Performance Expectations
A primary performance thread will be posted in each town. This thread will include a performance schedule as well as the duration of time that the circus will remain in the city. It will be for performers only and will give anyone wishing to have attended the show an idea of what they would have witnessed. This thread will include single post acts of all performers or links and a description to acts that involve multiple characters. The posts should represent what could have been seen on an average night. If you wish for your character to have a particularly bad night then feel free to create a separate thread with the specific date for that performance and then include a link in your performance post so others are aware that there is a variation to your act.
You must submit a description of your act to the ringmaster in advance in order to be given a place in the show. All single post acts MUST be written and ready for posting the same day that the performance thread is posted so as not to slow down the other performances or leave audiences wondering what would happen. You will be given advance warning for this deadline. If you are unavailable to post that day for unforeseen circumstances then just post ASAP. But you must be ready to post if you can.
Single post acts should be long and fully detailed.
Multi-post acts must take place in a separate thread. A link to the main performance thread should be included in the act thread and the thread should be time stamped as occurring throughout the circus's stay in the town. The multi-post act must then designate the scene leader who will be responsible for posting a general summary of what to expect in the act as well as thread link after the thread is started.
All acts should be visually appealing in a way that is appropriate for the act and can include music or pictures as is appropriate for the act. Anyone requiring assistance with this may see the ringmaster.
Your act does not need to change between one town to the next, but your skills will improve and thus the post should be rewritten to account for the improvements. Please choose things that could be accomplished at your skill level for your main post and leave experimentation and failures for a separate thread.
New performers have until the next town to come up with an act to be included in the next performance thread.
Performers who plan on quitting the circus are asked to wait until the circus has left town, otherwise you should include a note in your performance stating what date the performance is discontinued on.
Upon arrival in a town, the performers are encouraged to enter the city and put on street performances to announce the arrival of the circus.
Non-performers must be seen doing their duties at appropriate points depending on what their duties are but are asked not to post in the performance thread unless they would be seen by the audience. If such is the case then you will be given a post slot by the ringmaster.
Beyond the Performance
The circus will provide for your transportation and accommodations. It will try to help members in need if it is possible. Members who are in better positions are encouraged to help fellows in need if the circus is unable to bear the cost.
You may use your time outside of performances as you see fit, however, you are encouraged to use it wisely. Get to know your fellow members, work on your skills, perfect your acts, help with general maintenance, draw attention to the circus, etc.
Performers are encouraged to provide entertainment for visitors to the circus grounds or offer services that you may charge an additional fee for such as fortune telling, sketch artistry, tests of strength or skill, etc. All members are also encouraged to learn some non-performance skill that will be of benefit to the group as a whole such as sewing, cooking, hunting, carpentry, driving etc.
ALL members are encouraged to learn to defend themselves with whatever means they are most comfortable with. We will sometimes have to travel through dangerous areas, and though a large group is less enticing, you must not rely on numbers alone to protect us. Members are discouraged from wandering through cities alone unless they have been deemed safe for such a thing.
Disputes among circus members should be brought to the ringmaster for resolution.