The Minor Arcana The Suit of Flames This suit is indicative of a spark of creativity and inspiration to take action. These cards stand for self-expression through enterprise, so they frequently will refer to one's trade. Fire is an active, male energy. The Ace of Flames - - Two male hands seem to nurture a small flame as it's amber tongues tentatively reach up and towards the face of an expectant moon. - Indicative of the seed of an idea one is passionate about. The strength of the energy of this card is typically a sign that, if one applies the same energy to their endeavor, the results will be overwhelmingly positive. If this card is accompanied by the Empress, it almost always brings tidings of a pregnancy or birth! If the question in mind is a relationship, one can be assured that the relationship will be one filled with unparalleled passion. The Two of Flames - A young man stands at a crossroads lit by two flames. A lush horizon is also shown in great detail. Neither path seems to be the more promising as both disappear over a hillock. Two deer gaze expectantly at the man with their hooves on neither path. - Symbolic of a project one has already embarked upon. This card suggests that the question weighing upon one's mind is far from as impactful as one believes and that one should trust their instincts and move forward instead of being held stagnant. It also suggests that one cannot rely upon outside influences to dictate their actions. The Three of Flames - A man is now viewed from behind as he strides confidently towards a three masted ship. Three birds glide easily through the air above him. - Once one's initial goals have been realized, this card will typically appear in order to calm the mind and assure one of progress. The three birds high above suggest that one still has high hopes for their project and the ship indicates that they will soon be able to move forward more quickly than before. The Four of Flames - Four pillars with flames atop and garlands connecting them form a serene and celebratory square around a man who gazes lovingly upon the faces of his wife and children. - Now that one has reached a level of stability, it is suggested that they take some time for himself or herself in order to reflect upon one's accomplishments, recuperate from their actions, and find a sense of harmony within. If other cards indicate a marriage, this card indicates that the marriage will be one of joy and pleasure as well as a well-balanced union of energies between the two partners. The Five of Flames - Five men stand facing one another, flames in hand as if meaning to burn one another. The sky above is a deep gray and unsettled and mice are seen scurrying away in anticipation of conflict. - The Five of Flames represents conflict, differences in opinions, and petty squabbling. The issue at hand is likely inconsequential but can draw energy away from much larger tasks if not solved quickly. If one is merely a bystander, make all efforts to remain uninvolved, for any action in favor of one will earn the distrust and even contempt of others. Now is not the time to present new ideas for it is likely that the idea will be lost in the struggles to come. The Six of Flames - A man sits astride a gallantly decorated steed. He sits high above the crowd around him as they toss golden wreaths in his direction. - Recognition by others will soon be at hand. One's efforts are far from in vain and will soon bear fruit worthy of the notice and applause of others. The Seven of Flames - A man stands before his home, expression one of concentration as six menacing figures cast shadows in his direction. - One's ideas or beliefs may be challenged, in the future, leading one to take a defensive stance. Take heart and remain calm as you face the challenges before you. The Eight of Flames - Eight glittering flames fly high above a fertile countryside. - This card is a welcome sight as it indicates a burst of positive energy coming into play in one's life. The Nine of Flames - A man kneels before eight pillars, holding a waning flame in his hand as he wearily awaits further opposition. - This card nearly always appears when one feels as if all of their energy has been spent, as if they cannot take even another step on the long road they have journeyed upon thusfar. Take heart, however, in the knowledge that, though one's flame is weak and dim, it is still in existence. If one manages to summon forth the inner strength to persevere, they will find the end of their struggles is much closer than anticipated. The Ten of Flames - A man awkwardly carries a bundle of ten sticks upon his back through the night. Despite his burden, his head is high. - One should take a step back and reexamine the problems at hand. There are far easier ways to deal with the stress and strain than that which is being actively applied. This card can also represent a warning that one is being overworked and must begin to lighten their load before being broken. The Suit of Cups Description The Ace of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Two of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Three of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Four of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Five of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Six of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Seven of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Eight of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Nine of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Ten of Cups - - Description - Meaning The Suit of Swords Description The Ace of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Two of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Three of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Four of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Five of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Six of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Seven of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Eight of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Nine of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Ten of Swords - - Description - Meaning The Suit of Pentacles Description The Ace of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Two of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Three of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Four of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Five of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Six of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Seven of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Eight of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Nine of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Ten of Pentacles - - Description - Meaning The Cards of the Court All cards can represent either a person or an event depending upon the context. The Apprentice of Flames - A young boy stands in awe of the flames before him. - A symbol that one often acts before thinking the situation through entirely. - Foretelling the reception of good news. The Apprentice of Cups - A young girl sits before a fountain, gazing with a reflective air upon it's shimmering surface. - Kind, thoughtful, gentle, and generally mild mannered is the person about whom this card speaks. The are often well liked by others but often face issues simply because they are too sensitive, taking many inconsequential issues to heart. - Happy news of an emotional nature is coming! The Apprentice of Swords - A young figure is seen perched upon a wooden bench, whetstone in hand as they sharpen their blade in thoughtful silence. - This card appears to portray one who is quick-minded, cool, analytic, secretive, and overtly logical. It is not uncommon for them to appear insensitive as they are tied up in the logic of a situation instead of the emotional root of it. Injustice on any level upsets this person for he or she is one who is overly fond of the rules. Without meaning to, it is not uncommon for this person to speak without investigation of fact, leading to gossiping. - Represents delayed or disappointing news. Depending upon the surrounding cards, this card may suggest the root of one's issues lying in another's gossip. The Apprentice of Pentacles - A youth is seen reclining in the shade of a tree, book studiously held beneath their nose. - Academia appeals to the person portrayed by this card. He or she is is methodical, hard-working, polite, self-disciplined and bears a love and respect for animals and the countryside. - Positive news of a financial or academic nature is to come! The Warrior of Flames - Gloriously adorned in flickering gold and red armor, a proud figure sits astride a gloriously white horse. - Typically represents one who is energetic, ambitious, and a bit hasty. - A change in scenery awaits he or she to whom this card appears. It may signify a journey or just a move from one place to another. OR A situation requiring quick action is coming; one must remember to check all the details surrounding a choice before moving forward. The Warrior of Cups - This Warrior wears beautiful robes and a theatrically jubilant expression set to match the rearing of his steed. - This card appears to the idealistic romantic. - One should seek out new romantic or otherwise interpersonal relationships. The Warrior of Swords - This Warrior bears a naked sword before an owl. - Quick-minded, rather serious, and sometimes impatient, those who find this card are often strong characters with magnetic personalities despite frequently being insensitive. - Quick action will be taken regardless of one's actions. With such in mind, one must be able to see the root of a problem or a situation before things become more serious. The Warrior of Pentacles - Alone in a moonlit meadow, this Warrior stands alongside his horse, seemingly lost in nature for the time being. - This card appears to those who can be considered steady, trustworthy, and reliable. - This card means that which one has been methodically developing and patiently anticipating is finally arriving. The Lady of Flames - The slightly rounded figure of a matron stands before a hearth. - A strong maternal or paternal instinct guides those to whom this card is read. Another aspect of this person is a sense of constant business, as if they do not know how to stand still and let things sort themselves out. There is a controlling and oft hot-tempered aspect to those whom this Lady appears. - In one's frantic and constant motion, they may have forgotten something very important. The Lady of Cups - Standing on a balcony overlooking a storm, this Lady still appears serene if somewhat detached and aloof from the outside world. - Preferring one-on-one interactions, this card embodies someone who can be charming, thoughtful and socially polite but tends to spend more time [The descriptions and meanings of the cards have been largely edited but I must site and give credit to The Easy Tarot Handbook by Josephine Ellershaw.] |