Kanzora Sehol

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Kanzora Sehol

Postby KanzoraSehol on September 29th, 2009, 1:16 am

Kanzora Sehol
"Killing is not a sign of power, only a lustful tactic used to scare others into following you."
(Snake Form: Viper)


Physical Information

Race: Dhani
Birthday & Age : 13th Spring 449AV (60 years old)
Gender: Male

Physical Description
Kanzora is a short, lean child in looks. HIs body stands at only five foot three inches, and one hundred and ten pounds. Most of his weight comes from muscle that he builds from climbing so often. At a glance, most see him as skinny and think of him as weak. Kanzora most often wears a dark cape over his body, but if he takes it off you will see more muscle deffinition in his upper arms then anywhere else on his body. His legs are a close second, Kanzora runs alot, and thus builds up a fair share muscle there as well. On the left half of his body, is a permanent scar of what he is, a scar that warns anyone else who sees it that he is not entirely human, but a feared animal, the scales of his snake form show through, lightly, but enough to be visible from a comfortable distance.

A baby face, is what most describe the chubbiness to Kanzoras face as. His long blonde hair compliment his brown eyes beautifully. Often however in his human form, Kanzora wears ice blue contacts, because of the fact that brown is one of his least favorite colors, he doesn't like it in his eyes. He could be thought of as beautiful to some, and others may hate his looks, to each his own.

Dark clothing and long covering clothing are Kanzoras style. He likes to hide his body as much as possible from view. Though he is a carnivore, Kanzora likes to make friends with humans, when he isn't hungry, so he needs large clothing to hide his scars. His average outfit consists of a long dark colored cape or tabard that is normally either brown or black, a large black sweater, worn over a smaller, but still big dark tee. The sweatshirt contains two pockets on either side, and a zipper down the middle, though he never unzips it. Kanzoras pants are a dark forest green at most times, other times it could be a dark scarlet, or even a lakeside blue. The pants are normal jeans, colored differently with two pockets on either side. Kanzora always wears a belt, and has at least two pockets hanging on each side.

In his snake form, Kanzora is small for his age, only six and a half feet long. His body glimmers with a golden and black coat of slick scales, used to glide along the floor of the earth. His eyes are dark brown slits, his forked tounge constantly flickering. When he opens up his hood, the beautiful snake flashes a brilliant silver, stunning to some compared to the rest of his body.

Character Concept
Kanzora is a level headed person normally, his personality always goes directly to dinner when he is hungry, but on a normal basis Kanzora could be pretty easy to get along with. He looks at the darker side of life, pessimistic one could say, however he does not go to any extremes, he does not cut, nor does he jump in joy at ponies. He likes the quiet, a life in the city is not for him. Kanzora enjoys his peaceful life with not many around, especially because when he does get hungry his killings mostly go unnoticed by most.

Kanzoras entire life is based off of money. He does whatever he can to get more and more. Posessions are his obsession. Kanzoras entire goal in life is to collect the most items anyone has every collected. He wants everything. He loves to trade, becoming a master tradesmen is another goal, he wants to be able to make tons of money off of what he makes for free, or at a low cost. Besides money though, Kanzora often enjoys climbing trees to there tops, looking at the sights there are upon the world. Sometimes going for the occasional swim.

Cold is his enemy. Kanzora cannot stand the cold, in extreme conditions Kanzora will actually leave his place, and go somewhere else until it passes. He hates sleep, and therefore hates hibernation, which is what the cold brings him. He also dislikes the racist on his own kind. Many other Dhani think that he is an average one, loving to kill, fond of torture. Kanzora will kill only when he needs to, because he needs to feed on blood and skin. Thought besides that, Kanzora would rather not kill the helpless.

Character History
Kanzoras history is all a blur to him, at the age of thirty two, his mind was wiped by a powerful wizard, one by which his name is not remembered. Kanzora has no remembrence of his parents, and is not seeking to remember them. His personal life of the past has no meaning to him, and he is a firm believer in here and now.

After the wipe, Kanzora spent almost two years regaining the pieces of who he was, what he was made of. His general knoledge was good enough to buy a lease on a cottage, where he would pay off and live for a long time. He began to collect and gather many things throughout his adventure, he had no job, and made a living by selling the things that he managed to find. This became a full time job, and he became fond of it, soon learning how to make things that people could actually use and selling them for more. He wasn't, and still isn't a particularly known merchant, but is normally worth stopping by if your in town, most of Kanzoras goods are cheaper then store bought ones.

Kanzora lived for a long time on the simple fact of finding and selling, every once in awhile killing a buyer for food, and stealing his money anyway. This could have been an easier way to make money, but Kanzora realized after the wipe, that punishing the innocent was cruel, and vowed to himself that he would not kill or torture unless he absoloutely needed to for food. Kanzora has led his life this way for almost twenty years, and will continue to do so for quite awhile.

10/100 Poisons (Racial)
10/100 Daggers (Starting Package)
20/100 Leatherworking (Starting Package)
10/100 Woodworking(Starting Package)
10/100 Hunting (Starting Package)

Lore of Talera Animals (Starting Package)
Lore of Clothes Making (Starting Package)

Equipment and Possessions
[indent]1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.
Small Skinning Knife


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"When your breath is so shallow, your bones so weak. Your only thoughts are of those to wish its end. Those are the moments you cherrish, the ones you remember."
Posts: 16
Words: 7758
Joined roleplay: September 28th, 2009, 3:35 am
Race: Dhani

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