WHEW Just got done coding my CS. Not nearly half as grand as some CS's... but I think I made my point. (Anyone wanna help me out? Pretty please¿)
Anyhow. I've had a brain storm for Saej and believe I should post it here.
Not only for my own sanity but in case any wanderer stumbles on these notes and wants to thread with Saej.
Feel free to post here or message me!The WILL Do's*°Become a gardener, income
°* Become a better botanist
*°Meet an Endal traveler
°*Introduction to djed
*°Become better at Common
°*Get drunky
Maybe Do's*°Go swimming in the Hot Springs
°*Learn a new skill. Writing? Sketching?
*°Return a lost object
°*Buy a weapon
*°Find a nice, quiet hidey hole
°*Meet someone *important* in the city
I've decided on Saej's vision. She's going to have Endal ship her the means to start up a small grow op in Lhavit and become a small time healer while learning how to garden. Using his shipments to fuel her addictions and sometimes move illegal items through out the city. Endal gone wrong? With her earnings she's going to buy weapons, armor, and training to become a treasure hunter and get out from underneath the petty crimes. With knowledge of herbalism and botany her travels through the wild will be easer.
NPC's I Need Breath Life*°Endal dude who I trade coin and dags with
°*Possibly some kind of companion to chat with, I should make a slave. Half kidding
*°In the distant future some lackeys to run the biddness while Saej goes out to bring home jewels and other pretties
I'm open to romance but not really seeking it. Prefer it to happen naturally between the PC's, though message me if you want a fling.