[Verified by Crosspatch] Alarin

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Alarin on October 11th, 2014, 4:14 am



Race: Svefra
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: 24, Winter, 495 AV.
Birthplace: He was born in a gale aboard one of his pod's ships, straight into the grand musical cacophony of the sea.

Appearance: He's a solidly built young man at 5'11" and 175 pounds, with skin darkened and weathered by sun and wind. His eyes are clear blue, shadowed by thick eyebrows and long eyelashes, and a narrow, clear-skinned face. He always seems to be on the verge of winking or blowing a kiss, and he carries himself with confidence that some would call arrogant. He has dark brown hair which he wears to around his shoulder, often tied back behind his face with a rag of some sort or other. He has a small, neatly trimmed mustache and goatee that he sometimes spends too much time on.

His Oceanus mark is across his upper back, stretching from shoulder to shoulder, but does move around at times. (Pending approval)

Character Concept
Alarin is lover of love, music, and the sea, going from lowest to highest, and the last two are changeable. Born with natural perfect pitch, he listened with rapt attention every time a song would play, even as an infant, and strove to pick it up, giving his utmost attention. Until something would come up in the sea or someone, usually a young lady, caught his attention. That's still the case, but he is really working on focusing on the music specifically.

He'll still be diverted by anything that needs his attention on his vessel, or if a fair young maiden catches his eye. Then he's off, giving them his entire attention.

He's arrogant and reckless, full of confidence in his own skills and abilities to handle anything thrown his way. Everything is an obstacle he can overcome. His main goal, becoming the greatest bard in Svefra history is one of those. His greatest fear is losing his harp and failure, followed closely by being disrespected. Those drive him to push himself far beyond what he might otherwise attempt.

Character History
Born at night in a Northern gale near the beginning of winter, Alarin has always been rather tempestuous. He had a temper that would explode at times, sending him into a cold fury that drove him to almost ruthless pranks and reckless deeds to prove any insult otherwise. But he was also incredibly kind at gentle at times.

He loved learning, even if he struggled at some of the more visual skills such as knot-tying and ship repair. He still lags behind on those skills, having abandoned them after not being able to progress as quickly as his pod mates. Instead, he focused on music and the rest of sailing, falling in love with sea and its moods that matched his own, and attempting to learn to make as music as grand as the sea's. So far, he's not even come anywhere close, but this drives him on to keep working at until he can.

So he grew up a happy young Svefra, learning to sail from his pod, music from his father, and scrapping from his friends. The times he cherished most were when he was learning music from his father. Despite the more communal family nature of the Svefra, Alarin always had a closer connection with his father. But when he was 15, his father was washed overboard and drowned in a storm. This left Alarin shocked and in confusion, and so he turned completely away from the music which drew them so close together, and kept the harp hidden away in his cabin, trying to forget it.

Slowly as the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, months into seasons and seasons began to grow into years, he withered away from the vitality that burned so bright within him. Music gave him life, and he turned away from it. He grew more irritable, even bordering on cruel, and more withdrawn, struggling to connect the loss with the laid back attitude of Svefra culture. His mother tried to help him through this and to get away from the issues, but it didn't work. Only time could heal his self-inflicted injury, and by about age 18, his grieving ended and he returned to his normalish self.

It took him a while to get back to his music though, full of hesitation and memories whose edges, while dulled by time, were still sharp enough to hurt. So he returned reluctantly, only to learn that despite his neglect, it still welcomes him back. So he threw himself back into, slowly unlocking his heart that he had so quickly locked up to stop from hurting.

So this is where he is now, setting off across the Suvan sea in search of songs and music and tales worth putting to music, with the ultimate goal of becoming the greatest bard in Svefra history.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Fratava
Poor Language: Vani


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Sailing26 (RB+SP)26competent
Swimming8(SP)8 Novice
Navigation Sea10(SP)10Novice
Musical Instrument Harp11(SP)11Novice


Helpful Lores:
Lore of Svefra Culture
Lore of Religion: Laviku


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Fishing Kit
78 Gold Mizas

The heirloom is a harp, carved from wood and engraved with flowing script and ocean scenes handed down to him by his father, who taught him to play. This is his greatest treasure, as his father drowned in a storm when he was fifteen.


Location: Alarin sails the Suvan sea, moving from place to place with his pod or traveling along the coast searching for new songs and tales.

House: He lives in the Windsinger, an unarmed casinor, that is a little battered looking, but in generally good shape. The cabin is comfortably but sparsely furnished. His harp is stowed safely away in the innermost corner.


Starting+100 Gold Mizas100 Gold Mizas
Fishing Kit-10GM90GM
Sword, Cutlass-12 GM78gm
Fall 514 AV Poor Living Expenses -45 GM 33 GM

Thread List

Link your current & past threads here!
-27th Day of Fall, 514 AV The Rolling Waves: Arrives in Zeltiva: http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic53369.html
-50th Day of Fall, 514AV Seashore Shenanigans: Relaxes on the beach in the water to get out of Zeltiva and meets Enthere (http://www.mizahar.com/forums/topic53652.html)
Last edited by Alarin on October 11th, 2014, 9:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Posts: 25
Words: 5361
Joined roleplay: October 6th, 2014, 3:35 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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