Hello NaNo Folks!
This thread is to show off your NaNo creations, helper programs, and all kinds of fun things involving NaNo since its now in full swing.
We can even warp this into a Calendar Contest if we want too.
I wanted to let people know about "Write Or Die" as a program. Its a fantastic writer's aid that lets you program in how many words you want to write, how fast you want to write them, and it punishes you if you stop or pause. How? It starts changing color, shrieking like crying babies, nails on chalkboard, etc. I love using it during NaNo. I've also created several calendars to assist my word goals. I tend to do 100K so I doubled the word goals on mine.
What are your tools and tricks? Do you have favorite brews or snacks for NaNo? Show some love and encourage your favorite NaNo friends.
My Goss Calender that's now my desktop background:
The one I made for Kavala: