Connections (Kam)

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

Connections (Kam)

Postby Gromhir on September 27th, 2009, 10:53 pm

22nd Day of Fall AV 509

The sea breeze carried with it smells and sounds that Gromhir had never experienced before. Huge paws carried him easily across the fine sand the foaming wake of the sea. A wave washed the foamy substance over his forepaws. It was water. At least, it looked like water. But it smelled different. His canine head moved down to take in the scent, it seemed fine. Another wave splashed against him, catching him by surprise and he cowed away from the water.
After a brief moment of eying the sea, the young Kelvic resolved that travelling on the softer sand would be better for a short while. He was young even for an Ivaski, nowhere near fully grown but still as large as a typical wolf you would expect to find. The white coat was as pure as its colour, unblemished from age. Most of it was still youngling fur, he had not lost all of it yet, much to his dismay if such a word could be used in his state.
His gaze set to the horizon, he continued a leisurely pace, sand kicking up under his paws like small explosions of the power that was hidden inside his body. He could cover distances far easier in this form than in his human form. This was quick and streamlined as opposed to the clumsy and slow other form he disliked so much.
Seeing the island surprised him. Not for there being an island out in the expanse of blue that was a blend of sky and sea. No, it was for a yearning that he had never experienced before. The island seemed to call to him. It was…
”Home…” the thought echoed round his mind like a church bell in a town square. Why was it home? What was it about the place that made him feel the urge to return to somewhere he had never been? Had he never been here? Could he have travelled here before?
He needed to find a boat of some kind to get there. There were boats further down the beach, maybe he could sneak aboard there.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Kamalia Timandre on October 3rd, 2009, 8:30 pm

It was turning out to be one of those days, Kamalia gritted her teeth as she thought grimly, when nothing seemed to go as planned—or divined.

She and her younger sister Vidula joined a small group of konti healers sailing to Sylira, across the gulf of Vaska. Vidula was an apprentice in the Opal Order, taking a field examination on herbology, where they were required to cross the gulf to gather various medicinal herbs and poisonous plants that grew only in Sylira’s temperate region.

While the prospect of leaving Mura for adventure in the wilderness and learning more about the flora of another place seemed interesting enough at first, it got to the point where it became tedious, repetitive and boring. It was becoming—to the young konti wizard’s perspective—quite unproductive, when there were too many ways to spend time more efficiently. If only she resisted Vidula’s charms and persuasions that made her join the flimsy party of Rak’keli ‘s devotees in the first place, she could have used those five days of dull, monotonous, herb-hunting instead for practicing reimancy and improving her glyph-inscribing techniques at aunt Kidala’s small spelltower, or perhaps, reading about konti philosophy in the libraries of the Opal Temple.

Five days— five days, she thought bitterly, were squandered since they had reached Sylira’s eastern shores. The chief healer had told them that the test and herb-gathering would take only three days, but it seemed that her foresight had failed her. Their group spent two more nights in a forest clearing, hunting for herbs during the day, singing and dancing around the campfire by moonrise. Kamalia almost wished for yukmen to appear, just to spice things up.

At least Vidula must have sensed her elder sister’s thinning patience and discomfort; the novice healer had attempted to entertain her sister by reciting poetries that glorified the name of the goddess of health and healing. Attempts were of no avail, however.

To Kamalia’s amazement, the other healers seemed to be genuinely stirred by her sister’s terrible performance. Murmurs of agreement and even an occasional shout of “Praise Rak’keli!” echoed through the moonlit glade. She managed to swallow every one of her sarcastic comments that popped into her mind, and that in and of itself was a sincere tribute to Rak’keli, the twin of the All-Seeing Mother.

Finally, the sixth day had come. Nothing that painful could last forever, the young seer noted dryly. They were to return to Mura that day aboard a swan-shaped transport vessel docked near the shore. She sighed in relief, stretching her slender arms, while looking at the soothing blend of the colors of sand, sea and sky.

But something white caught her eyes.

It was an ivaski, standing three feet tall at the shoulder and a little over six feet in length. While these white canines were known to be frequent companions of Opal Order healers, Kamalia could only recall three ivaski within the group.

This one seemed young and forlorn, and it was as if it were trying to figure out how to cross the gulf, staring out into the horizon. Ivaski were rare outside the White Isle. Did it want to go. . . home?

Curious, Kamalia cautiously walked towards the white canine, tuning out a silent prayer to Avalis and Laviku, that it would not be hostile. If ever, she was prepared enough to obstruct its attacks with elemental spells.

She hoped she would not need to.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Gromhir on October 4th, 2009, 6:50 am

Gromhir continued his stalking moments down the beach. His long legs carrying him at good speeds despite the fact it wasn’t a full run. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself. He never did. Who knows what people would do if they found out that he wasn’t just a canine? His mother and father had thrown him out, why should anyone else not? Briefly caught in his thoughts, Gromhir didn’t notice the figure make its way on to the beach.
A shift in the breeze changed that. He caught her scent and stopped where he stood. Was she a human? No, her scent was different. She had a human shape but she wasn’t quite human. Predator? Prey? She was neither of these either. She held no weapon yet she approached carefully. Her body language spoke not of stalking a prey.
By this point, Kamalia was a few metres away. The only move the Ivaski had made was to tilt its head, watching her. Gromhir finally came to the decision that she wasn’t a threat and looked back to the strange island.
”Home,” he toyed with the word in his mind. He still could not understand why this place was home. He had to find out. His gaze flicked back to the white woman and another thought struck him. ”Help.” His head lowered slightly and he took a hesitant step towards her.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Kamalia Timandre on October 4th, 2009, 6:52 pm


Kamalia blinked when she heard that single word in her mind. She shifted her eyes around, looking for the source of the mental voice. Realizing that there was no one else about the area, she eventually locked stares with the white canine. Those eyes, so wondrously blue, shone with an eerie glint of genius extraordinary and unusual even for the intelligent ivaski.

Kamalia had known ivaski all her life, having spent a lot of her time in the Opal Temple. They were smart and graceful creatures; usually acting as guardians to the konti healers who chose to extend Rak’keli’s healing hands around Mizahar in their pilgrimages. She had also hunted game of all kinds and predators with ivaski before, along with other young konti hunters.

This one was different. There was something strange about this beast; its clever eyes, its fluid movements, the way it decided not to eat her and the way it looked back to the outlines of the White Isle and called it “home”—or at least, that was what she thought. It almost seemed rational, just like a human being. Was it just her imagination? She shook her head and smiled to herself.

Yes, this must be the effect of Vidula’s doomed-to-fail poetries and five days away from the comfort and erudition of Mura’s libraries. Her fantasies were failing her. Her common sense must have been dulled, too.

She bent slightly forward, her delicate hands on her knees, to take a closer look at the white beast and study its behavior. This one decided not to attack the young seer, but it also looked quite confused, moving hesitantly towards her. Ivaski trained in the Opal Temple trusted konti women and treated them with utter obedience. Was it its first time to see a konti?

Stranger still was its apparent fascination with the White Isle. Kamalia came to a conclusion that this ivaski was not born in the kennels of the temple. She thought it would be wise take it home with her and surrender it to the Skyla Nivan, the Kennelmaster.

The wizard decided to take the initiative. She pulled the hood of her white brocade cloak away from her head, and elegant locks of silvery hair shimmered down her small shoulders. Dropping to one knee, both hands held out, palms up, to show she held no weapons—it was a gesture that usually signified peace.

It was almost ridiculous, to think that this ivaski would understand the meaning of such gesture, but she was measuring its intelligence.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Gromhir on October 4th, 2009, 9:12 pm

Gromhir could sense her apprehension, about what he wasn’t sure. He was curious as to why she looked round. Was she alone? His head perked up, catching the scents in the air. The breeze carried the smells of the ocean but nothing out of the ordinary, he assumed anyway. His gaze once more returned to this woman in front of him.
She hadn’t made a move to harm him. In fact, she hadn’t moved at all. They seemed to be starring each other down almost. There was something about this maiden that fixed him on the spot. He wasn’t sure whether to flee, hold his ground or approach. There was nothing threatening in her posture but neither had she shown she was willing to be submissive yet. Was she testing him? She acted almost like she knew him.
As Kamalia bent forward to inspect him Gromhir backed away, wary of her. It was clear she wasn’t human but even so, they looked alike and humans were unpredictable at best. Then she did something Gromhir did not expect. Pulling her hood down and revealing her empty palms to him caused a wave of relief to wash over Gromhir.
“Friend.” Gromhir advanced slowly, his head bowed. He sniffed her open hands, his damp nose brushing against her fingers briefly. Maybe she would help him after all. After a few moments, he drew his head level with hers then looked back to the Isle again.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Kamalia Timandre on October 5th, 2009, 8:24 am


The young seer blinked again in disbelief. Did it just say “friend”? Perhaps she was actually hallucinating, Kamalia thought, beginning to distrust even her own sanity. This was not uncommon, for like many wizards, she was paranoid about the effects of overgiving when casting spells. The mage had read many passages regarding grim tales of magic-users who had lost their good sense due to overexertion. Other effects were also daunting, ranging from convulsions, to mild insanity and to hair transmuting into licking flames. For a moment, her violet eyes drifted to her main assent to vanity—the silvery-white tresses and locks that spilled to her waist.

She could not recall having cast a spell in the wilderness trip, so overgiving was out of question. Perhaps she was merely thinking too much once again— or yet a better explanation would be that the konti was trying to fantasize that this graceful creature could, well, talk. Besides, she had often dreamed of owning a talking ivaski when she was a little more than a toddler. She had wished that such well-spoken animals existed, as they were portrayed in some children literatures of Mura.

Right, she was over-thinking.

It did not escape her attention however, how the young ivaski drew its eyes to level with hers, catching a glimpse of their brilliantly blue hues before the beast tilted its head to look back in the direction towards the White Isle. The creature was fascinating in many ways—and of that she wondered why. She had spent so much time in Opal Temple that it seemed to her that the ivaski were only constant fixtures in the temple just as books were in its vast libraries.

Kamalia gently combed the ivaski’s white fur with her supple, slender fingers.“You poor little thing. Let us get you home, all right?" the young mage promised softly.

“Dear sister, it is about time we depart,” said another white-cloaked figure, which appeared right behind Kamalia. It was Vidula, smiling tiredly at her, her tousled blond hair shone with silvery elegance in the sunlight. Vidula’s violet eyes slowly shifted towards the white beast her elder sister was petting and they widened in shock.

“Oh, he is beautiful, Kammy!” the apprentice healer gasped excitedly. “How did you come across him? May I please have him? Please?”

“Of course not. Be not too elated,” Kamalia replied to her sister in gentle rebuke, smiling. “I plan to take him to the Opal Temple and have the kennel master take a look upon him.”
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Gromhir on October 5th, 2009, 12:51 pm

Gromhir mentally cursed when Kamalia’s sister came up behind her. How had he not noticed her approach? How did she sneak upon? Sorcery? Kamalia would be able to feel Gromhir tense up as he looked to the newcomer.
”Danger.” Gromhir moved between Kamalia and Vidula in protection. He didn’t make any move to attack the newcomer, as she didn’t present a threat yet. He had no reason to straight out attack. Vidula had no weapons and didn’t have a threatening stance. As Kamalia spoke to her sister, Gromhir looked between the two, unsure about what to do. It was at that point that Gromhir realised that these two were very possibly siblings. There was something familiar about this new woman that was like Kamalia.
His tail flicked showing he was ready to defend Kamalia and himself if needs be, but other than that there was nothing to show he would attack. Kamalia had earned his respect but her sister was new to him.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Kamalia Timandre on October 5th, 2009, 7:36 pm

“How adorable! See how he wags his fluffy little tail about,” Vidula gushed gleefully, dropping excitedly to a knee beside her sister. Pulling down the hood of her cloak, a single, elaborate, silver-blond braid fell down her cheek. “Do you intend to name him? I have plenty of names swirling round my mind right now. Let’s see, how about. . .”

Kamalia was not paying attention to her younger sister, who was too enamored with enumerating outlandish names to her. What caught the young wizard’s full attention was how the ivaski seemed to speak to her mind. Danger—the ivaski spoke with its mental voice. She knew the creature moved between Vidula and her to guard his new “friend”. This, she observed, was the general behavior of protective ivaski whenever a stranger approached their konti masters.

Still, ever the skeptic, Kamalia doubted what she just heard—or what she imagined to hear.

Vidula went on with the naming until Kamalia waved her bubbly sister to silence. “I intend not to name him,” she said bluntly. “For a reason I cannot begin to fathom, I feel like he has a name of his own. Mayhap we will know his name from the Kennelmaster.”

That burst Vidula’s bubble.

“As you like,” the novice healer sighed but smiled gently. She stood up, straightened the folds of her white robes and pulled her hood over her pale head. “We must leave. Our sisters await us at the boat. Is he willing to come home with us?” Vidula gave the ivaski an inquisitive stare.

Kamalia glanced at the ivaski once more and looked intently into its eyes. She was not like the other seers, who were gifted by Avalis to be supernaturally empathic with animals, but she was sure that she felt that the ivaski longed for . . . home. She looked back to her sister. “Of that, I am certain.”

The sorceress rose in a whisper of silk and brocade. Smilingly, she asked the white beast, “Very well, sir ivaski, shall we go home?”
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Gromhir on October 5th, 2009, 9:05 pm

As Vidula dropped to one knee it front of him, Gromhir panicked. The move was sudden and startled him more than anything. His natural reaction was to snap at the young Konti and bare his teeth. He didn’t come close to actually harming her; it was more of a warning. Recovering his senses, Gromhir backed away a couple of steps bowing his head in what looked to be an apology. He was on edge, he didn’t know anything about his present company and although he trusted one enough not to attack him, he wasn’t so sure on this other one. She seemed friendly enough but she wasn’t taking as much care as Kammy had done. Was it Kammy? Yes, that was what she called the woman.
Kennelmaster, that word made him hesitate. He looked up to Kamalia at that word. He remembered the ‘kennel’ at his parent’s house. It cut him off from the world. They barred his way with shafts of metal. He was a demon then, not a poor little thing. As Kamalia stood up and spoke to him, the worries seemed to wash away like the tide before them.
“Yes. Home.” The Ivaski started towards the boat, before looking back towards to two women, waiting for them.
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Re: Connections (Kam)

Postby Kamalia Timandre on October 6th, 2009, 7:13 am

So, it seemed that the voice that spoke to her mind—or so she believed—was the canine’s voice. The young ivaski longed to sail home with them to the White Isle. As it eagerly jogged towards the swan-shaped transport vessel and looked back to the sisters, waiting for them to move, there passed a moment when the two konti girls merely glanced sideways at each other before bursting into a gentle, almost-musical laughter.

Kamalia gave Vidula an amused smile. “See? He is more than willing.”

The two konti maidens followed suit, sauntering along the shorelines, like those lazy clouds that drifted by the cerulean morning skies, beautiful and proudly white. The winds were playful today, and they whirled about the white-cloaked ladies in an exuberant rush, carrying with them the scent of the sea. Rolling high up on the heavens shone the golden sun, warm yet gentle, bestowing the blessing of a soft shimmer upon the konti’s silvery hair and the ivaski’s white coat.

Kamalia’s twilit eyes trailed the ivaski’s every move. Once again, the young wizard found herself too absorbed in her thoughts, too captivated by this stunning creature that she had forgotten the existence of her sister. The fact that she had been hearing voices deeply disturbed her. With reason as her shield, she pushed away the horrors and dark tales of overgiving, which were beginning to sweep back towards the mage with the force of Laviku’s waves.

“The ivaski troubles you. Am I not right?” Vidula finally broke the silence.

Kamalia realized that her younger sister clutched her left forearm, almost none too gently. The white seer’s lily painted upon Vidula’s right wrist glimmered faintly with an eerie light. None of her secrets lived too long whenever the novice healer was about. It was sometimes gratifying, sometimes not.

Kamalia heaved a sigh. “I see no trouble in the ivaski. The real trouble lies in me. I must have taken leave of my senses, sister.”

“And why is that?”

The wizard quietly disentangled her forearm from Vidula’s grip, halfway towards the boat. “You are well aware of the magick-wielder’s consequences, are you not? I begin to hear a voice in my mind, though whose I can say. “Help,” it said to me. It yearns for home,” she said softly, staring at the ivaski as it raced to the vessel.

“Avalis has marked me with the gift of revealing untruths and little glimpses to fate’s grand weave, but I am no heartseer of animals,” she added, resignation etching on her face.

“You would not have me believe you have overgiven,” Vidula reassured with a smile, locking arms with her sister. “You are too clever for that.”

“I pray you are right,”
the wizard smiled jadedly.

Finally, the trio stood before one of Mura’s famed swan boats, masterfully carved to perfection and almost surreal in its splendor.
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