Timestamp: 28th of Fall 'Petch it all, where is that damned food?!' Three days, three stomach churning days, without any food to be found in any of Sunberth's cursed stores, one after the other was closed, some even barred and borderline fortified! It was starting to get to Dmitri, most of the time the food wasn't anything to write home about, sometimes you could bash a head in with a loaf of bread, but it did its damned job of keeping his stomach full! Before Sunberth's finest residents, not that he wasn't one of them, had to ruin it all. Stores closed out of fear, or a form of pacifistic resistance, who the petch knows?! Nobody would care why anyway, all the people want is their tummy filled! This was the last straw, if that rotten caravan wasn't going to show up on the designated location in half a bell, he would grab the first person that came too close and go for a bite. 'Shyke!' Amidst the large gathering of people, Dmitri waited impatiently. His hands balling up into fists every then and again, from behind his stupidly mismatched sjawl around his lowerface, he alternated between biting his lip and grinding his teeth. He started to feel like a dire beast the longer he had to wait, especially now that there was a good chance he was going to get to eat, the waiting was 10 times more difficult. It had been half a bell...The hungering rage was boiling Now a bell...His lip started bleeding from biting too hard Over three bells... So close to losing it... Dusk...Simultaneous eruption of manic rage, screams and frustration all around him! Dmitri suddenly found himself amid the most erratic clash he had ever been in, the shouts of rage, the screams of pain and fear, bones breaking, piercing shanks and deathrattles....Nothing came close to the deafening sound of his hunger. Fear, composure, rationality and even humanity had to make way for Dmitri's overbearing, borderline insane, hatred to all that was alive and around him! At first he only kicked heelfirst to anyone before him in the savage crowd, throwing enraged fists at anything in his range, whether it was a face he had smashed his knuckles in, the back of someone's head, or kicking a pregnant, shrieking woman trying to get to safety. He couldn't give 2 shykes less! Everyone had to pay, everyone had to suffer! After the booming howls of his stomach and rage almost had died down, and he started to realize he needed to get out of the eye of the storm before it was too late...Someone nailed him. Literally, some punk had apparently brought or found a wooden board with rusted petching nails still in it, and the guts to slam it against Dmitri's side. The force of the blow hurt more than the few minor puncture wounds. The savage roar of pain and desire to rend the brat's flesh from his petching face mixed in with the other remaining fighters' howls, few as there were at that point, the fighting had seriously gotten out of hand. Bodies, unconscious, trampled or simply straight-up murdered lay sprawled all around him, eating gravel and dust. But this was no time to be impressed or worried about the savage nature of man...No no, this was not that kind of time, not after that boy'o had dared to strike him like that. ...This was time for some good ol' fun! |