My Words | Your Words | My Thoughts
9th Fall, 514
The early rise, so characteristic of Ser Iros, was gone. With the late-fall chills setting in and the days becoming shorter, it seemed silly for them to waste what valuable time they had.. but the knight did not come knocking on the door to rouse the squirrel until it was well into the late morning, approaching midday. By that time the squirrel was well awake, and had turned his attention elsewhere - mostly to some easy morning exercises. Stretches, practicing punches in the air, cleaning and safely storing his weapons. It was almost a surprise when the Akalak came knocking at the door, before he stepped inside and glanced down to the little doll house that was the squirrels home instead of the beds that the other squires used. "Oh, you're here. So, where have you been?" Over the past several days, the squirrel had showed signs of a slipping grasp on the idea of the Akalak showing authority. The last time they'd had a serious confrontation, it'd ended badly for Ser Iros in more ways than one. The man had always said that a knight was only as good as the strength he held - why should the squirrel, therefore, respect the man that could not hold up to his own beliefs about strength?
"You know that's none of your concern. You're still a squire. Speaking of which, grab Xarex and meet me by the Gates in quarter of a bell. We still have training to go through, if you still want to become a knight." The squirrel nodded and roused himself from where he'd been glancing over his Py-Pole, checking it for small nicks and dents down the length of the amber tree-resin shaft. As if on hindsight, the Akalak turned at the door and glanced back to him a second time just as the squirrel was placing it back with the other weapons. "Bring the pole with you, as well. You'll be using that too." That brought the squirrel to a sudden halt - after all, if he was going to be training with his weapons, he'd just ride on the Akalak's horse and leave it at that. If he was practicing riding, then he'd evidently take Xarex and he'd leave his weapons at home. It was either one or the other, he'd never have a need of both.
Twenty chimes later, he found the crimson Akalak with his towering shield and spear hooked onto leather straps at the back of his armour. Both of his hands firmly grasped the reins of his destrier, yet with the lightest flick the horse turned and began a steady trot. The man may have had little talent when it came to his spear, but he was certainly master over horses and other mounts in comparison to the squirrel. If only they were allowed to take horses into the Training Grounds. Perhaps the Akalak would provide more useful in the field of battle if it was so. However, it seemed they wouldn't need the Training Grounds for a bit of combat training. "Come on. It's time you learned how to fight without having to dismount from your dog. It takes far too long and it makes you vulnerable to attack."
Without even waiting, the knight turned his back on the squirrel and began riding straight towards the Bronze Woods along the edge of the Kabrin Road. Of course, the one place that they always seemed to end up using for what training they could not perform while inside the city in either the Pits or in the Training Grounds themselves. It's so boring and monotonous.