Known as the Temple of the Moon or simply the Moon Temple, this structure was specifically built to honor Leth in all his glory, and was one of the first buildings built upon the establishment of Lhavit. Situated on the Shinyama Peak, it sits on the highest tier, faced toward the West, and is domed as are most of the buildings in the city. Unlike most, however, the Temple of the Moon is greatly influenced by Leth's rise, and glows a subtle, shimmering hue of pale blue blended with indigo and an inky black.
Large pillars hold up arching hallways leading to the entrance of the temple; inside, the main room is large and spacious, with cushions for people to sit and meditate or pray to Leth. Towards the back of the room is an arched doorway that leads to a large reflection pool, the surface perfectly still like glass; this pool is considered sacred, and nobody is allowed to touch it or disturb its surface.
The ceiling arches into a skyglass dome with an oculus above the pool that is opened only during the night. When Leth's light passes through this oculus, it hits the pool of water, giving off a glimmer and radiance that envelops the entire room. Most visitors and worshipers swear they see the face of the Moon God in the reflection of the water, his essence pouring in through the streams of light he casts down. However, no one is allowed to touch the sacred water, as it is unclear what sort of properties it has.
The Chandra, also sometimes called the Moon Maidens, are the caretakers of Leth's temple; comprised of women aged 12 and up with at least one mark from Leth, they care for the building and the sacred pool dutifully. Men with one or more marks from Leth who wish to serve the temple may do so as a Moon Guard; these men patrol the temple and surrounding area, making sure nobody is causing trouble, and ensure that nobody touches the sacred pool.
Name: Selane Nymphea
Race: Symenestra
Birthdate: 489 AV
Birthplace: Kalinor
Occupation: Priestess of Leth and head of the Chandra at the Moon Temple
Gnosis: 3 marks of Leth (Telepathy level 3)
Skills: Acrobatics - 73, Astronomy - 52, Climbing - 100, Dance - 64, Endurance - 32, Stealth - 24
Languages: Common (Fluent), Symenos (Fluent)
Selane was born to a human female whom she never knew, and raised by her father in Kalinor. She grew up worshiping Viratas as all Symenestra do, and was happy in Kalinor working as an aerial dancer; however, things changed when she met a Priestess of Leth, who visited Kalinor as the result of a Gleaning.
Selane was enraptured, and learned all she could about the moon God from the woman, who was from Lhavit. Selane made a connection between the tides of water, so closely entwined with the moon, and the tides of blood that links family. When the woman left to return to Lhavit, Selane followed. She began to work at the Temple of the Moon as a Chandra, and when the Priestess passed away, she suddenly found herself taking over.
Selane still worships both Leth and Viratas; she is usually quiet about the latter, but should anyone genuinely ask, she is more than happy to discuss her worship of the God of blood, and how it coexists with her service to Leth.
Name: Lua
Race: Human
Birthdate: 490 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Chandra at the Moon Temple
Gnosis: 1 mark of Leth (Telepathy level 1)
Skills: Astrology - 48, Astronomy - 55, Fortune Telling - 35, Hypnotism - 28, Meditation - 60, Reimancy (Water, air) - 45
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Tall, with dark skin and short, curly black hair, Lua is actually one of the more recent members of the Chandra.
Lua and her twin sister, Zia, were both born in Lhavit. Their mother was a member of the Constellations, and their father was a Shinya guard; they have been deeply immersed in Lhavit's culture since a young age, and both grew up devout in their worship for both Syna and Leth.
The two are deeply close and do just about everything together; after their parents died, they only grew closer, relying on each other for support. However, the two are very much opposites.
Lua is quiet, thoughtful, and introspective. She is polite and friendly, but shies away from crowds, and can be a bit nervous when meeting new people. She prefers to spend her free time alone and meditating, or enjoying some of the peaceful spots around the city. However, she does have a surprisingly quick wit and dry sense of humour; it just takes the right person to bring it out.
In processing her grief over losing her parents, Lua found herself focusing her worship on Leth, eventually joining the ranks of the Chandra.
The ceiling arches into a skyglass dome with an oculus above the pool that is opened only during the night. When Leth's light passes through this oculus, it hits the pool of water, giving off a glimmer and radiance that envelops the entire room. Most visitors and worshipers swear they see the face of the Moon God in the reflection of the water, his essence pouring in through the streams of light he casts down. However, no one is allowed to touch the sacred water, as it is unclear what sort of properties it has.
The Chandra, also sometimes called the Moon Maidens, are the caretakers of Leth's temple; comprised of women aged 12 and up with at least one mark from Leth, they care for the building and the sacred pool dutifully. Men with one or more marks from Leth who wish to serve the temple may do so as a Moon Guard; these men patrol the temple and surrounding area, making sure nobody is causing trouble, and ensure that nobody touches the sacred pool.

Selane Nymphea
Race: Symenestra
Birthdate: 489 AV
Birthplace: Kalinor
Occupation: Priestess of Leth and head of the Chandra at the Moon Temple
Gnosis: 3 marks of Leth (Telepathy level 3)
Skills: Acrobatics - 73, Astronomy - 52, Climbing - 100, Dance - 64, Endurance - 32, Stealth - 24
Languages: Common (Fluent), Symenos (Fluent)
Selane was born to a human female whom she never knew, and raised by her father in Kalinor. She grew up worshiping Viratas as all Symenestra do, and was happy in Kalinor working as an aerial dancer; however, things changed when she met a Priestess of Leth, who visited Kalinor as the result of a Gleaning.
Selane was enraptured, and learned all she could about the moon God from the woman, who was from Lhavit. Selane made a connection between the tides of water, so closely entwined with the moon, and the tides of blood that links family. When the woman left to return to Lhavit, Selane followed. She began to work at the Temple of the Moon as a Chandra, and when the Priestess passed away, she suddenly found herself taking over.
Selane still worships both Leth and Viratas; she is usually quiet about the latter, but should anyone genuinely ask, she is more than happy to discuss her worship of the God of blood, and how it coexists with her service to Leth.
Race: Human
Birthdate: 490 AV
Birthplace: Lhavit
Occupation: Chandra at the Moon Temple
Gnosis: 1 mark of Leth (Telepathy level 1)
Skills: Astrology - 48, Astronomy - 55, Fortune Telling - 35, Hypnotism - 28, Meditation - 60, Reimancy (Water, air) - 45
Languages: Common (Fluent)
Tall, with dark skin and short, curly black hair, Lua is actually one of the more recent members of the Chandra.
Lua and her twin sister, Zia, were both born in Lhavit. Their mother was a member of the Constellations, and their father was a Shinya guard; they have been deeply immersed in Lhavit's culture since a young age, and both grew up devout in their worship for both Syna and Leth.
The two are deeply close and do just about everything together; after their parents died, they only grew closer, relying on each other for support. However, the two are very much opposites.
Lua is quiet, thoughtful, and introspective. She is polite and friendly, but shies away from crowds, and can be a bit nervous when meeting new people. She prefers to spend her free time alone and meditating, or enjoying some of the peaceful spots around the city. However, she does have a surprisingly quick wit and dry sense of humour; it just takes the right person to bring it out.
In processing her grief over losing her parents, Lua found herself focusing her worship on Leth, eventually joining the ranks of the Chandra.