One display of kindness was generally a cruel joke, two a fluke, and Tinnok was unsure what to do with Dor'gen's constant examples. The smiles, the tone of his voice, the gentle hand on her head that showed he was pleased with what she saw as abysmal progress. She couldn't help but feel a treacherous bit of pride creep into her stomach at his clapping and impressed, yes impressed, facial expression. A smile crept onto her features that she desperately tried to keep at bay and simply couldn't, a redness creeping into her cheeks that only grew bright when Dor'gen copied her move, the jump enhancing his strike and causing the dummy to rattle dangerously. Her lips quivered with a mixture of anticipation and happy confusion, allowing ample room for the Akalak's attack before nodding as to his instruction. Again, but this time where I am supposed to hit it
She retreated again, each step slow and measured, keeping her gaze on the dummy. When in place for her running start she tried to even her breathing and calm her roiling mind, enjoying the positive attention more than she could have imagined. In order to get another tousled bit of hair though she wanted to succeed with the long strike across the chest, hitting each of three vital spots. She imagined her jump from last time. Dor'gen instructed hitting a bit later, when she was coming down from the height of her jump. This made sense to her, and she tried to pretend the giant man was not just in the corner of her vision, focusing on the dummy.
Right foot slid back, ball of the foot pressing off the ground and then she set into her dash once more, darting across the well worn ground to launch into the air in roughly the same spot as before. Her instincts told her to strike the dummy as fast as she possibly could, the strike it while she could before her jump took her past it and out of range. Mouth formed into a tight line of concentration Tinnok heaved the practice shoulder over her shoulder once more, legs splayed in mid air.
When she struck it was not on the mark, but closer than before. The sweeping horizontal stroke came across the dummy's shoulders and top of the chest before the girl tumbled to the ground, dipping more gracefully this time, legs bending as she landed, rolling over herself and finding good purchase when her feet found themselves flat on the ground, able to push and pivot herself to face the rear of the dummy in much quicker time than before. She glanced at her sword and only wished she as adaptive with it as she was her acrobatics.
Before Dor'gen could say anything, praise or instruction, Tinnok jogged back to her starting position, readied her blade by holding it out horizontally before her, and ran again. This time she jumped a solid couple feet before she had previously. Her jump distance would be farther but not place her as high on the dummy. As she hurled the sword, striking towards the chest she let out a cry, the tip dragging clumsily across the dummy, but hitting just above where Dor'gen had cut his first line in the material of the entity.
She hit the ground with a heavy thud, dropping to her knees for a second and breathing heavily, then tilted her head back to Dor'gen, not saying anything, but golden eyes wide with an expression of triumph.
She retreated again, each step slow and measured, keeping her gaze on the dummy. When in place for her running start she tried to even her breathing and calm her roiling mind, enjoying the positive attention more than she could have imagined. In order to get another tousled bit of hair though she wanted to succeed with the long strike across the chest, hitting each of three vital spots. She imagined her jump from last time. Dor'gen instructed hitting a bit later, when she was coming down from the height of her jump. This made sense to her, and she tried to pretend the giant man was not just in the corner of her vision, focusing on the dummy.
Right foot slid back, ball of the foot pressing off the ground and then she set into her dash once more, darting across the well worn ground to launch into the air in roughly the same spot as before. Her instincts told her to strike the dummy as fast as she possibly could, the strike it while she could before her jump took her past it and out of range. Mouth formed into a tight line of concentration Tinnok heaved the practice shoulder over her shoulder once more, legs splayed in mid air.
When she struck it was not on the mark, but closer than before. The sweeping horizontal stroke came across the dummy's shoulders and top of the chest before the girl tumbled to the ground, dipping more gracefully this time, legs bending as she landed, rolling over herself and finding good purchase when her feet found themselves flat on the ground, able to push and pivot herself to face the rear of the dummy in much quicker time than before. She glanced at her sword and only wished she as adaptive with it as she was her acrobatics.
Before Dor'gen could say anything, praise or instruction, Tinnok jogged back to her starting position, readied her blade by holding it out horizontally before her, and ran again. This time she jumped a solid couple feet before she had previously. Her jump distance would be farther but not place her as high on the dummy. As she hurled the sword, striking towards the chest she let out a cry, the tip dragging clumsily across the dummy, but hitting just above where Dor'gen had cut his first line in the material of the entity.
She hit the ground with a heavy thud, dropping to her knees for a second and breathing heavily, then tilted her head back to Dor'gen, not saying anything, but golden eyes wide with an expression of triumph.