The familiar ratty building loomed before Athaera. The Bean may have been practically falling apart, but she found it cozy, appealing. She walked in, going up to the counter to get some tea. She had long since stopped trying to make conversation with the man running the place. All he wanted to talk about was coffee. She was tempted to roll her eyes as he continued to talk, and the moment her drink was done, she interrupted him in an effort to make him quiet. "Yeah, that's very interesting, thanks for the tea." He looked a bit hurt, but she ignored it. Not my problem, Athaera thought. Tossing the payment of two Silver Mizas on the table, she went to find a place to sit.
She glanced around, realising that there weren't any empty tables. It took a few moments of scanning and trying to figure out where to sit before she saw a bit of a green sparkle. "Is that..?" Athaera muttered to herself, squinting. The familiar bat wing ear things, and the tail... no, two tails? It had to be, there was only one creature like that, though before she'd only had one tail. Athaera reminded herself pycons could change shape, and she'd made an effort to read up on them a bit more. But... was she bathing in a cup? Honestly, it seemed like something the pycon would do. She seemed to be chattering away to a woman, who looked bored and irritated, and Athaera wasn't sure she should interrupt. But she thought better of it. She loved the little creature, who'd been one of the nicest people she'd met in civilization. "Nivel?" she said, more loudly than intended, as she approached the pycon, grinning, her eyes a bright green. Nivel seemed to be ranting about something, but it was Nivel, so that could be expected.