.I was asked a couple questions recently that has prompted me to go on a bit of a schpeel. This isn't angry just a bit about my observations and things you as players should be aware of. I'll start with NPC's.
NPC's that you are going to regularly interact with must be accompanied with a write-up. Are you going to learn something from them? They must have a write-up. Are they your employer? Write-up. Are they a figure who regularly appears in your threads? Write up.
Now, whether they fall into the realm of Personal or City NPC's, that's up to you though I may nudge it in the appropriate direction if I feel it's needed.
What about random thread fillers? I don't mind these. In fact, Zeltiva is one of the largest cities in Mizahar in terms of population with roughly 18,000 to 20,000 people living here at any given time. You're going to bump into people. Are you a thief who's profession has been officially signed off and in your SS thread? Steal to your hearts content. You can even approach me about picking up a few extra mizas if you want. (All rewards would need my seal of approval though) But don't be surprised when suddenly you have a Guardsman or two after you. In fact, that should be a regular occurrence. Have fun with it. Just because you get caught doesn't mean you'll spend obnoxious amounts of time in prison or get executed.
Zeltiva is unique in being a city where the Law is debated in court rooms and players can hire an attorney to defend them. Why? Reasons for that will be released very soon. Suffice it to say bureaucracy is Zeltiva's middle name.
Are you a Guardsman? A mercenary? This city is Eastern Mizahar's central trade hub. It sees traffic from most of the seaworthy cities in Sylira, Eyktol, Cyphrus and even Kalea. (See
trade routes) You can find things in Zeltiva you might not be exposed to in other cities in the region. Just run it by me. Unless there's a special note on the Price List or it's something completely outlandish the chances of you being able to find it in the city's markets is very good.
Zeltiva is a
wealthy city. That wealth is constantly in motion because it's what keeps the city alive. It's people are hearty (they might be a little rough around the edges) but they're intelligent, strong willed and very spirited. Don't have anything to do? Submit something to
The Crier's Board. There are a lot of things to do besides dithering about at the World's End Grotto and the Kelp Bar.
So what am I saying? Have fun.
Use the environment at your disposal. The worst that's going to happen is I'm going to poke you and say "you can't do this but you
can do this". I know things are kinda hum-drum at the moment and I am working on that slowly but steadily. But that shouldn't stop you.
Happy Writing,