Sayana froze for a moment when the man drew a knife of his own. She had expected him to take her threat and leave the tavern. And that’s when Garland came in and stunned the man. In moments the squire had disarmed him, and made things very painful for the man. The Eypharian took the opportunity to grab the knife of her original opponent and glanced around the tavern. Garland clearly had the first man under control, but there were two others approaching. She wasn’t used to having to deal with multiple people in a fight. Usually those who wanted to force her to do their bidding didn’t do it in groups since they ultimately wouldn’t want to share her. But apparently the man had friends who had joined him at the tavern.
Adrenaline pumped through her and she sorely wanted to rush in and drive her knife into the chest of one of the men. But that would get her fired instantly and worse, trouble with the knights. Instead she armed herself with her knife from her blouse and positioned herself to the side of the incoming men. She now held a dagger in her right mid, and a knife in her left mid and low. If they came at her, she’s show no mercy with the three blades, but ideally they’d go at Garland and she’d be able to dart in when the opportunity arose and nick them when they didn’t expect it. If the brawl didn’t sort itself out soon, Kevith would surely be there to break things off. But Sayana didn’t really want to be caught by her employer while holding three blades.