Timestamp: 8th of Fall, 514 AV 'Ouff, almost out of...everything!' Dmitri let out a low rumbling noise, not from his throat but from his stomach. He's not much of an indulger in eating, or most other things, but he keeps himself fairly healthy in terms of nutrition. Especially having gone through the godaweful journey from Ravok to Sunberth, food shortage and scurvy ran rampant throughout the travelling colony's journey. The path between the 2 regions was just very long and lacking settlements or farms along the way, add that to the limited speed as going faster than they already did would have consequences, for the carriage-horses more so than the people. But during such an 'expedition', the horses were far more important and valuable than any of the people in the colony. Cringing from the memories of that horrible passage, Dmitri decided to stock up on food and preservative salt. He only had limited storage and carrying capacity though, so it wasn't like he could buy food for the entire month, but he should be able to manage a good 5-7 days, if he didn't get robbed on the way back. The possibility of dangerous encounters, every time he went out in public, was something that he detested and enjoyed at the same time. It took him quite a while to get used to this city's mentality and anarchistic ways, but it made him feel that much more alive. He'd prefer being in a cagefight than being trapped in a golden cage, an epiphany that shook him to his core actually. As all he had known before now, was the golden cage, even if he never realized it at the time. Definitely food for thought, even if Dmitri could barely handle what he started to realize... Before Dmitri stepped out of his comfort zone, his own nest, he did his usual check that he trained day after day after day, punishing himself mentally and physically every time he had forgotten to do this most important routine. At the beginning it was tedious and sporadic to confirm he had his Night Eyes' Coin safely stashed still, beneath the exhausted candle on his desk, covered in wax and hidden from plain sight. Since there is rarely anyone in his room besides himself, the door locked at nearly all times and in the case a burglar does gain entry into his room, the odds of him taking a useless burnt out candle with him, was quite minimal. In Dmitri's opinion a much safer option than taking the coin with him wherever he went, as odds of being robbed and stripped of all earthly possessions, was far greater outdoors than indoors, especially in Sunberth! Apart from checking to see if his useless candle remained untouched and in position, he checked his outfit as well, particularly his headgear. Becoming a 'familiar face' is something he attempted to circumvent for as long as possible, it would intervene with his occupation to say the least. Usually chosing a dark coloured scarf, a dark mauve color being his favorite but changing as often as possible so that even that aspect of his appearance doesn't become branded in people's memories. Apart from those uniquely important confirmations, before leaving his personal den, he keeps an equally pinpoint-accurate eye on the lock on his door. While it's much more difficult to forget about it considering he needs to open it before leaving, he still focuses himself while locking it, solely on that action, for a professional assassin it would be one his best windows of time to strike, as Dmitri filters out everything else while handling the lock. It's barely a risk, at this point in time, to worry about though. Finally, he sets foot in the outside world and makes his way from The Sunset Quarters' Cheap Side towards the Baroque Bay to do some shopping. The early hours of the day were his favorite, when the sun just started shining its light upon the ancient city. As much of the riff-raff, ruffians and all sorts of criminals are still asleep at that time, not surprising as they usually stay up 'till the early hours of morning considering they operate best under night's blanket. Most of the days, Dmitri only encountered the more honest type of Sunberthians around that time, the people who tried their best to make a mostly honest living through hard work and 'legal' entrepeneurship. As he made his way through the city, he noticed a red thread during the morning, pamflets were neatly pinned on visible locations, they all had the same red mark on them...After Dmitri passed the 3rd one already, he decided to go check it out. |