Gangs are a big part of Sunberth. They provide a social function that doesn't exist in this form in any of the other cities and is one of the things that makes Sunberth stand out in the crowd. With the recent revision to the gangs (big thanks to Avarice for taking on the bulk of the work), it's time to really open them up to the public and make them... well. Available, so to speak. Before, the requirements to join were near outlandish. They've been lowered significantly and every gang been touched up on to have clearly defined differences and benefits, and to really be available to perform that all-important function. Splinters of society, as we know it.

So, how would one go about joining one of these gangs? Right now, it's pretty simple. You report your interest here, whether you're a start-up character or a veteran PC, as long as you can make sure you fulfill the requirements to join with the chosen organization. Start-up PCs have more leniency when it comes to the skill points and can be members from the get-go if they provide the required information in the application form, though other characters will need to provide solid reasoning and will be required to go through either a modded or self-modded thread in order to be introduced to the organization itself.
The Major Gangs of Sunberth


Gangs are a big part of Sunberth. They provide a social function that doesn't exist in this form in any of the other cities and is one of the things that makes Sunberth stand out in the crowd. With the recent revision to the gangs (big thanks to Avarice for taking on the bulk of the work), it's time to really open them up to the public and make them... well. Available, so to speak. Before, the requirements to join were near outlandish. They've been lowered significantly and every gang been touched up on to have clearly defined differences and benefits, and to really be available to perform that all-important function. Splinters of society, as we know it.

First on the list are the Sun's Birth, an off-shoot of and founded by former Syliran Knights formerly dedicated to the city's salvation from its own corruption. Over time their goals and motives have changed, and as the richest of the gangs in the city today they are more or less their own miniature army. With their own suborganization, the Dragoons, they are truly one of the stronger factions in the city, earning it a place among the Big Three. The Sun's Birth cater to the rich and the talented, always looking for opportunities to bring in more wealth to the organization and training potential recruits to bolster their numbers after the recent setback when they were driven out of their Gated Community.

Second are the Daggerhands, by far the most well-known of the three organizations. Scattered and under new leadership today, the gang has seen some rough times recently since the execution of their founder and the disappearence of his daughter. Daggerhands have been ripe for the picking by any citizen with a penchant for vigilantism, but the remaining rogues and thugs have started regrouping in order to reorganize, bolster their numbers and fight to regain control of lost territory and bring the city back under their influence. Formerly entirely dedicated to heavy-handed and fear-ispiring tactics, the Daggerhands are figuring out a new niche under the enigmatic leadership of "Stiletto".

And third of the Big Three are the Night Eyes, the most elusive of the lot. Rumours circulate around the city of their operations, but no clear proof of their existance exists save for those who are actually a part of the organization, themselves. Their legend has nonetheless grown enough to consider the Night Eyes one of the biggest factions in Sunberth and people cast a cautionary glance over their shoulder to make sure no one's watching from the shadows. In reality, the Night Eyes are far more than a legend; it's a conglomerate of talented embezzlers, spies, rogues and scholars. It's a familial organization of manipulators, and the legend serves their purposes very well.
So, how would one go about joining one of these gangs? Right now, it's pretty simple. You report your interest here, whether you're a start-up character or a veteran PC, as long as you can make sure you fulfill the requirements to join with the chosen organization. Start-up PCs have more leniency when it comes to the skill points and can be members from the get-go if they provide the required information in the application form, though other characters will need to provide solid reasoning and will be required to go through either a modded or self-modded thread in order to be introduced to the organization itself.
- Code: Select all
[b]Name:[/b] (Self-explanatory.)
[b]Age/Race/Gender:[/b] (Self-explanatory.)
[b]Time in City:[/b] (Did you just arrive last season? Been here for years? Your whole life?)
[b]Applying for:[/b] (Put the name of the gang you're going for, here.)
[b]Relevant skills:[/b] (Put the skills you think would be relevant for you joining the selected gang.)
[b]Relevant lores:[/b] (Same as above, except for lores.)
[b]Motivation:[/b] (Why is your character joining up? Because they have to? Their mother was a Daggerhand? Because they genuinely want to? Throw us a bone; this helps set the right flavor for your recruitment/character background.)