Closed [Windmount Stables]Riding of all Sizes[Ball]

A pair of Squires are instructed in riding

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[Windmount Stables]Riding of all Sizes[Ball]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on October 25th, 2014, 12:05 am

Morning of 12 Fall 514

On this fall day, Rykanis found himself in training once more, something he could not say since he was young and back in Riverfall. While he had still trained most of his life to varying degrees, his main purpose and pursuit in life had not been simply training since then. He had done much since then, grew in his skills, and yet not in all of the skills he needed to be a knight.

Now he felt himself in the same position, unskilled, and doing his best to rectify that problem.

On this day, the skill he hoped to learn better was to ride, or more specifically riding a horse. Considering much of the work as a knight was done mounted, it was clearly an important skill to train. His patron knight, a fellow Akalak by the name of Sulra, was to give him some basic instructions. At least he hoped so, since he did not look forward to being trained under his other half, Lasan. He would still learn, but it would be much harsher a session.

Standing in the stables with his patron, Rykanis assisted in the first step, preparing the horse. He had done it before, at least the basic horsemanship step of brushing down and checking over a horse, followed by preparing its gear, its saddle and such, for riding. But he'd not gotten to the actual riding bit.

Rykanis checked over the horse, taking out his old small bit of training, and putting on the saddle. He carefully cinched the catches and buckles, being careful to not make it too tight, nor too loose. Either would be bad for the horse.

With that step done, Rykanis led the horse out, out into the area where such training was done, and where there was room to move about. As he walked out into the open air of the Windmount Stables, Rykanis brushed his hand once over the horses head, feeling its short hairs.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
Posts: 353
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Joined roleplay: March 21st, 2012, 2:10 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Akalak
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