Public]

Maia Stonesoul
Maia! Please address the issues that Twister the lovely DS has pointed out to you in an intervention on your CS. Once these issues have been resolved, please contact me ASAP to receive your grade. Thank you!



➢ Please put more into your posts. A normal post generally consists of about 300+ words. Describing your environment, observations and even the thoughts that your characters is having can make sure that you make a normal post length. Plus, you also get more skill points and lores when you add more to your post! :nod:
➢ Saede, Please refrain from using names of places that do not exist on Mizahar.
➢ Garland, please make sure to deduct your drinks from your ledger as soon as possible!
➢ Garland, considering that you walked in after Saede had spoken about her story, you would not have likely heard it. Plus, by the time that you had walked in to the inn, Bakar was already seated at the bar
➢ Listening in on conversations is considered information gathering which falls under Intelligence, which is why I have awarded you a couple of points in Intelligence, Bakar.
➢ Overall, not a bad get together thread. Please don't hesitate to contact me about your grade if you have any concerns. I don't bite! I swear! ^.^


If you feel that I have left out something or made an error of some kind, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any questions or comments, again feel free to contact me. I don't bite, I swear. Also, remember to either delete your grade request or edit it as 'graded'.
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