I'm creating a Isur magesmith, but i wanted her to focus on armor crafting and shield making.
My questions are:
Where could I find a magecraft teacher to study under? In what cities are the Npc or is there a player character I could study under? I had noticed that some cities had least active mods and read that in a announcement from gossamer. That she recommend playing in cities with active mods, so if you would recommend only the cities with active mods.
Is crafting of shields categorized under the armorer skill? I noticed in the price list that shields were located with armor, but my confusion comes from the fact the skills weapon-smithing and armorer are both unfinished. I could she shields being categorized as both.
Also i'd like my character to have a Npc Child are there any restrictions on having npc's other then the need to afford them and not neglect them?
Also blacksmithing or metalsmithing? which would you prefer?
Do i just reguest the gnosis mark from izurdin in the helpdesk?
Thanks!!! Hope to hear from you soon!