1st Day of Autumn Roth flinched, the first thing he was aware of being a pounding headache. Must have hit my head… he thought, lifting a hand up to his forehead. It was wet and warm, and the air smelled like the saltwater it always did with the light copper tinge that meant someone in the pod was in trouble. That someone was bleeding. Every joint in his body ached, and every inch of his skin was harboring fresh bruises from his thrashing. But what thrashing had that been? It all rushed together at once. The dark clouds, the churning sea, the storm ahead, deciding to sail through it. Not being enough. Roths eyes flew open and he ignored the salty burn and red blur that was his blood as he shot upward. He wasn’t supposed to be the only one on the boat. “Samri! Samri, where are you?!” he shouted, struggling to stand against the handrailing. The Waterwife was in surprisingly good shape, all things considered. The mast was intact, the sail only having a few minor tears. The deck was covered in seawater and there was no doubt that the storage area of the ship had at least an inch of logged seawater, but for surviving the storm she’d done well. But Samri, Roths younger sister and First Mate of The Waterwife was missing. A quick once over of the ship confirmed his suspicions, Samri was not onboard. She must have fallen off in the storm. Frantic, Roth dove to the bow, stumbling as he went from the aches his body placed upon him like weighted belts on every limb. Grasping the railing he stared out to sea, gazing across the unusuall calm ocean surrounded by an enormous circular wall of churning clouds. They were in the eye of the storm, and their time here wouldn’t last. If he was going to find her, he needed to find her soon. Time was running out. That’s when he noticed the splashing, some quarter knot away. Samri was in the water. |