She wasn't all to familiar with the Gods and Goddess above her. Although she did not fully worship many divine souls, a few would always be in her mind, Caiyah, Dira, and Navre. Out of those three god and goddess her heart does not show much opening to others but Navre. “There are many more” placing the soft palm on her chest she continued, “not all of us Kelvics are of Navre's children.” Tara considered her one of Navre's many children if not a gift. “Scared? I have no reason to be anything but. You threaten my life and your's will be threatened in return.” Her face twisted a little, to show that she was not at all pleased with how she was being treated.
The mention of this.. mother? Myri, she was not familiar to Tara. Muscles tensed and she was ready to shift upon command. She was tired of being fearful and cowering from a man when she could sever his limbs with enough effort and force. It was time she would take control of her own ground, or at least try. “Why shouldn't I be able to control my fate?” Steeping forward, she inched herself closer to this Auka of the Tempered Steel, claimed child of this woman Myri. “I have my beliefs and you have yours. Don't get in the way.”
Tara released her opinion, afraid not of the blood that could have been drawn but the fear of being controlled by someone or something that wasn't by her own will. Liberty was what she was focused on, whether it was literal, metaphorical, or religious. It seemed to her that this man and from whatever group he came from were fanatics. Well, that's what she had view from this point.
The mention of this.. mother? Myri, she was not familiar to Tara. Muscles tensed and she was ready to shift upon command. She was tired of being fearful and cowering from a man when she could sever his limbs with enough effort and force. It was time she would take control of her own ground, or at least try. “Why shouldn't I be able to control my fate?” Steeping forward, she inched herself closer to this Auka of the Tempered Steel, claimed child of this woman Myri. “I have my beliefs and you have yours. Don't get in the way.”
Tara released her opinion, afraid not of the blood that could have been drawn but the fear of being controlled by someone or something that wasn't by her own will. Liberty was what she was focused on, whether it was literal, metaphorical, or religious. It seemed to her that this man and from whatever group he came from were fanatics. Well, that's what she had view from this point.