by Keres on October 24th, 2010, 5:18 am
After becoming comfortable with so many people around him so often, Keres had taken to wandering the streets of the city from time to time just to watch what people did. The more he watched these people the more he found disparity between this city and the only other city that he had even known, Wind Reach. Which one is the oddity, he would often wonder as watched these people behaving in ways that would have lead to deadly duals were they Inarta.
On this day, he also chose to do something that he would have though to be rather dangerous. Today, he walked with two of the wooden practice swords that he had been familiarizing himself with tied onto either side of his belt. He wanted to know the feel of walking with a sword, but had no sword to try it out with, and since walking around armed didn't seem to be a problem in this city, he only seemed odd because his swords were wooden. None the less, he found every excuse to pull his cloak over them so as not to advertise.
Keres simply walked along in that way, exploring the city and watching the people move. If what Verduth had in mind was going to work, Keres would need to put his reservations about humans behind him and socialize with these people more. But how to start with these strangers who spoke that language that was so strange to Keres?
After a while, in an area that he did not know, Keres noticed another wanderer: another man of the likes that Keres had not seen before. This blue skinned man was obviously some sort of athlete, but what sort, he had no idea. Keres considered him for a moment, then the idea struck him, What would Verduth do? Verduth would just walk up to the man and greet the man, Keres though to himself.
As he approached the blue man, Keres considered this thought more carefully. Where Verduth would likely say something like “Wow, you're blue,” Keres didn't see that working well for him. So he chose something that seemed more safe.
“Greetings.” Well, when you don't know what to say, just start simple.